Bitter or eye-stinging hair spritz?


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to quit a pretty bad habit where I twirl sections of my hair over and over again. Obviously very unprofessional, which is why I started pulling my hair back instead of wearing it out. But I get really nervous and stressed nowadays so the habit is kicking back in again and the pulled back hair isn't really helping!!!

So now what I think I need is an odorless or good smelling very light liquid I could add to my hair stuff that also stings the eye or tastes bad so that if I touch my hair, its only a matter of time before it feels really uncomfortable, and maybe I eventually stop!! You may think, gross!! She touches her hit and then her eye or mouth, but that is how colds are transmitted. We touch stuff and then we inadverently touch those areas and so the virus catches a ride into our bodies :) anyway, any help will be appreciated!!

Girl, stop touching your hair! And please don't spray anything one it that would sting your eyes!