Bone straight with BKT?


New Member
So, for the winter months I have decided to rock a wig. I posted pictures of it when I got it. Anyway, i LOVE it. It looks nice, it's easy to style and I really thinking it will help my hair stay healthy during the winter. I love it so much in fact, im thinking about how I can get my own hair to look like that once the wig comes off.

I have natural hair right now, but I am thinking about doing or getting a texturizer. From what I have read a texturizer + BKT equals bone straight hair. My question is, if I do this will my hair be very damaged? I dont want to loose my progress that I have made so far. Does anyone have any pics of black women with bone straight hair?

I wont be doing this until it gets warmer outside so I will have PLENTY of time to think about it. But I think I really want to and I would like to get more info. So, anyone?
So, for the winter months I have decided to rock a wig. I posted pictures of it when I got it. Anyway, i LOVE it. It looks nice, it's easy to style and I really thinking it will help my hair stay healthy during the winter. I love it so much in fact, im thinking about how I can get my own hair to look like that once the wig comes off.

I have natural hair right now, but I am thinking about doing or getting a texturizer. From what I have read a texturizer + BKT equals bone straight hair. My question is, if I do this will my hair be very damaged? I dont want to loose my progress that I have made so far. Does anyone have any pics of black women with bone straight hair?

I wont be doing this until it gets warmer outside so I will have PLENTY of time to think about it. But I think I really want to and I would like to get more info. So, anyone?
It depends on your Hair, if i did both i would most likely get severe breakage (My hair doesn't do well with alot of chemicals), so for me BKT (without) a texturizer would be my only option. I would suggest you do the BKT First and then if its not to your liking try a Texturizer and possibly rollersets as well :)
Since BKT is not a chemical treatment, and you really want bone straight results, you can tex-lax first, THEN do a BKT. Hopefully those that have done both will chime in. Many here have done it. I am natural, and only do BKT, with bone straight results. :yep:
My ultimate goal is that with the texturizer and BKT that I can let my hair air dry and it will be more or less bone straight. I don't mind a little bit of wavyness to it, but minimal.
Since BKT is not a chemical treatment, and you really want bone straight results, you can tex-lax first, THEN do a BKT. Hopefully those that have done both will chime in. Many here have done it. I am natural, and only do BKT, with bone straight results. :yep:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't BKT Formaldehyde? That is a chemical; just not sodium hydroxide. Maybe I'm confusing BKT with something else.