Blog Posts

At the top right blue bar, click on your screen name and select 'alert preferences' and the blog section is at the bottom.
It doesn't work, that red number 3 refuses to leave my screen.

Why does the board hate me? :cry3:

Try visiting each blog just once more and see if that removes the 3. I think the 3 is saying you have 3 unread blog-related items. And, now that you have changed your settings, hopefully you won't get anymore.
At the top right blue bar, click on your screen name and select 'alert preferences' and the blog section is at the bottom.
It doesn't work, that red number 3 refuses to leave my screen.
I did the same thing. Technically it works like it's supposed to because the new blog alerts don't show up where I get alerts for threads and forums I watch. Instead the flag is over the Blogs link, and reappears even when I click to mark the blogs as read.
i did that and it doesnt work

I did the same thing. Technically it works like it's supposed to because the new blog alerts don't show up where I get alerts for threads and forums I watch. Instead the flag is over the Blogs link, and reappears even when I click to mark the blogs as read.

Strange. Once I click on a blog title of a blog with a new item, the notification number goes down and does not return. Hmm.
Try visiting each blog just once more and see if that removes the 3. I think the 3 is saying you have 3 unread blog-related items. And, now that you have changed your settings, hopefully you won't get anymore.
Oh, that was the first thing I did. (BTW -Good luck with your planning goals.) The numbers go away but when I open a new page they come right back. It's a board glitch not a blogger glitch.
At the top right blue bar, click on your screen name and select 'alert preferences' and the blog section is at the bottom.
It doesn't work, that red number 3 refuses to leave my screen.

Why does the board hate me? :cry3:
Right but those don't affect settings for any random new blog post, just ones that you start or comment on or similar.

We need a setting to turn off all blog alerts.
I'm unable to create a new thread. It's asking me to post the content and there is no box to do that, only a box for the thread title. WhatsUpWithThat? Help. Thanks.

Also: I can read but not like or reply to any blog posts. It says I don't have permission. And having to go to a secondary page to confirm each and every like is just :nono: I'm sure you guys are working out the bugs, so whatever you can do would be appreciated. I'll check back later.
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:lol: I thought it was just me who didn't want to see that red blog alert. I haven't posted in any blogs so I haven't had any personal notifications but I see that red # there and it's kind of distracting.
No you are not alone. :lol:

Along with these 2 glitches that recently appeared
1. Now when you click thanks you get "Are you sure you want to like this post?"
2. I can only reply to a post by replying to someone elses but I am unable to "reply" type a response so I then need to edit to actually type my response.

This is hindering me from posting and thanking posters. :wallbash: