BKT Dilemma


Well-Known Member
Hello all!

I have a situation on my hands that is just driving me up the wall! :nono:

So my mom is fed up with my hair and how it looks (I'm a natural, tight 4a/b curls with a coarse, thick texture). This morning, she had the nerve to call it "ugly" and unmanageable, and that I need to put "curls in it." Mind you, she's been having hair trouble for the past decade, and she has almost grown out a texturizer she used last year, so she's practically natural as well, for the most part. She's extremely picky about hairstyles, saying that braiding/twisting with extensions cost too much money, wigs are too hot and stuffy for Miami, and having natural hair is a hassle because she'll look unkempt in front of her clients. *insert major eye roll here*

She has a lot of hair issues (as do most Haitian women in the area) and refuses to listen to my advice, but the second someone else tells her a new hair idea or trick, she's all gun-ho! Last night, a friend of ours was suggesting BKT/Japanese Keratin Treatment or something to make my hair more manageable. But she's saying they don't use heat, and that it's just a protein treatment. I've looked at a couple of BKT threads, but all I've discovered is that they use formaldehyde/aldehyde and flat iron/blow out at a pretty high temperature (450!?). But the friend said that there are chemical-free protein treatments that loosen the curls and over time, you won't need to do it so frequently. I think people are just confused about what a BKT is vs. a texlax/texturizer. :spinning:

It sounds like I'm going to lose my precious curls in the process, and I don't want that, regardless of what my mom says. So is there a BKT treatment that loosens curl patterns temporarily, without the use of heat? Or is this just another texturizer?

Thanks in advance!
there are many threads out there on BKT. It is not a texturizer, it is a treatment that temporarily loosens your curl. The effect will go away when you use any shampoo with sodium chloride in it, or just given enough time. Depending on the strength you use (percentage) you will either see a dramatic difference or a mild loosening difference. When I did it, my hair was easier to detangle, and while it didn't get super straight, it was fluffy like a loose cloud. I did manage to loosen my curls a bit actually due to overuse of heat while I was on BKT (but my curls are so tight you couldn't notice a difference, only I notice the difference, lol) . I think it is very easy to accidentally permanently straighten your hair while under BKT. If you don't care about that then go right ahead. It's better if you find a salon to do it too so you don't have all the fumes in your house.

I wasn't impressed enough with the results to continue (getting a fan, wearing a mask, health risks etc etc...just a lot of work) but YMMV.
I've done BKT, but when I was relaxed. I wouldn't call it "chemical-free" protein. Each brand is different. And yes, it asks for very high heat, and manipulation from two blow drying sessions. That has the potential for heat damage and excessive breakage if it's not done properly. I had it twice and didn't have any issues.

Serious question: Is this even something you want to do? I only ask because there will always be people who have issues with how we look. You can only please you. But, I can't identify with having someone so close to me being so vocal about their dislike of my hair. I understand that's pressure, but you went natural for a reason.
Do a search- there's a much cheaper Organix version that lasts 30 days. You don't have to use the amount of heat suggested and the results ARE temporary unless you've managed to heat damage your hair-there're loads of threads on the process and tweaks, or you could go to a professional your first time.
Is it possible to avoid some the heat associated with BKTing? For example, instead of blow drying can you use a hair dryer and then use less passes?
Your Cheeziness I'm so scared of the heat damage and breakage since I have some straight strands from a hair stylist using too much heat. To be honest, I want to try it out of curiosity but I have a strong feeling that I'll bite off more than I can chew and end up with a load of heat damage and split ends. I definitely don't want to alter my curl pattern in any way either. My mom gets on my nerves when it comes to hair but at the end of the day, it's my decision. :yep:
@Your Cheeziness I'm so scared of the heat damage and breakage since I have some straight strands from a hair stylist using too much heat. To be honest, I want to try it out of curiosity but I have a strong feeling that I'll bite off more than I can chew and end up with a load of heat damage and split ends. I definitely don't want to alter my curl pattern in any way either. My mom gets on my nerves when it comes to hair but at the end of the day, it's my decision. :yep:

:yep: Basically! Many naturals have at least ONE person who has something to say about their hair. I know, I do. It used to bother me, but I laugh it off now. It's truly not that serious to me.

BKT can be done without damage. But, there is always a risk, especially when doing it yourself and trying to maintain your natural pattern.
first off, unless my mama was washing, conditioning, detangling etc, my hair, her opinion matters the hell not.

as far as bkt, you don't have to go all the way up to 450. maybe 430, but not 450. it's a chemical you put on that it "sealed" with heat, and your hair is only straight until you wash it; so back to mom's "hated naps". for all the health risk and heat you have to use, you might as well just heat train.
damn do we have the same mom?:lol: i had this issue with my mom when my hair was shorter and i was really close to texturizing it again. since you dont want to loose your curl i dont suggest getting a bkt because the new safe formulations have unpredictable results...

rather i suggest you try getting your natural hair done by a professional or do smaller parted,neat natural hairstyles. also you can try setting your hair with either braids,twists or rollers. once you gain some length im pretty sure she will stop complaining. the only time my mom didnt bug me when i had short hair was when my hair was done in these two ways.other wise i rolled my eyes and kept it moving(dont let her see though):look:
