Blunt Haircuts


New Member
I would love to have blunt hair like this once day but at the moment my hair is way too short. to me, fullness is more important than overall length. BUT, when i think of how long it will take to grow the front of my hair to my shoulders, and how much of the back i'll have to chop off while i'm waiting... let's just say its slightly annoying :wallbash: For those of you with blunt hair all the way round, did you grow it and then cut it afterwards, or cut the back gradually while waiting for the rest to catch up?
I had mine trimmed quite often. I have done the other method too, where I let it grow out then cut. That method HURTS, because you lose all the length you've grown out.

With my current cut, I went from a layers cut well past shoulders, to a short Halle Berry cut and decided to let get constant trims, in order to get the layers out; now I'm just working on gaining length.
webby said:
I had mine trimmed quite often. I have done the other method too, where I let it grow out then cut. That method HURTS, because you lose all the length you've grown out.

With my current cut, I went from a layers cut well past shoulders, to a short Halle Berry cut and decided to let get constant trims, in order to get the layers out; now I'm just working on gaining length.
whats the difference in trimming frequent vs. cutting at once, its the same amount of hair evetually lost IMO. :confused:

I ask because my stylist said the same thing. She told me to trim every eight weeks, therefore I wouldnt be losing length.
mrslee said:
whats the difference in trimming frequent vs. cutting at once, its the same amount of hair evetually lost IMO. :confused:

I ask because my stylist said the same thing. She told me to trim every eight weeks, therefore I wouldnt be losing length.
When I say frequent trims, I mean frequent. I would go get a trim every 2 - 4 weeks, only trimming off the length at the nape of my neck.

When I did a BC before, I had about 3 inches past bra strap, wanted it all even and cut off around 9 inches in one sitting. It was just hard to see that much length go in one sitting. As opposed to getting a little trimmed off frequently, I didn't notice the loss, because I didn't allow any length to accumulate. Does that make sense?
webby said:
When I say frequent trims, I mean frequent. I would go get a trim every 2 - 4 weeks, only trimming off the length at the nape of my neck.

When I did a BC before, I had about 3 inches past bra strap, wanted it all even and cut off around 9 inches in one sitting. It was just hard to see that much length go in one sitting. As opposed to getting a little trimmed off frequently, I didn't notice the loss, because I didn't allow any length to accumulate. Does that make sense?

I see, my stylist wont trim my hair frequent, she insists I trim every eight weeks. I have thought about going to another stylist to trim when she wont.

Thanks Webby!

I guess I would cry if I were to see 9 inches hit the floor! :)
I would love a blunt cut too but my hair that frames my face is shorter than the back. I can't wait to grow it out. I'm transitioning anyway so once it comes to the time when I cut off my relaxed ends, I will definitely get a blunt cut! :)
I would love a blunt cut but my hair does not grow evenly. I dread the thought of cutting off several inches just to keep having to trim it to keep that blunt style. Maybe I'll just leave it wild looking...
Hey There :wave:

I was able to do it without a problem. I had layers (in back) at the end of 2003, so January 2004, I just cut it straight across to the longest length of my front and sides (which left me w/hair that was cut to the top of my shoulders).

I really didn't trim much in 2004 to keep it that way, maybe 3 times all year? Then it grew to bra strap by Dec 2004, then I cut 4 inches in January. Now it's a little shorter than it was in January, but still blunt all around and growing back pretty quickly. The picture in my Avatar (although you can't see the back) gives you an idea of how long it is. The hair on the sides is where the back falls.

Having said that, I also have cut my hair in a chin-length, blunt bob many years ago and had the same success with growing it back long and even. From that length, it grew to mid-back w/in 2 1/2 years.

It's definitely doable, you just have to be patient enough to let it grow, try to wear buns or other protective styles (just so you won't be tempted to play in it like I always am), minimize heat, and just keep it trimmed even. You'll find that you won't have many split ends, it's just maintaining the cut that makes you want to trim it.
