Black Stylist Betta Wake Up



I subscribe to Salon Sense Magazine, they have great beauty tips Hair, Nail, Industry news, etc..

This Month Feature Article is a real Eye Opener it says that we Spend as much on beauty care that Caucasian, Asian and Hispanics, COMBINED

These stylists need to wake up. Please read:


I have been on the road for several months and I admit that I am appalled at what has been happening in the beauty industry. Did you know that people from other nations are mastering the art of ethnic hair from relaxing to cornrows and are displaying a level of professionalism that is lacking in 75 percent of black owned salons? Let me break that down for you. That means that in roughly seven years African American salon and barber professionals could potentially become the minority in an industry that was built for minorities. I may get in a little hot water for sharing this with you, but I am tired of watching black communities wallow in poverty while the rest of the world's population gets rich.

Fact: African Americans spend $5.1 billion annually in the beauty industry. That makes up 65 percent of the entire industry spend. That means that even though Caucasians, Hispanics, and Asians represent the strait haired majority, blacks with kinky, curly hair still spend more money than any other group combined on beauty and grooming.

If you are not willing to deliver quality service to attract those dollars into your business, I promise you there is someone waiting in the wings that will. If you don't have the business savvy to turn your trade into an enterprise, you will always work for someone else. If you don't stay on top of the latest styles and trends, you will lose clients to those who will. If you don't keep your environment clean and professional, you will look up one day and wonder why you can't pay your bills.

Being "professional" means that you must exhibit a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace. Not sometimes, but all the time. It means being on time, knowing your products and the right techniques, being able to offer your clients options and going the extra mile to keep them coming back. Bottom line, if you want to be successful, professionalism is not an option.

Everyone knows the growth of the black market, except those who were born to serve it. I judged a competition earlier in the year on black hair in the formal category. There we over 70 participants made up of blacks, whites, Asians, and Hispanics. I have never seen so many beautiful black mannequins. I saw hair dressed in cornrows, braids, feathers, color and more. Did you know that not one person of color placed? That for me was a very powerful wake up call. I hope it is for you as well.
Thanks for the info. I wonder if it's because the other groups don't buy much stuff. Or either because there's more of us than them.
Allandra said:
Thanks for the info. I wonder if it's because the other groups don't buy much stuff. Or either because there's more of us than them.

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I don't know, but I'm certain most of it is FAKE HAIR, other ethnic groups most likely don't but this.
Ladies, if you like go subscribe, you'll get three months free and they have some very interesting articles.

Check out the "industry news" section, they talk about Creme of Nature users getting FREE things.
Thanks for the article, I just printed it out to give to my hairdresser and braider. It's so funny that you brought this topic up because while getting my hair braided, I was so sick and tired of hearing the braiders complain about their clients, that I just blurted out that you guys will be sorry because as soon as the asians learn how to do this $hit, I will surely patronize because for 1, they will surely get you out in a timely manner. They all just looked at me like I was crazy but they did shut up.......
Not only do they buy fake hair - but they pay FAR more than we do for it.

I had a girlfriend who worked at John Sahag on madison Avenue who used to prepare $4000 "falls" for your average society lady on the Upper East Side of Manhattan - 4,5, 6 of them a week. Just to go to a random party or function.

I think what our increased spending inthis area is owing to is that we just have issues in this area that we are willing to pay to resolve, because it is an area in which we struggle.....

They pay for lips (and boobs, and noses, and new chins - we ain't spendin' as much as they are in the cosmetics surgery industry - I can almost bet my boots) - we pay for hair.

I thoroughly agree with the article tho. Ya man has it right on the money...

Now if we only had the email addresses of all the AA stylists we've all gone to that have JACKED more ways than one.
THEY need to see this!

I know there are good ones, but he's right - the profesionalism and know how is seriously lacking in these salons. We need to get it together.
I also think a lot of the people are trying to go to Egytian or Dominican stylist. They are quick and a lot of them can do hair. Went to black stylist all my life and I get attitude, chopping of the hair and waiting for my turn for up to 3 hours.
And to make matters worst, Black stylist always charge way more than my local dominicans that is why I don't patronage them anymore, sad to say
I have believe this for a long time. That's why I have never allowed myself to be a slave to a salon. I have NEVER liked the salon experience. Even the "high end" salons have had a touch unprofessionalism. I used to want my own shop just so I could offer something different to people. But then I remembered I have absolutely no talent with doing that quickly knocked those plans out of the water.

candycane said:
I have believe this for a long time. That's why I have never allowed myself to be a slave to a salon. I have NEVER liked the salon experience. Even the "high end" salons have had a touch unprofessionalism. I used to want my own shop just so I could offer something different to people. But then I remembered I have absolutely no talent with doing that quickly knocked those plans out of the water.

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Me too, I would'nt be great with styling though, I'd have a choice of 3 styles... Take it or leave it. LOL

But the unprofessionalism is unreal. My daughter said this lady was eatin a chicken sandwich in between conditioner treatments.. Come on now, what ever happened to desiginated breaks. And my thing was they schedule you at 10:0am along with 40 other people. Just no business ethic. People are tried of it. WE used to have no where else to go, now we got options.
Mindymouse said:
Allandra said:
Thanks for the info. I wonder if it's because the other groups don't buy much stuff. Or either because there's more of us than them.

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I don't know, but I'm certain most of it is FAKE HAIR, other ethnic groups most likely don't but this.

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That's exactly what I was thinking but I didn't want to say that out loud.

Wanda said:
Thanks for the article, I just printed it out to give to my hairdresser and braider. It's so funny that you brought this topic up because while getting my hair braided, I was so sick and tired of hearing the braiders complain about their clients, that I just blurted out that you guys will be sorry because as soon as the asians learn how to do this $hit, I will surely patronize because for 1, they will surely get you out in a timely manner. They all just looked at me like I was crazy but they did shut up.......

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Those braiders have no reason to complain....PERIOD! Only one time have I gone to get my hair braided when the sistah didn't have to go fry some chicken, or pick up her cousin Pookie from work, or run to the bathroom to smoke some weed!

Give me a break!

Great article. Yes the salons really do need to check themselves. I only been to two (I don't go to salons anymore). The first one always did the same hair style on evryone, even when I asked for something different, and never listened to me. I told him that I didn't want my hair stick straight but did want he wanted to. The second one was better, but didn't want to answer any of my hair questions. Both lyed to me about chemicals, made my hair fall out, and loved to cut it(they were both into the short look).
Now if we only had the email addresses of all the AA stylists we've all gone to that have JACKED more ways than one. THEY need to see this!

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Ladies, let's compile a list (Joint) That we could give to those sylists that might help them. If we each do one we should have a good list put together.


1) PLEASE GROOM YOUR OWN HAIR... YOu do not inspire us with tacky weave or dry choppy hair.
Tebby1017 said:
Egyptian salons? I've never heard of those. What do they do differently? Where are they?


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I live in Chicago and Egyptian salons are hot! They can get anyones hair bone straight. The Egyptian salon I go does not bug you about getting your hair relaxed or charge you extra if it isn't. The service is usually fast too! One day my mother, sister and I all went to have our hair blow-dried and curled--we got in and out of the shop in two hours!
redlight6292 said:
2. When I say that the relaxer is burning my hair that means wash it out now, not when you think its straight enough.

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3. Don't tell I got "******-naps".

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Please tell me you're joking.
I cannot believe a beautician said this repulsive word.
Crysdon said:
3. Don't tell I got "******-naps".

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Please tell me you're joking.
I cannot believe a beautician said this repulsive word.

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I am so not joking, I was in new haven. It was the last time I went to a salon in college. After that I just started buying my own perms and doing them.
jasmin said:
Went to black stylist all my life and I get attitude, chopping of the hair and waiting for my turn for up to 3 hours.

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And that's exactly why I never go anymore. Every black salon I have ever been to in the past was like this.
Some stylist are known to charge you for being late for an appointment. Now I wonder how they would like it if you started deducting from the price of your services whenever they got a late start on you! So if they are doing Shaniqua's hair at the same time she should have started my hair, then I need to start deducting $1 for every minute. With enough deducting, my visit just might be free!

Hey, there's a thought, candycane.

I tell you I don't know if free would be worth waiting for with some of these stylist.