Blonde - Short or long?


New Member
I want to do something a little adventurous with my next weave and go blonde. I've never done this before, but even if it comes out looking bad I can't afford to get it redone right away.

So, if it looks bad, which will generate less laughter - wearing it short or long?

(For the record, I already wear my hair very long, but there's already a girl I work with with waist length blonde hair, and I don't want them to think that I'm trying to be like her by going blonde. ><)
It really depends on the style and the hair that is used. Do you have any pictures of styles you're considering?

If you are going to go long and blonde, I would suggest mixing some of your natural hair color in with it to tone it down some. I had a weave with blonde on top once and she put just one layer of dark hair on the very top and it blended with the blonde and made it look like we mixed the color into the whole thing but it was dark on the bottom, then the light hair and then one dark track on the top. HTH...

Also, just an FYI for some reason lighter colored weave tends to look more dry and frizzes faster than darker colors. Probably because of the dye. You might want to DC it before installing if possible.