Boastful Christian


New Member
How do you deal with a boastful Christian?

I know someone who is constantly reminding everyone else of what he does in the church as well as telling other people what they should do.

How do you deal with this?

I realize this person may have self-confidence issues and that is why he feels the need to talk about himself so much.

For example, at a small gathering, he brought up that one of the members was not saved. And that member was then saved that night. Now, many months later, he continues to remind us that "he" is the reason for this other person being saved. No focus on the amazing thing that happened to this person in being saved but just that "he" caused it.

I'm in a small group with this person and am trying to find the tolerance to deal.
You know there is nothing wrong in dealing with what is real and true right? I'd tell him you have spoke on that already, what you want a prize or award? Seriously do you? :lachen::lachen:
I think you need to find a scripture to set him straight. Isn't there a scripture that says something to the effect that we are saved by the grace of God and not by our works, so that no man should boast??? (I have the exact scripture written down at home - I will post it later.)
I think you need to find a scripture to set him straight. Isn't there a scripture that says something to the effect that we are saved by the grace of God and not by our works, so that no man should boast??? (I have the exact scripture written down at home - I will post it later.)
Hey somewhere in Hebrews I think. You don't have to quote scripture for him to know better.
I found these while looking online:

Jesus said "everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted." (Luke 14:11)

Paul says "I say to every man among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment." (Rom 12:3 NAS)
How do you deal with a boastful Christian?

I know someone who is constantly reminding everyone else of what he does in the church as well as telling other people what they should do.

How do you deal with this?

I realize this person may have self-confidence issues and that is why he feels the need to talk about himself so much.

For example, at a small gathering, he brought up that one of the members was not saved. And that member was then saved that night. Now, many months later, he continues to remind us that "he" is the reason for this other person being saved. No focus on the amazing thing that happened to this person in being saved but just that "he" caused it.

I'm in a small group with this person and am trying to find the tolerance to deal.

Just make sure before you approach him, that you have been prayerful about it and call on the Holy Spirit to guide you in what you should say or do.
I relate!

in small Christian intimate settings....
it's like someone's pouring miracle grow on e-v-e-r-y--b-o-d-y's issues

If it were me? I'd be focusing on why I'm the one being triggered
....and what's going on that I am so perturbed by annoying ...
but not destructive behavior that my own peace of mind and serenity hinges on trying to fix
..that person... is my voice is not being heard?
I certainly would not advise in a direct manner
trying to set this Christian straight ..biblically
because you personally don't care for his personality "style or trait"

if yo ufeel your own voice is stifled by inbalance
the group facilitator leader has a responsibilty to temper
and balance group dynamics with guidelines
for small group etiquette

ie>>cognizant of time in speaking
awareness of one person dominating
judging or advice giving... considered cross talk

If these are not in can approach the leader
to introduce and implement general guidelines
for everyone...
in the interest of a balanced group

so if some does overstep the established boundary
the faciltator says
let me just remind everyone of our guidelines
which are

if that's not the know... some people just rub us the wrong way
..bless them and as the beatles say..let it be
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I think if you brought these scriptures to his attention he would probably give you a lecture of what they means instead of applying them to his own life. Some people are just like that :perplexed. My mom told me that a person doesn't have to brag or boast about their religion because their actions will speak for them.

I am not saying that you shouldn't tackle the issue if it really bothers you and I can understand how it would. Keep in mind that he may take a defensive stance instead of listening to what you have to say. Just pray about it and let the spirit lead you.

I found these while looking online:

Jesus said "everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted." (Luke 14:11)

Paul says "I say to every man among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment." (Rom 12:3 NAS)
Just remember it's his problem not yours, but it became yours when you allowed what he says affect you. He has self confidence problems you said it so let it go and pray about it that he comes to terms with his own problems especially if it is going to be said in a negative way why add to his self confidence problems, we as Christians are to lead by example and just maybe one day he will realize that no one else is boasting because there is no need to and he will get it.
Oh gosh - you guys - I have NO intention of confronting him and giving him scriptures!! I am sure I have my own issues!

I am just trying to deal with it.
Just remember it's his problem not yours, but it became yours when you allowed what he says affect you. He has self confidence problems you said it so let it go and pray about it that he comes to terms with his own problems especially if it is going to be said in a negative way why add to his self confidence problems, we as Christians are to lead by example and just maybe one day he will realize that no one else is boasting because there is no need to and he will get it.

This is what I hope. I keep praying about it and asking God what I'm supposed to learn from this situation.
Oh gosh - you guys - I have NO intention of confronting him and giving him scriptures!! I am sure I have my own issues!

I am just trying to deal with it.
Oh your so sweet because before I know it I'd say ok now be quiet we know your wonderous and glorious Mister Man. :lachen:
I found these while looking online:

Jesus said "everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted." (Luke 14:11)

Paul says "I say to every man among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment." (Rom 12:3 NAS)
that should do it

sounds like he has a prideful spirit, which means also it could be a demonic influence, seducing him into that pride, which makes him feel better from some other emptiness in his soul, it could be so many things, but yes, this is how you deal with it, the Word and Prayer, he may have come to test, try or divide your group, especially if you are all coming together in the name of the Lord doing something for him.

Pride cometh before a fall < remind him of that!

Stay prayerful on it and him Hairlove:yep:
This is what I hope. I keep praying about it and asking God what I'm supposed to learn from this situation.
you are doing everything already

God will take care of the situation and you and direct you on what he has you to do , if anything at all concerning this individual
I think if you brought these scriptures to his attention he would probably give you a lecture of what they means instead of applying them to his own life. Some people are just like that :perplexed.

Now THAT is a great point. That said, here is the scripture I was thinking of earlier -- Ephesians 2:8-9:

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast"

Boasting confirms
that you feel inferior;

boasting of power, position, promotion,
success, status,soveriegnty reflects
a deep inner poverty;

don't make others
struggle to redeem
their ordinary lives
they hear
of your astounding strides;

be humble and silent about your achievements
and life will exalt you.........

Sometimes we all fall into the catergory of proud boastful christian.