Bone-Straight Relaxer


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies. Can y'all recommend a good relax that will get my hair bone straight? Over the past 6 months, I have relaxed my hair twice and both times my relaxer has reverted back with a week or two. This makes it hard for me to judge how much new growth I have. Therefore, I have decided to ask the ladies of LHCF for help in recommending a good relaxer which will actually straighten my hair.
i don't think relaxers revert... i just think some hair doesn't take well to relaxing. case in point - MINE. my hair always came out underprocessed now matter how long i left it on my head. :look:

then again i was using no-lye. i heard lye-based relaxers work better and cause your hair to dry out less. so if i ever go back to relaxing, it'll be lye all the way. :yep:

i know that didn't really answer your question though... :look: so hopefully someone will come in with better knowledge of relaxers and help you out.
Yeah sounds like you're underprocessed. Are you doing it yourself? Did you use the same relaxer both times? It may not have been smoothed enough or left on long enough. I dont know if you're using lye or no lye but if you want bone strait hair you probably want to be using lye. I have yet to meet a relaxer that won't take if done properly.
Yeah sounds like you're underprocessed. Are you doing it yourself? Did you use the same relaxer both times? It may not have been smoothed enough or left on long enough. I dont know if you're using lye or no lye but if you want bone strait hair you probably want to be using lye. I have yet to meet a relaxer that won't take if done properly.

No, I don't do it myself. I have a friend do it for me. Yes, I used the same relaxer both times. I believe that I'm using a no-lye relaxer. It always comes out straight right after I relaxer. But after a few weeks of washing my hair, it's almost like I didn't relax my hair to begin with.
No, I don't do it myself. I have a friend do it for me. Yes, I used the same relaxer both times. I believe that I'm using a no-lye relaxer. It always comes out straight right after I relaxer. But after a few weeks of washing my hair, it's almost like I didn't relax my hair to begin with.

first off, what relaxer did you use? there is a relaxer called jayme that ive used that got my hair bone straight and i didnt even sit that long with it on. design essentials is another good one. but in your case you may need regular instead of mild
first off, what relaxer did you use? there is a relaxer called jayme that ive used that got my hair bone straight and i didnt even sit that long with it on. design essentials is another good one. but in your case you may need regular instead of mild

I currently use supreme ultra sheen relaxer.
Years ago I used TCB Bone Straight. I got it at Sally's. Optimum would get my hair straight as well. Motions did get my hair straight at first but eventually kept getting under processed. I don't think it matters so much which relaxer but the techniques and strength of the relaxer.
first off, what relaxer did you use? there is a relaxer called jayme that ive used that got my hair bone straight and i didnt even sit that long with it on. design essentials is another good one. but in your case you may need regular instead of mild

Co-signing on the Design Essentials - I have the regular strength lye one.