Boring "Blank" Date


New Member
Last night I went out on a date with a guy that I had met online and we had been conversing for about 3-4 weeks. Ladies he was a very nice looking, articulate, sweet guy, dapper in appearance, gentlemanly, but he was boring as hell. We met for drinks, he took me to a spoken word\singer\rapping performance which was great then to dinner. It was a very nice restaurant and there were no prices on the menu LOL, plus he ordered a bottle of the bubbly. The conversation was so forced but on the phone we were fine. UGH.

I think the issue is that the other guy that I met and went out with first, I am into and honestly if I wouldn't have already accepted this date previously to going out with the first guy, I wouldn't have done it. I didn't want to wrap myself up too quickly so I went. While I was watching the performance I was just thinking of ways to get out of the dinner afterwards. But, I thought maybe the conversation would be good, sorely mistaken.

The first guy already wants to be exclusive and it putting it all out there. I am going to take my chances with guy #1.

Just wanted to vent.

ETA: He has been calling and texting all day,talking about the great connection we had last night. HUH, WTH, who was he out with?
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First dates are awkward. Maybe he was nervous.

Although I do agree...I hate talking to men when it seems like I have to pull teeth! I wonna know that he's as fully engaged in the conversation as I am. :yep:
Damn OP, I don't look forward to this at all when I start dating. I was telling my girlfriend earlier today ... forcing convo on a date and being out with someone I'm completely not interested in.
ETA: He has been calling and texting all day,talking about the great connection we had last night. HUH, WTH, who was he out with?

It's so weird when that happens, isn't it? I think it usually means that the two people are looking for different things and are interested/entertained by different things. He enjoyed your company, you didn't enjoy his...Or the guy might be physically attracted and not really paying attention to much else anyway. But, it's great you've got the guy you're really into anyway.
He has been calling and texting all day,talking about the great connection we had last night. HUH, WTH, who was he out with?

you... you.... you....
you dreamboat

ah...& he sounds like a sweetie..and he showed you a nice time n' all
but if there's no chemistry for you...well..then

by the way.........
I guess I will settle and be a "Midlife crisis old biddie sittin home with 10 cats"

one question
and just who is this ..woman?????:lachen:
one question
and just who is this ..woman?????:lachen:
This young girl started a thread a while back. Her and her new boyfriend was making prank calls to her old boyfriend. She though that it was a hoot and saw nothing wrong with it. She said she wanted to get all of that crap out of her system. She was sorta slammed in the post anyway. She said she didn't want to be an old bittie sitting at home with cats or something similar to that. So I replied that I would settle......... then making stupid arse prank calls. LOL So I made it part of my signature.

See below:
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It's so weird when that happens, isn't it? I think it usually means that the two people are looking for different things and are interested/entertained by different things. He enjoyed your company, you didn't enjoy his...Or the guy might be physically attracted and not really paying attention to much else anyway. But, it's great you've got the guy you're really into anyway.
Crazy thing, is we were talking about past relationships. He said in his last relationship, he was not compatible with the woman, yet he stayed with her abeit on and off for 3 years. So I guess men do settle. He said that they got together at a vurnable time in his life. He had just split with his wife and he said now he realizes that he should have just nipped it in the bud a long time ago. He said it was over this past summer, because he couldn't take it any more. I ask why did he let it go on for so long and he didn't have an answer.

Me thinks that could possibly be me if I did consider having a future with him. I can't go there.
I just woulda tried to have given it one more chance...

Last night when he got a hold of me, he mentioned dinner next week in passing but he didn't outright ask, so I let it slide. I hate when guys do that, just ask. I don't fall for that lame trick anymore. I have done so in the past.

Old me:
Guy: So, what are you doing next week?
Me: Oh, nothing just hanging out:
Guy: We should get togther and do something.
Me: Oh, like what?
Guy: Dinner, movie....
Me: How about we go to X on Tuesday?
Guy: Sure

New me:
Guy: So, what are you doing next week?
Me: I have a couple of things in the fire, I have to look at my planner.
Guy: Can you fit me in at some point for dinner?
Me: Hold on, let me look and see. Thursday is a good day.
Guy: Where do you want to go.
Me: I like Bravo's at the Waterfront, I can meet you there at 7p

In the past, as you can see, I basically ask the guy for a date, loser move. Me be a little busy has really made a different.

My Guy #1 I saw him on a Saturday and didn't see him again until the following Thursday. He was in a tizzy. He caught me during finals week. I obviously couldn't see him the following Sunday. I have class Mon & Wed nights until 9p and on Tues I was prepping for my Wed class, so Thursday was truly the earliest opening to see him. Now I won't see him until this upcoming Wednesday which is magically my BIRTHDAY. Go SAG. That is just how it happened. If boring dude wants to see me it won't be until Friday again, if I decided to go out with him.
I wouldnt cut old dude off. Just because the cool one wants to be exclusive doesn't mean he's earned the right yet. You may never know, keep the other one around as well... and just be easy.
I wouldnt cut old dude off. Just because the cool one wants to be exclusive doesn't mean he's earned the right yet. You may never know, keep the other one around as well... and just be easy.
Yes, I decided it would be best to date both. I am no one's girlfriend as of yet. They both seem nice. I just don't want to get sloppy. I will keep a level head.
Nice, kind, generous can seem boring-are the men right when they say women throw away the nice/good guys?..Stressful men can feel like excitement. Give the guy a few chances.
ETA: He has been calling and texting all day,talking about the great connection we had last night. HUH, WTH, who was he out with?

I have so been there..

Nice, kind, generous can seem boring-are the men right when they say women throw away the nice/good guys?..Stressful men can feel like excitement. Give the guy a few chances.

I will take one of those guys right now...
Last night I went out on a date with a guy that I had met online and we had been conversing for about 3-4 weeks. Ladies he was a very nice looking, articulate, sweet guy, dapper in appearance, gentlemanly, but he was boring as hell. We met for drinks, he took me to a spoken word\singer\rapping performance which was great then to dinner. It was a very nice restaurant and there were no prices on the menu LOL, plus he ordered a bottle of the bubbly. The conversation was so forced but on the phone we were fine. UGH.

I think the issue is that the other guy that I met and went out with first, I am into and honestly if I wouldn't have already accepted this date previously to going out with the first guy, I wouldn't have done it. I didn't want to wrap myself up too quickly so I went. While I was watching the performance I was just thinking of ways to get out of the dinner afterwards. But, I thought maybe the conversation would be good, sorely mistaken.

The first guy already wants to be exclusive and it putting it all out there. I am going to take my chances with guy #1.

Just wanted to vent.

ETA: He has been calling and texting all day,talking about the great connection we had last night. HUH, WTH, who was he out with?

Umm, I think that is a good sign. Awkwardness shows that on his part, he is so shy or afraid of messing up that he doesn't want to say the wrong thing. he doens't want to offend you so he is choosing his words very wisely instead of having diahreaa of the mouth. Seems like he respects you and wants it to turn into something more, thus taking it slowly and trying to feel you out first.

now, if he was too comfortable that would be a sign that he might not care if he slipped up and said the wrong thing.

I think you guys can grow from here but just imagine if he would've said something like, "Yeah, so-and-so has some good hair." to a LHCF member, *gasp*:blush::lachen:
I wouldnt cut old dude off. Just because the cool one wants to be exclusive doesn't mean he's earned the right yet. You may never know, keep the other one around as well... and just be easy.

I agree he sounds extra... What's cute now... that he's in a tizzy because he hasn't seen you and he wants to be exclusive could very well be signs of insecurities..

Enjoy your Bday but don't rush for the exclusive all inclusive package deal.
More importantly give yourself some real time with each guy before you decide. There is a reason and a season for everyone... Trust!!!