black dye on ends


New Member
Hello all, My hair was dyed black last February 2003 and I had a black rinse applied to the roots in October 2003. Well, the black dye has started to fade. I have about 7 inches of reddish/light brown roots(original haircolor)now and 7 inches of black ends. I am bored with the black color and need to know what I can do for a change. I usually wear my hair in a bun so, the two colors aren't as noticable during the winter months. You can really see the differance in the sun or bright lights. I am opened for suggests,I would like to start wearing it out for now . Thanks

That's tough. If the color on the ends has hung on this long, it's unlikely that it can be removed. You could lighten them, but they are already processed - on top of being old.

If healthy hair is the goal, I would continue to rinse the roots dark and have your hair be darker, but all one color.

Otherwise you'll have to lighten the ends to match the roots, which will be damaging AND may not work out well....

I would leave it alone or rinse it dark.....
I know this girl at my school had dyed her hair this reddish color. One day she came to school with the reddish color faded. Then I overheard her friend said something about her hair. And she told her that her stylist is lifting the red color out of her hair so she can dye it different. So maybe there is something you can do to fade the black hair color.
I think that I might be in a similar situation. Last year, I dyed my hair with a permanent 'natural black' color (to cover a few gray strands). I chose permanent color because I'm a frequent washer. Anyway, I became bored with my monotone, black hair color and tried to apply a lighter color. The result was light brown roots and dark tips

I eventually cut the dark ends off and applied a dark brown all over. Perhaps a stylist that specializes in color would be able to help us.
I had this same problem except my roots were black and my ends were reddish brown. I eventually got feed up and cut off all the red ends (about 3 weeks ago) b/c I was tired of my hair being half black half red-I ended up cutting about 5 or 6 inches off(big chop) but I am happy now with all my hair one color.
You cannot deliberately FADE dark colors. You can try to remove it with certain roducts,(this is NOT true of black or most dark colors} or it can fade of its own accord (but it will not fade back to your natural color}.

Myths about color can be very costly so dont run out thinking you can fade your dark hair back to your natural color. Anyone who tells you they can or have is either misinformed or is having their hair lightneed without their knowledge or consent....

Let common sense be your guide....
Thanks all, Tracy, I'll continue with the dark rinses because I do have several strands of persistant grays. I have had my hair dye several colors over the years and think that when it is dark it looks healthy. I have never been dark this long and was getting tire of the color. But you are right and I knew deep down that I would have to lighten it to get rid of the black ends. I'm off to the store to get my off black rinse. I was using natural instinct is this good or is there something better out there to use? thanks again.
You should use a rinse if you eventually want to wear your natural color. Sebastian Neutral Brown will give you that dark look without going too too dark (it will match your ends} and will actually rinse out. Natural Instincts darker colors may not wash out.