blisters/sores/scabs in scalp (possibly gross/tmi)


New Member
I have been having this issue since August when I got my hair braided in senagalese twists. I think it started happening because the braids were entirely too tight. What will happen is several blisters will pop up--filled with a greasy feeling but colorless and odorless liquid. Sometimes I pop them myself or they secrete the liquid on their own. It is a cycle, and these things never go away. The blister will empty, then a scab will pop up. I thought that if I just let the scabs form instead of picking them off, that would end the cycle. But no, the scabs just stay there and get hard, flake away, or I will eventually pick them off and the blisters will start up again....then scab...yadda yadda yadda.

What can I do to get these blisters and scabs to go away? They have been in this cycle since August, I thought it would stop eventually but it hasn't. They aren't painful, just kind of gross.
you may have a fungal infection. go to the doctor asap. don't share any combs, brushes, etc... with anyone until you can get a confirmed diagnosis.
What type of hair are you using? Human or synthetic? Its possible that you may be allergic to the braiding hair. Do you wash the hair before installing? Sometimes there are chemicals used to process the hair and the only way to remove them is to wash the hair prior to installing.
Do they itch? Are you losing any hair in the areas where they are forming? Are they in a certain shape? You may have to let a doc check it out. It could be an allergic reaction or it could be something else but you don't want to take a chance. I think if it was soley from the braids being too tight then it would have eventually gone away. I could be wrong though. A doc would know. I hope everything clears up for you, that's no fun :nono:
oh Lawd. I can't go to the doctor ya'll--once I graduated I got kicked off my insurance. It doesn't itch and there doesn't appear to be any hair loss in those areas. I went to one of those African braiding shops so I'm sure the hair was synthetic. I wear half wigs and that hair is synthetic too, but I've been wearing half wigs for years and the blisters and scabs only started when I got my hair braided.

Now since infection was mentioned I'm becoming suspicious of the place I went to get my hair braided....
inst there a community or govt run clinic (dont know if they have them in the USA) you can go to? since you dont have insurance?

in the mean time you can try tea tree oil or some other natural antiseptic
oh Lawd. I can't go to the doctor ya'll--once I graduated I got kicked off my insurance. It doesn't itch and there doesn't appear to be any hair loss in those areas. I went to one of those African braiding shops so I'm sure the hair was synthetic. I wear half wigs and that hair is synthetic too, but I've been wearing half wigs for years and the blisters and scabs only started when I got my hair braided.

Now since infection was mentioned I'm becoming suspicious of the place I went to get my hair braided....

i just sent you a pm.
Have you tried tea tree oil on your scalp? That may be a good place to start until you can get to a doctor. It does sound like an infection, and since popping the blisters seems to cause them to spread, I would not waste any time trying to get to a doctor.

ETA: A lot of those braiding shops have braiders whose hygiene is questionable. I've seen women eating with their hands and without washing them go right back to braiding someone's hair. YUCK! The fact that these blisters spread upon being busted is not a good sign.
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Have you tried tea tree oil on your scalp? That may be a good place to start until you can get to a doctor. It does sound like an infection, and since popping the blisters seems to cause them to spread, I would not waste any time trying to get to a doctor.

ETA: A lot of those braiding shops have braiders whose hygiene is questionable. I've seen women eating with their hands and without washing them go right back to braiding someone's hair. YUCK! The fact that these blisters spread upon being busted is not a good sign.

Ugh.....I want to weep right now....the lady did stop and eat while doing my hair and I don't remember seeing her wash her hands. :cry: I cannot believe they charged me extra only to give me some kind of infection!

What will the tea tree oil do?
Ugh.....I want to weep right now....the lady did stop and eat while doing my hair and I don't remember seeing her wash her hands. :cry: I cannot believe they charged me extra only to give me some kind of infection!

What will the tea tree oil do?

it's antifugal, antiseptic, anti viral, etc....

and stop popping the blisters. that fluid is pus and you are spreading it around. get some from a health food store(not beauty supply). the essential oil and get jojoba oil to use as a carrier. put in a several drops (4) in a 4 ounce bottle. take a cotton ball and gently massage the soaked cotton ball into your scalp. use latex gloves to wash your hair with until you can get to the root of the problem. make sure you wash your hands thoroughly, as well as hats, pillows, etc... in hot soapy water.
Ugh.....I want to weep right now....the lady did stop and eat while doing my hair and I don't remember seeing her wash her hands. :cry: I cannot believe they charged me extra only to give me some kind of infection!

What will the tea tree oil do?

Tea Tree Oil is considered to be a natural antiseptic and may be an affordable option to start off with. I wonder if even a medicated shampoo might help since the doc is not really an option for you. You could also drop by a pharmacy and ask a pharmacist have they ever seen or heard of what's going on with you & show them. Tell them your symptoms & ask them if they could suggest something for you.

lavender, tea tree,evco, castor,and neem oils would be great for this. you could have had an allergic rection from the chemicals on the the synthetic hair or because the braider had dirty hands she's spread infection to you.

would take a 2-3 ounce bottle and put:
coconut oil
1-3 tbsp neem oil
15-20 drops lavender and tea tree

i would apply this to my scalp regularly several times a day. what type of shampoo/conditioner are you using. i would buy a sulfate free, natural alternative that had tea tree, neem, or both. check your local health food store.
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Also while in the healthfood store get some thayers alcohol free witch hazel in plain, rosewater,or lavender to put on the scalp as well. Add a few drops of lavender and tea tree as well, 15-20 drops per 2-3 ounces.
Go to the Dept. of health in your area. It's free or based on your income. Sounds like fungus or staph. Go ASAP sometimes the waiting list is long due to it being a sliding scale govt. entity.
Sounds like you have folliculitis. I dealt w/this starting in August. The flare ups kept coming back. I had to treated it internally b/c topical treatments didn't work. It was way too painful to pop anything-- so maybe your case is more minor. You can pm me if you want more specific info on treatment.
The ladies have already given you some great advice. I would also add to wash your scalp with Dr.bonner's peppermint soap or charcoal shampoo really went. Charcoal draws out impurities.

Don't fret people get infections in their scalps all the time and don't even know it because hair covers it up.

Here are some cheap remedies to try.
1. Lemon water will clean up your blood so that the body can quit using your scalp to dump out the baddies. Mix 1/2 a lemon including the peel in the blender with 4-6 cups of water. Drink it down
2. My Famous Onion Mask will remove the scabs and whatever is causing them from your scalp - it smells bad, but it is cheap and effective
3. Dandruff shampoo is a scalp work horse
4. Glover's mange hair grease, or pine tar grease (make sure it is grease, because petroleum jelly won't spread infection like natural oils can, and protects skin from re-infection)

There are a ton of other remedies that would work, but these are the cheapest - I get my lemons from my neighbor's tree.
Hey! I haven't been to the doctor yet but I did get some tea tree oil. I've only just started using it so I don't have any results to report yet. I'll definitely update though if/when it works. Thanks for asking.
Hey! I haven't been to the doctor yet but I did get some tea tree oil. I've only just started using it so I don't have any results to report yet. I'll definitely update though if/when it works. Thanks for asking.

No problem! I'm hoping that it works for you. :) Take care.
Also wash your combs and scarves in antibacterial soap. If you can get your hands on basil oil, its anti viral and antibacterial and that would be good to use topically with a carrier oil.

When touching your scalp, wash your hands immediately after. If you can find Hibiclens, its a good one to use (just your hands). If not, any antibacterial soap + hot water + washing for 30+ seconds will do. Don't risk spreading it elsewhere on your body and especially your DD.