Book suggestions for the newly saved


Well-Known Member
What are some good book recommendations for someone that is newly saved? I've been reading the Bible much more, but I would like a good Christian book to read. I know this is a broad question, sorry, but I don't know too much about any Christian books out there, for years I've mostly read New Age type books. I'm excited to read a good Christian book, so all recommendations are welcomed :yep:.
Oh, I have Kingdom Principles by Myles Monroe but I'd like to add some more books to my arsenal.

Praise God you are beautiful is that!
I will keep trying to think of books that helped me when I was restored to being closer to the Lord

Praise God you are beautiful is that!
I will keep trying to think of books that helped me when I was restored to being closer to the Lord


Thanks! I was hoping you'd come in here and suggest something :yep:
Hi Ms. Britt there are alot of real good christian books... are you mainly looking for fiction or non-fiction books. For non fiction , Battlefield of the Mind or The Secret to True Happiness both by Joyce Meyer are really good. There are also alot of good christian fiction books, too.
Hi Ms. Britt there are alot of real good christian books... are you mainly looking for fiction or non-fiction books. For non fiction , Battlefield of the Mind or The Secret to True Happiness both by Joyce Meyer are really good. There are also alot of good christian fiction books, too.

Hi !
I'd like to start out with non-fiction, however, if you know of a good fiction good, i'd be happy to look into that too. I know Coffee posted a book called "The Shack"... but if you know of any Christian romance novels, please feel free to let me know :yep:. I'm quite confused about romance/sex/dating for Christians.. but I suppose that's a whole nother topic :look:.. one day at a time.
Hello Britt :)
The books I keep going to again and again...are these first two

The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
and Your Best Life Now,Joel Osteen

There are also Norman Vincent Peale mini books..THOSE ARE THE BEST
They even have a condensed little book of The Power of Positive Thinking which I like even better than full book... and another good one mini ... Thought Conditioners
they only cost a buck each at my church. I tried to find them at the guideposts
but not there.:nono: Maybe if you called their toll free...1-800-204-3772 and ask

The Prayer of Jabez....Bruce Wilkinson
and The Purpose Driven Life....Rick Warren

Whether these personally speak to you or not.....supporting you all the way
your journey to getting closer to the Lord

Jeremiah 29:11-13
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.
congratulations Britt :) I just recently renewed my faith a few weeks ago. i just ordered some books off of Blackexpressions and the ones that are Christian books are (I haven't read them yet but they got good, positive reviews):

I Dare You (being more passionate about the life God has given us and learning how to fulfill our purpose)
by Joyce Myers

Can I Get a Witness (Christian fiction book)
by ReShonda Tate Billingsley

Redemption (Christian fiction love story)
by Jacquelin Thomas

At home I also have:

How to Hear from God
by Joyce Myers

The Bondage Breaker
by Neil Anderson

Cure for the Common Life
by Max Lucado

Listen to Your Life
by Valerie Burton

Daily Promises for Women of Color
Soul Matters for the Heart