Bone-Laxers - I got a question


New Member
Hey Friends!

When you are relaxing your hair.....

1) Are you leaving the relaxer on a little longer?
2) Using a stronger relaxer?

I currently have Mizani BB for fine hair and it is great as it doesn't get me bone straight (which is cool) - now I want to go bone straight so I can stretch a little longer and was contemplating leaving the MBB on my hair for an extra five minutes versus buying stronger(lack of a better word) formula.

My hair is baby fine so I would rather not get the next strength...just tryin' to get some ideas

Hey Friends!

When you are relaxing your hair.....

1) Are you leaving the relaxer on a little longer?
2) Using a stronger relaxer?

I currently have Mizani BB for fine hair and it is great as it doesn't get me bone straight (which is cool) - now I want to go bone straight so I can stretch a little longer and was contemplating leaving the MBB on my hair for an extra five minutes versus buying stronger(lack of a better word) formula.

My hair is baby fine so I would rather not get the next strength...just tryin' to get some ideas


Sorry, this isn't an answer to your question... I just had a question about what you stated above in bold.

When you relax "bone straight", this allows you to stretch your relaxers LONGER?? :shocked: IS that true? I didn't know that!

I always thought that you could stretch longer if you had a MILD relaxer in your hair because the mild strength gets your hair closer to your new-growth texture, and so thus...less breakage. Is this incorrect reasoning? :confused:
I use MBB regular, but I it sounds like I have a coarser texture than you. When my (former) stylist used MBB on me, she swore she was using MBB mild and my hair got pretty straight. I don't doubt that she was really using the mild, but I don't think I'd have the skills to get my hair that straight w/ a mild. Shoot, I still get a few underprocessed areas with the regular strength.

Anyway, she did recently give me some advice. When I told her that I relaxed and neutralized in sections, because I can't work quickly enough with the relaxer to do the whole head at once, she advised me to use a mild relaxer and then even if I was slow it would be okay because the mild would have time to work and straighten my hair.

So based on that I am thinking that you could get your hair straight with the mild if you left it on to work a little longer.
Sorry, this isn't an answer to your question... I just had a question about what you stated above in bold.

When you relax "bone straight", this allows you to stretch your relaxers LONGER?? :shocked: IS that true? I didn't know that!

I always thought that you could stretch longer if you had a MILD relaxer in your hair because the mild strength gets your hair closer to your new-growth texture, and so thus...less breakage. Is this incorrect reasoning? :confused:

Some mild relaxers have bone straight results...MBB Mild does not (IMO)
I use MBB regular, but I it sounds like I have a coarser texture than you. When my (former) stylist used MBB on me, she swore she was using MBB mild and my hair got pretty straight. I don't doubt that she was really using the mild, but I don't think I'd have the skills to get my hair that straight w/ a mild. Shoot, I still get a few underprocessed areas with the regular strength.

Anyway, she did recently give me some advice. When I told her that I relaxed and neutralized in sections, because I can't work quickly enough with the relaxer to do the whole head at once, she advised me to use a mild relaxer and then even if I was slow it would be okay because the mild would have time to work and straighten my hair.

So based on that I am thinking that you could get your hair straight with the mild if you left it on to work a little longer.

Thanks Girl!!!! I may put a drop of oil in there just to buy me some time...
I use a regular strength and it comes out bone straight when i follow the timing directions on the package (i use hawaiian silky lye regular). i have baby fine strands as well, but last time i used a mild relaxer, it barely affected my hair at all.

i suppose if you want bone straight results, you could leave a mild relaxer on for more time. i don't know of anyone who's done this though... :scratchch:
Thanks Girl!!!! I may put a drop of oil in there just to buy me some time...

I would think the oil would take away from the straightening power by further buffering the active ingredient. If you are going for bone-laxed, the oil may hinder that.
Bumping to subscribe.

Also, Poookie, is there a natural red color to your hair?

There is a thread about red hair, even if baby fine, being resistant to chemicals!!!

Based on P&G's website!

I need a little bone straightness in my life. I have no control right now!
I use MBB regular, but I it sounds like I have a coarser texture than you. When my (former) stylist used MBB on me, she swore she was using MBB mild and my hair got pretty straight. I don't doubt that she was really using the mild, but I don't think I'd have the skills to get my hair that straight w/ a mild. Shoot, I still get a few underprocessed areas with the regular strength.

Anyway, she did recently give me some advice. When I told her that I relaxed and neutralized in sections, because I can't work quickly enough with the relaxer to do the whole head at once, she advised me to use a mild relaxer and then even if I was slow it would be okay because the mild would have time to work and straighten my hair.

So based on that I am thinking that you could get your hair straight with the mild if you left it on to work a little longer.

Supergirl, how many sections do you relax your hair in? And, do you relax each section, rinse and then move on to relax another section then when you have relaxed all sections and rinsed you neutralized your entire head or do you neutralize each section after you rinse them. And, how long do you leave the relaxer on per section.
I would think the oil would take away from the straightening power by further buffering the active ingredient. If you are going for bone-laxed, the oil may hinder that.

hmmm...point taken! I sometimes add protein to my relaxer, do you think that will take away from the straightness as well?
hmmm...point taken! I sometimes add protein to my relaxer, do you think that will take away from the straightness as well?
I wonder this,too. My first time self-relaxing I added 1 tbsp. of oil to the relaxer creme and my hair was severely underprocessed:wallbash: and having fine hair this was just pure torture to my tresses.
Hey Friends!

When you are relaxing your hair.....

1) Are you leaving the relaxer on a little longer?
2) Using a stronger relaxer?

I currently have Mizani BB for fine hair and it is great as it doesn't get me bone straight (which is cool) - now I want to go bone straight so I can stretch a little longer and was contemplating leaving the MBB on my hair for an extra five minutes versus buying stronger(lack of a better word) formula.

My hair is baby fine so I would rather not get the next strength...just tryin' to get some ideas


i do both! i use Super and leave it on longer.
mild relaxers do nothing for me. ive tried every brand
yes going bone straight allows me to stretch longer.
my hair is thick and coarse though.
if your hair is fine i suggest the regular or mild for a longer period
Thanks for all of the advice friends...I did leave it on longer with great results...rollersetting and getting under the dryer ...tired as shiggity - the things we go through for our hair...

And no there are no pictures and I don't feel like taking any pictures... :)
How dare you relax your hair and not have any pics. How many weeks post were you?

:lachen::lachen: I am tired tired tired tired and tired....:lachen::lachen: It is hard for me to take pictures anyway - that would have taken another 30 minutes of my "chill time" trying to get butt/bra naked, hold that camera at a good angle, get good lighting, etc...

Nine weeks....but I was planning on stretching for twelve...these doggone hair vitamins got my hair is growing great but I need to be able to manage my hair as I don't do any protective styling...
I bonelax my cousins hair and haive found that adding an half ounce of EVOO gives me enough time to finish her without overprocessing. Also does something wonderful for her hair as far as not overly stripping it. It comes out sooooooo pretty!
hmmm...point taken! I sometimes add protein to my relaxer, do you think that will take away from the straightness as well?

Definitely :yep: Both protein and oil are praised highly in the texlaxers support threads to inhibit relaxer effectiveness.

There are several ladies in the Keratin Treatment Support Thread that are using Brazilian Keratin Treatments to get their hair bone straight after a mild relax/texlax. I believe the pros are that they get bone straight results without the normally associated weaker, damaged hair. They also find that the BKT makes it easier for them to stretch longer. Someone even said they have a goal of relaxing once every six months with BKTs in between for manageability.

Veejee, AtlantaJJ and Fabulosity are all mildly relaxed and enjoying bone straight hair with the Softliss formaldehyde free BKT.

Check it out, OP.
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Definitely :yep: Both protein and oil are praised highly in the texlaxers support threads to inhibit relaxer effectiveness.

There are several ladies in the Keratin Treatment Support Thread that are using Brazilian Keratin Treatments to get their hair bone straight after a mild relax/texlax. I believe the pros are that they get bone straight results without the normally associated weaker, damaged hair. They also find that the BKT makes it easier for them to stretch longer. Someone even said they have a goal of relaxing once every six months with BKTs in between for manageability.

Veejee, AtlantaJJ and Fabulosity are all mildly relaxed and enjoying bone straight hair with the Softliss formaldehyde free BKT.

Check it out, OP.

I have been lurking that thread for a while...I am not that savvy with the flat iron - I may consider it sometime next year ...
Supergirl, how many sections do you relax your hair in? And, do you relax each section, rinse and then move on to relax another section then when you have relaxed all sections and rinsed you neutralized your entire head or do you neutralize each section after you rinse them. And, how long do you leave the relaxer on per section.

I relax in 3 sections. (see London Diva's tutorial) I treat each of the 3 sections separately meaning I rinse & neutralize each section after I finish that section. As far as timing, to be honest I don't time myself. I just rinse when I've worked the relaxer through and smoothed it 2-3 times and it seems to be as straight as I want it. One great thing about Mizani Butter Blends is that it gives me time to work. It seems hard to overprocess with that particular relaxer.
hmmm...point taken! I sometimes add protein to my relaxer, do you think that will take away from the straightness as well?

I definitely think that would interrupt your quest for straightness! Since the relaxer works by denaturing proteins, adding more protein in is giving the relaxer more protein to try to break down so to speak.
Definitely :yep: Both protein and oil are praised highly in the texlaxers support threads to inhibit relaxer effectiveness.

There are several ladies in the Keratin Treatment Support Thread that are using Brazilian Keratin Treatments to get their hair bone straight after a mild relax/texlax. I believe the pros are that they get bone straight results without the normally associated weaker, damaged hair. They also find that the BKT makes it easier for them to stretch longer. Someone even said they have a goal of relaxing once every six months with BKTs in between for manageability.

Veejee, AtlantaJJ and Fabulosity are all mildly relaxed and enjoying bone straight hair with the Softliss formaldehyde free BKT.

Check it out, OP.

That is very interesting. We are so talented with our techniques and ideas on this board! :D