Blind Date


New Member
I have been setup on a blind date. This guy and I have been sending IM's for about 1 wk. Last week we decided to go out. After many IM's I have found out some interesting things. He is from NY, 6"0, 31 years old, Christian, and single with no children. We both have exchanged telphone numbers but I don't have the guts to call him. He wants to take me to the movies on Friday Night. Thank God, it is Sisterhood month for my Sorority and my Sorors will be at the movies at the same time. But I must admit I am a little bit apprehensive about meeting a guy that I have never talked to on the phone and only have seen about 10 pictures of. What should I do? Should I call him?
definitely...or hint that he should call u
I've been in ur position before and found it much more awkward if we went out without speaking on the phone first. but if ur more comfotable with talking first, then do JUST THAT. u don't have to go out with him now just cuz he's ready....wait for ur comfort zone!
definitely...or hint that he should call u
I've been in ur position before and found it much more awkward if we went out without speaking on the phone first. but if ur more comfotable with talking first, then do JUST THAT. u don't have to go out with him now just cuz he's ready....wait for ur comfort zone!

I say speak to him on the phone before meeting up. You need to know if he can hold a conversation etc. IMing means you can think about what you say and delete before sending!