Blank Slate


Well-Known Member
I've been lurking for months; this is my first post.

I completed my final chemotherapy session yesterday!! I didn't lose all of my hair, but most of it. I have a very thin covering much like a newborn, but you can see lots and lots and lots of scalp. According to my oncologist hair growth should resume in September.

Pre-chemo my hair was collarbone length and very thick. I wore my hair natural. I'm having trouble determining my hair type. My hair has grown past bra-strap in the past.

Mercifully, a few strands on the sides and back are 4-5 inches long so I was able to let them hang under a scarf. I tried a wig, but it wasn't comfortable. I'll probably cut those strands eventually because the medication has made them very dry.

Anyway, I'd like to "donate my scalp to science". I'll try to keep you posted on my progress and I would love any suggestions or questions from you. We'll see how long it takes starting from scratch.

P.S. - In November I found a tiny lump on my left breast and reported it. It was found to contain cancerous cells. The lump was removed and I am cancer-free. I had 4 sessions of chemotherapy to help prevent its return. Hair loss is a stressful side affect, but chemotherapy is a blessing. Please do those Breast Self Examinations. They can save your life!!
Welcome Sherberi

I'm glad to hear everything has gone well with your treatments. You seem to have a very great spirit for someone who's been through what you have. Stay positive and strong, and be sure to share your progresses with us
what a brave woman you are! Your doctor is right, your hair should be growing back soon. My aunt also had chemotherapy and she actually looks good now with a short afro
I know this may be an emotional time for you too-- everybody around you may say "Oh, it's just hair." But it's more than hair-- for some people, hair makes a person feel beautiful. I know it's true for me.

I am so happy you've found us
we can learn a lot from you, as you have learned from this board
Hope to hear from you again soon.
Welcome sheri, glad to have you here!! I'm very glad to hear you are now cancer free! Your hair will grow back now that your off the chemo w/ help from your doctor.- & the ladies here have good advice . I'm being nosy now can you take supplements for your hair or are you on a restricted diet? pm me back if you wish
Congrats on beating cancer and welcome to the board. Wish you overall health and we'll do our best to help you grow your hair back.
I agree with everything the ladies have just said. Welcome to the LHCF and thanks for sharing your experiences with us. I wish you the best of health and of course, happy hair growing!
My aunt that lives in Tennesse had to get chemotherapy for cancerous breast. She had to get her whole breast cut off. She lost all of her hair. The nice thing about it was that her daughter shaved all of her hair off too to make her mother feel comfortable. Right now, they both have afros about 3 inches long. But my aunt always wears wigs. I can't remember the exact times she had chemotherapy and when her hair started growing back.
Welcome. Thank you for sharing your story and coming out of the woods. You'll find a lot of help, support, and tips here. I know I have. Glad to have you!


Congratulations on being cancer free and wise enough to "listen" to your body

My grandmother didn't tell anyone until her lump was visible with the naked eye
and she had to get a massectomy (sp). She too underwent chemo and is also cancer free. She also lost all of her hair and that was 2/3 years ago. She now has a head full of wonderful white hair. It could be longer, but she doesn't really know how to care for her hair.

She's mad because she has a new "flat top" stove and she can't heat her pressing comb on it.

Anyway, again welcome and your hair too will be back in no time!
Welcome sheriberi and congrats on being cancer free! I'm sure that your hair will grow back in no time. YAAAY!! I'm so happy for you!!!
Sheriberi, welcome to the forum and congratulations on beating your cancer. I'm glad that you shared your experience and I hope that your health continues to improve! Your experience is truly inspirational, but more importantly it drives home the fact that prevention and early detection are important when it comes to breast cancer. Please keep us updated on your (and your hair's) progress.
Welcome to the forum sheri.
Thanks for sharing your story. It's wonderful hat you have successfully completed your chemotherapy. You will meet a lot of great ladies here, and I'm sure that your hair will be back to where it was in no time. Best wishes to you, and be sure to keep us updated on your progress.
May God keep you healthy and strong. You are very brave and an inspiration. My mother had chemo five years ago and her hair came back in passed her shoulders and she is natural like you. Keep us informed of your progress. God Bless!!!
I know a woman that went through chemotherapy and lost most of her hair as well. She grew her hair back and it was beautiful and thick and long. She said that it was even more beautiful than before she had the chemo.

Good luck on your hair journey!
Welcome!!! May God continue to bless you in all ways after your successful elimination of cancer. So glad you are with us your story is one I look forward to learning more about
Welcome Sheriberi! It so good to hear you were able to find this in time and get rid of it. I think you will find LOTS of advice and support here. Also, just to warn you...... you may be tempted to buy many new products.......just stay focused and you'll be all right
As previously stated,....Welcome!
Congratulations on beating your illness and THANK YOU for that VERY IMPORTANT message about REGULAR BREAST EXAMS! How many of us are washing/conditioning/wrapping, etc. are hair DAILY but neglect to check our breast health regularly? I also had a lump in my breast a few years back that kept growing larger but FORTUNATELY it turn out to be benign (BOTH of my gradnmothers had breast cancer so you KNOW I was freaking out!!
). Since then I make sure that I do regular breast exams! I also want to add that this is another reason that I LOVE LHCF because I feel like we all learn from each other in various ways. I wish you and our family the best and I look forward to may more words of wisdom (hair:0) from you! Take care and again, good for you!
Hi SheriBeri:

God bless you and he will continue to bless you. Your hair will be back in no time. Welcome to the board.
Welcome Sheriberi. And continued blessings for you. I have a friend with breast cancer who just went into surgery today at 12:00 to remove the cancer. My prayers are with her and you as well. During her chemo sessions she lost all of her hair and did not want to wear a wig, so she has been sporting the bald look for several months. Please keep us informed on your progress and whatever process and routine you come up with to grow your hair back healthy and strong, so that I can pass this information on to my friend for things she can try. God Bless.