

Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies, this is my first time actually posting in the Christian Forum but I really need some help/ guidance. I have recently been trying to work on and strengthen my relationship with God. The problem is I'm struggling with bitterness and anger. Over the last few years or so I've been really hurt by people close to me in various ways, and I feel like it's just changed who I am.
I use to be a very kind caring person, but now I'm just feel so angry and apathetic(sp). I rarely want to be around anyone anymore, and when I do go out can't I wait to be alone. It's kind of hard to explain, but I feel as if the anger and bitterness is down within the core of me. I really want to let go all this anger and resentmet, but I don't know how.
(((( Hugs))))) I know how you feel. I'll be back to say more, hopefully some of the other ladies will check in soon with advice.
I'm sorry you've been hurt. Bitterness is a tricky thing. Even though it might seem super difficult, genuinely praying for and blessing those who have wronged you will do a lot to quench bitterness--genuinely desire their good and ask God to give them good things.

To bless someone else in all sincerity requires that we relinquish whatever it is we're holding over their heads, and that we relinquish our claims to whatever it is we feel they owe us. Recognize that while others may have hurt you, that the source of your blessing and joy is in God and that no one can separate you from God's love. All that you lack will be supplied by Him.
Op I know exactly how you feel! I've been through more than I could ever divulge to anybody and I'm bitter and resentful. Even things that I used to pray for have little to no meaning/effect now that they have come true...
I try my best to pray and forgive but my being spiteful really makes it difficult.

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I too am dealing with this issue right now. It's like as soon as I declared that I wanted to become closer to the Lord & be more like him that my personal relationships with my family has been in turmoil. They were already in turmoil but it took a turn for the worse. Right now I'm just praying for God to remove the hatred that I hold in my heart towards my mother, brother, & some of my other family members. I'm praying for God to deliver me from the hurt & bitterness. I feel like I'm in limbo but I constantly remind myself that I am not alone & that God is here with me & He will get me & my family through this tough time.

You are in my prayers OP.
OP I've been through some very tough times in the last 6 years. After it was all said and done and when I got tired of being bitter and angry, I asked God to remove that hurt, anger, and bitterness. I forgave and turned everything I was holding on to to God. If you don't already, listen to Joel Osteen's sermons. They are very motivational. Before I started working on Sundays, I would watch his program and take notes, and I was able to develop some affirmations (well really just reminding God of His promises to me and letting Him know that I trust Him). I hope this helps. You and PlatinumBronze are both in my prayers.
Three words from the heart of God our Father:

'I love you'... :rosebud:

Precious Ronnie... Believe it ... Receive it

"I love you". This is what God wants you to hold on to. His love for you which is perfect love and will heal your broken spirit and your broken heart.

"I love you" with an everlasting love, forever and always... Precious Daughter,

"I love you" :rosebud: