Bootcampers! Left! Left! Left! Right! Left!


New Member
For all the coloring lovelies who joined me in bootcamp - I just wanted to post my results so far after doing bootcamp for a month. I know there's lots of challenges going on so if you don't feel like posting yet another update I understand, I just wanted to post mine for those that were interested and for those whom it might help.

I got a relaxer yesterday (Motions Oil in Mild, Deep Conditioned with Emergencee, got a Colorshines in Gleaming Copper and rollerset) and my hair appears to have grown a nice amount. Nothing drastic, but it's getting there and it's the longest it's ever been since I've been on the boards. I did not get a trim with this touch up because I want to really retain some of what I've gained and I didn't think I needed one.

I've been doing a milder protein treatment as a deep conditioner every 3 washes (which is adding up to about once a week now - I wash three times a week and conditioner wash with Pantene DMR about one or two of the other days) and moisturizing conditioners for all of the other washes.

My hair is feeling strong, has recovered well from coloring this time around, and I've been wearing it in curls a lot. After a few washes I'll go back to that. I want to do a few rollersets to allow the excess Sebastian's to rinse out some, and then I'll wear it curly again.

These are the protein treatments I've been alternating weekly. They all do the same thing basically and I rotate them just to have some variety.

Dudley's Hair Rebuilder
Nexxus Vitatress Cystine Treatment
La Maur Bone Marrow
Jherri Redding Protein Pac

For Moisturizing Conditioners I've been alternating the following:

NACIDIT Aciete Oliva
Pantene DMR (I always use this as a final rinse no matter what my conditioning regime for a particular wash)
HE Intensive Blends Conditioning Balm
Biolage Conditioning Balm (I'm still looking for the new one)
VO5 Hot Creme

I follow every protein treatment with a moisturizing conditioner. I leave the protein conds. in with heat for 10 minutes. I leave the mois. conds. in - no heat - for 30 minutes whether they follow a protein treatment or not.

I started my vits again too.

How are you guys doing?
Hi Tracy!!

Congrats on your successful touchup!! Please post some new pics soon, I'd love to see your hair w/ that Copper rinse, and also in your curly style!!:)

I'm doing pretty well with my Bootcamp... I'm planning on retouching my color (Textures & Tones Bronze) in about 2 weeks. I still haven't tried my Colourshines yet!! My roots are looking dark, I definitely need to touch them up for the summer!!

I've been treating my hair well; not using heat, except for when rollersetting. For the past 2 weeks I've only air-dried. I use a creamy protein conditioner weekly, and do hot oil treatments twice a month. Deep condition with every wash, with heat.

Been taking my vitamins - a MultiVit, Biotin, & MSM.

I'm happy that I haven't had any setbacks with my hair. If it keeps up this way, I should definitely be at brastrap by my b-day in November!!
Hi Tracy!

Congratulations on your successful touchup! Thanks for doing the check-in post. I'm happy with my hair: still doing the Colorshines but I'm sick of my pale highlights so I've been doing dark rinses every 6 weeks. I still do weekly protein conditioners (GPB, Elucence Extended Moisture Repair), followed by moisturizing conditioners. I still rinse or CW my hair daily, although I do an actual shampoo wash at least once a week with color-friendly shampoo (followed by the requisite moisturizing cond.).

Let's see...what else?...oh yeah, and I finally settled on a combo (for now) that my somewhat fickle hair seems to like: Infusium 23, Unfrizz Smoothing Treatment, WGO, airdry and wear d/s ponytail. It hasn't been that long since my last touchup (3/26) but I'm curious to see how long I will go this time. Oh yeah - and I've been consistently taking my supplements...and have even managed to fit in warm oil preshampoo treatments.

I have no idea how much longer my hair will be if/when I decide to get a touch up but I DO know that it hasn't been this thick and healthy since I went back to relaxing 2 1/2 years ago.

My goal is to get my hair like yours, Tracy!