"borrowed" some MTG from the barn today..now my scalp is on fire..normal?


New Member
So, I hear off and on about MTG. On my horsey BBs some riders that are cancer survivors admit to smurfing their horses MTG to regro their hair faster and thicker.

I noticed we had a new bottle. I started using it a horse we have that has very sensitvbe skin on his legs and hair always is sparse. his tail is orrible to. I apply about 4 times a week and with 2 weeks use he has had great growth,.

i know I am NOT a horse. But as i said I have known humans who use it with consent of their docs.

So today after co washing, DCing and moisturizing my hair. I applied drops of MTG along my hair line (desperately need more growth here) and rubbed in.

1o mintues later lots o tingling. 60 minutes latter a little tingle, some itching.

Is this normal? do you become immune to it after a while.
Is it burning or just itching? If it's burning, I would discontinue using it. If it's itching, it may be a sign of your follicles being stimulated.:look:
If it's burning it sounds like you may have a sulfur allergy. If it's tingling and doesn't last very long then that's normal, I had that too when I used it. Did your skin breakout or become red?