Bitter & Twisted AF


Well-Known Member
After a relationship has ended, how do you stop yourself from being and staying bitter/twisted?
I actually think some amount of bitterness and hatred is helpful. It can help most get over those "extreme lovers". Then with time you can reflect on the relationship, take what you have learned, be grateful for your growth and then KIM.

Its harmful if it becomes possessive and all you can think about is how you hate them. If you truly cannot overcome your hatred, you probably need one of three things in my opinion:
1. A stronger relationship with your God/Religion
2. Some dyck to distract you.
3. Therapy
Got me some drank.

Seriously. Good question...

I guess you have to find some kind of way to move on. It's true that the opposite of love is not hate but indifference. So if you are still harboring some emotions towards your ex, you aren't completely "over" that person.

I guess you have to find peace. Forgive that person for whatever harm they caused you, and keep moving forward. It is very easy to start generalizing all men a certain way after a bad relationship, but as they say, all men aren't the same and you don't want that one bad apple to keep you from finding someone better by harboring negative thoughts caused by your ex.
The truly "bitter/twisted" rarely get passed it they just find someone else that keeps their minds off of it...

At least that's what I heard :hide:

No seriously, once you become okay with yourself in a situation you move past it. At least that's what happened with me. Besides any type of feelings were still feelings and I wouldn't give a man the satisfaction to think I still thought of him.
Keep your head forward and do better.

You end up bitter and twisted when you hold on to things (out of fear of starting over, convenience or whatever reasons) that you've long outgrown expecting a different result.

Once you've internalized that you are worth better then you do better. When someone shows you who they are don't double down and "work with a brother" - toss him back to his mama and move on. No one is responsible for wasting your time but you. You either learn from mistakes or you are doomed to repeat them. Acknowledge what YOU could have done differently (such as improve your communication skills, be clearer in your needs or seeing red flags for what they are) and be resolved not to make the same errors with the next one.
If you got played, own it. If you were a fool for someone, own it. If you allowed him to use you or lie to you, own that too. Take responsibility for your part in what went wrong so that you'll never allow it to happen to you again.


Like a previous poster mentioned, forgiveness and finding your own peace are a big part. The person who wronged you may never come back begging for forgiveness but forgive them anyway! Otherwise, you're walking around with hatred in your heart that can consume you.

Also, figure out what is was you were supposed to learn from that situation . All relationships, good or bad, have some sort of lesson attached to them. I find that taking this approach keeps me from being cynical and allows me to remain open to new relationships.
I found once I became comfortable with the fact I was NOT going to get an apology, letting go of the bitterness and anger became much easier. TBH, it was the final nail in the coffin and I was able to walk away with lessons learned and moved on to rebuilding me.