Black Women and Hair Problems

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Black Women & Hair Problems
For years we have been taunted to buy products that promise everything and deliver nothing. We understand your concerns and some disbeliefs about trying new products. We know some of you have just plain given up and decided to cover your hair up with wigs, weaves, braids anything not to deal with the styling challenges we face everyday it seems easier not to deal with it.

But as with anything if you don't give it love, time, and proper care it will just wither away and the problem will just continue to worsen and will face you at a later time.

Learning to care for your hair is simple, once you learn your hair! Never before has there been products that clean the scalp and still moisturize hair at the same time. Most shampoos are designed to just clean the hair and not the scalp, leaving behind residue and plastic resins that are left on the scalp and through the years they work their way into the hair follicle. After years of use, because black hair strands or hairs shafts are so thick and curly. The pore entry is blocked or becomes sluggish producing slower hair growth.
There are so many other scalp damaging products available for us, which are some of the causes behind hair loss and scalp problems. The majority of black hair care products contain products like (petroleum based product) castor oil which is detrimental to the scalp. We need to stop the madness by going from product to product and buy good products that work well with your particular hair type and stay with it. Finding a good quality product is a hard job though, until now! We took all the guess work out.
Most important we must examine and change the way we treat our hair. Can you think of any other race of people where the majority of the people have short hair? We are the only ones who uses hair greases and heavy creams on the scalp where the hair comes from, there is a definitely a connection.
Hair should have a clean healthy environment to pass through and the follicle needs plenty of oxygen. Natural sebum is enough to cause certain problems for the scalp if left too long on the scalp, it harden and become sticky and dries on the scalp thus clogging pores. We also have a problem with the oils being distributed along the hair shaft. We should only put oils on the hair that are designed to allow hair to pass through the scalp uninterrupted. These oils are usually clear and are in the purest form, without added additives and chemicals.

We also need moisture constantly, but internal moisture deep in the cortex and cuticle, which supports the hair. Most products are made with ingredients that just sit on the hair shaft and do nothing as far as nourishing the hair. These kinds of products leave the hair in a even dryer sate once the product is washed out you have even dryer hair. It is sort of like acrylic nails when you take them off, your nails are so dry and brittle, it the same thing.

To keep your hair from being overprocessed or overlapped ask your stylish to reduce your perm processing time by 5 minutes. It will make a big difference and also you can try using a milder relaxer to improve the hair strength.
Chemical burns can result in permanent hair loss, so always have your stylist base your scalp and apply some base on your hair to prevent overlapping. Beware of getting relaxer cream on previously permed hair, due to negligent or an accident, because it can damage the hair.
Never go to long between touchups that is a recipe for a hair breakage disaster. Using our products will cause you have more new growth so be careful with waiting too long for touch-ups. Be sure to choose a stylist who really cares for your hair and who is not only interested in perming, clipping your ends and styling your hair with a super straight flat iron and sending you on your way. Try to discuss the best techniques for the times in between hair appointments which best suit you always learn more about your hair and the best ways to take care of your hair. Always get a deep conditioner after relaxer services this step should not be an option but mandatory to replenish lost oils lost during chemical services.
We get so many letter from women using our products saying they have saved so much money by learning to take care of their own hair going to the stylist for touch ups and special occasion style. My advise is sisters never give up your power by turning you hair over to someone else to take care of it because of not wanting to take the time out to learn your hair once you take control and see the natural beauty which shines in you. It doesn't matter whether you wear your hair natural, relaxed texturized or whatever style your choose to wear as it picks up the sunlight and shines, you will be confident. When you walk as the wind blows your hair naturally as it sways, you will be confident and proud. That moment you will began to understand just why God chose to make your beautiful black hair distinctive and different from all others.
Thanks for the info. It's very informative. Where did you get this information from?
I copied it from the BHC years ago. I saved this one and about 5 more on a disk.
WOW HoneyRockette....that was really kinda made me feel...ummm, patriotic to my hair( I know that isnt the correct word...but that was the only one I could think of to sum up how that article made me feel

Keep on posting those neat tidbits!!!
<font color="purple">Great article, HoneyRockette. I have to agree on the subject that we aren't taking care of our hair the right way. We've ended up putting our hair at risk with grease, damage and even worse, neglect. Our hair should be our crowning glory, and not ruin our whole aspect on ourselves. Take care of your hair. It's God's gift to us to make sure we will learn from the information you have posted, so we can grow beautiful long hair. </font>
Thanks HoneyRockette. I'm just beginning my quest for long hair thanks to this forum. I was always told that my hair was at it's growth limit and that was that. This helps.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Kitkat said:
Yet another inspirational post from HoneyRockette. Thanks, girl, and keep 'em coming!

[/ QUOTE ]

pliz do
that was very inspirational, I feel like I was in church for a second I was truly reading and feeling what the person was saying, thanks alot it was deep and really appreciated:)