Bits and Pieces when I moisturize ??


Ladies...... I have searched and read for days but need HELP! When my hair is dry I can pull on a single piece (of shed hair) and it snaps before it stretches . SOOOO....I figured I needed moisture right??? Well every night when I moisturize and seal I look at my hands and there are little bits and pieces of broken hair on them......anywhere from 1/4 inch to 2 inches long.


My regimen is something like this...

pre-poo once week with moisture con or oils
co-wash twice week with cheapie conditioner
sulfur mix to scalp every other night
henna/indigo once every three months

I did a aphogee 2 step about 7/8 weeks ago
recently i've done light protein (aphogee 2 min/joico kpak) twice in the last three weeks

Hi OP,

Ladies here love to help. Some helpful information that you can provide is:

Are you relaxed are natural?
What are the actual products you use like bh215 mentioned?

I hope you are able to get your desired results
yeah r u natural or relaxed? Also, u did the 2 step 8 weeks ago so u may want to do it again since its a good idea to do your hardcore protein every 6 weeks
Maybe moisturizing and sealing every night isn't good for your hair it might be too much manipulation. To help out with the dryness issue start sleeping with a plastic cap on, or just wear one around the house for a few hours makes a big difference. Adding aloe vera to your products could help and AVC( apple cider vinegar) rinses, if your hair is dry there might be an issue with porosity and these will help your hair. Last thing I have to add is make sure your using a moisturizing dc like aubrey organics honeysuckle rose, and keeping your hair off your clothes. If you live in a dry climate the weather will definitely dry out your hair. HTH, let us know.
WHAT AM I DOING WRONG????:nono:My regimen is something like this...pre-poo once week with moisture con or oils
co-wash twice week with cheapie conditioner
sulfur mix to scalp every other night
henna/indigo once every three months

I did a aphogee 2 step about 7/8 weeks ago
recently i've done light protein (aphogee 2 min/joico kpak) twice in the last three weeks
This sounds to me like a lot of protein, and not enough moisture. The cheapie condish are KNOWN to have lots of protein in them.

Hi OP,
Some helpful information that you can provide is:

Are you relaxed are natural?
What are the actual products you use like bh215 mentioned?

I would start DC with a condish with no cones that's meant for DC tx, like Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose, mixed with 2-3 Tbls honey or QP DPR-11 mixed with the same amount of honey, and a tsp of melted coconut oil.

Steam with the towel method, or your steamer for 30-45 min, weekly. As far as baggying that someone mentioned, that sounds good as long as you are using a water based product. You can ALWAYS check out kimmaytube's leave-in:
YouTube - ♡♡♡LUVNaturals #19 Leave In Conditioner Recipe - Step by Step I use Talish Waajid protective mist bodifier instead of kckt, as my hair likes it better. Baby your hair for a while as well ( ie. gentle protective styling like wigs, wng's or loose buns ) to see how that helps.

But really for us to help you, we need to know just as mentioned what products exactly are you using, are you natural, texlaxed, relaxed, transitioning????

I am a natural, so what I have suggested may not work for you.....
Maybe moisturizing and sealing every night isn't good for your hair it might be too much manipulation.

ITA. That was one of my problems when I first started on my HHJ. Doing this every night was way too much manipulation for me.
If that is a problem for you but you still want to moisturize, try picking up a moisture spray (I use Donna Marie Moisture Mist, but I think Oyin has a few good ones and Bee Mine has the Juicy Spritz), as opposed to manually going in with your hands. It does the trick for me.
The Moisture Mist and I think the Juicy Spritz both have glycerin in them (not sure of Oyin), so to create a humid environment, I would spray it all over and sleep in my plastic cap, covered with a satin bonnet.
I personally only moisturize like once or twice a week and my hair rarely, if ever feels dry. I think that if you use a heavy enough sealant, that you may not need to do it everyday as well (I use avocado or whipped mango butter).
I agree with @Missstress about the aphogee treatment. If I happen to miss a this treatment for my DD (who has VERY fine hair), she gets splits galore. The 2step treatment normally clears up the breakage almost immediately. I apply it to her hair every 6-7 weeks.

Also, I've recently noticed with my own hair that mixing a little Aphogee 2 minute into my regular cheapie VO5MM or Garnier Fructis cowash helps a great deal to prevent any breakage and strengthen my strands.

I used to think my hair "didn't really need protein" b/c it's thick, but incorporating a little into my weekly regimen has helped me a great deal.

I would also suggest that you try to incorporate ceramides into your regimen. They have the double benefit of helping your strands retain moisture, and preventing protein loss. Some suggestions include Taliah Wajid (sp) mist bodifier as a moisturizer, mixing ceramide oils into your DCs or CWs (WGO, sunflower oils are my favorites), and Lustrasilk Shea Butter Mango DC.

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You are doing alot of protein. You have protein overload. When your hair just snaps its protein. When its mushy then snap, its moisture.

You may want to go with a deep conditioning treatment every week (with a MOISTURIZING, deep conditioner).
Sulfur is very drying so It could be a moisture issue like pretty face said...I would use more moisturizing cons but leave it alone! Remember less is more

I was having this same problem back in Sept which I combatted by using more protein and the bits and peices I solved that problem by Moisturizing and sealing differently.

When I moisturize and seal
My leave-in is too thick so what I do because I dont want to chuck it is apply a mixture of distilled water and aloe vera juice spritzed on my hair first. The water/juice mixture helps the leave-in glide on my hair smoother without breaking my hair. I then apply my leave-in, I dont seal at this time I wrap the sections I just worked on in a loose bantu knot and then I work on my next section, etc.

I go back to the first section and if I need to apply more leave-in I do (my hair is dense especially in the back. I then seal on the very ends first and then whatever is left on my fingers I apply to the length ( I use Hollywood Castor oil hair treatment (LOVE THIS STUFF), yes it has mineral oil but my hair has not been affected. I was noticing that no matter what natural oil I used my hair would be very piecey and did not act right. Once I found this it has been smooth sailing). I leave the then sealed section loose.

Notice I have not combed my hair yet.

I fluff my hair out and then I allow the moisture to do its magic. The hair maybe a bit wet at this point so I allow it to dry some.

NOW is when I comb in SECTIONS once my hair has dried to my liking. I use eithier a shower comb I purchased mine from Sally's or I use a large paddle brush it has metal teeth and rubber on the tips I purchased this one from the 99cent store.

NO MORE broken bits. If I do its no where the way it used to be.
I dont moistize and seal everyday either, if I moisturize everyday it is because I have exercised everyday.

You have to figure out how much lof each to apply to each section to get the results you want.

My wash regimen
I am relaxed with Mizani Butter Blends LYE
I tried both the aphogee 2 min and the Sallys Joico and neither worked for me
What I use 1x a month is Ion Effective Care treatment and (15-20 min with heat)
1x a month I wash with a Protein shampoo and a protein conditioner(Millcreek Keratin)
No hard proteins AT ALL, I have never tried them and dont feel the need to start.
I DC for 15-30 min with heat for 30 min with Kenra MC 2x a month
No co-washing right now unless I feel its necessary. I might have to increase in the summer to maybe 1x or 2x a week. If I do this 2x a week then I will sub my protein conditioner somewhere in that week.
I dont comb my hair in the shower.
I dont apply my leave-in to sopping wet hair. I wait for it to dry some by leaving on my towel and then waiting for my hair to airdry a bit more.
I wait till my hair is 90-95% dry before combing, it still feels moist which is what my hair likes.

My hair is doing soooooo much better now.
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Myjourney2009, every time I read your posts, I learn something new and have an eye opening experience.

-Spritzing before applying the leave-in is a great idea. My kimmaytube leave-in is quite thick and the jbco has a tendency to grip the hair. When you suggested this to me, I didn't realize the spritz was to prep the hair for the actual leave-in.

- I never revisit my hair after the first application of leave-in. Another good idea to incorporate.

I left out important information! ...and I think I caused confusion.

I am texlaxed with Mizani Butter blends LYE

I do moisturizing dc's at least ONCE sometimes TWICE a week using products like Kenra MC, Mane and Tail Deep Moisturizing Conditioner, One and Only Restorative mask (love this :yep:!) ( i use others too)

Other Info: When my hair is dry (air dried) and I run my fingers through it I get NO breakage, no pieces. It is soft to the touch. it is only when I moisturize that I get the bits and pieces....:nono:

Note: Some of you have said more protein, others have said more moisture.

Hope this info helps you diagnose what I'm doing wrong.....

Thank You SO MUCH!
@Myjourney2009, every time I read your posts, I learn something new and have an eye opening experience.

-Spritzing before applying the leave-in is a great idea. My kimmaytube leave-in is quite thick and the jbco has a tendency to grip the hair. When you suggested this to me, I didn't realize the spritz was to prep the hair for the actual leave-in.

- I never revisit my hair after the first application of leave-in. Another good idea to incorporate.

Glad I can be of assistance.
When I suggested to use the spritz of water/juice it was to only add a bit more moisture to your hair.
I did not know your leave-in was thick.
Within the last week was when I started revisting my moisturized sections because I did not want to apply a sealant over hair that was not moisturized to my liking.

I left out important information! ...and I think I caused confusion.

I am texlaxed with Mizani Butter blends LYE

I do moisturizing dc's at least ONCE sometimes TWICE a week using products like Kenra MC, Mane and Tail Deep Moisturizing Conditioner, One and Only Restorative mask (love this :yep:!) ( i use others too)

Other Info: When my hair is dry (air dried) and I run my fingers through it I get NO breakage, no pieces. It is soft to the touch. it is only when I moisturize that I get the bits and pieces....:nono:

Note: Some of you have said more protein, others have said more moisture.

Hope this info helps you diagnose what I'm doing wrong.....

Thank You SO MUCH!

@ hatmat6

We cant 100% diagnose what is going on with your hair we can only partially diagnose because each head responds differently to different things. You have to be willing to try them out.

What I often suggest to people is doing the hair in sections when trying a new regimin to determine if the hair likes it.

Please read over again what I have done to combat my breakage when moisturizing and sealing and give it a try. You may need to change your leave-in and or sealant.

When using Lye relaxers from what I have read (from Shamboozies book)and it works for me is the hair needs more protein.

I forgot to add with my first response. My hair did not get mushy when I needed protein it was actually quite brittle.

After reading Sistaslicks article I tried more protein(which is what I had been doing but for some reason stopped) and it worked.

I also suggest keeping a journal and writing down everything that you have used and have done to your hair.
I had this same problem at the beginning of my hhj and it turns out that I was over-moisturizing AND with the wrong may wanna moisturize every other day and maybe use a water-based moisturizer (if you're not already using one)....good luck!
I had this same problem at the beginning of my hhj and it turns out that I was over-moisturizing AND with the wrong may wanna moisturize every other day and maybe use a water-based moisturizer (if you're not already using one)....good luck!


Many think you must moisturize and seal everyday. One must play it by ear.
too much protein....all that protein adds too much structure to your hair....just up your protein free deep conditioning for the next 2 months and you should get more elasticity back to your hair strands. My favorite is Audrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose.
If it's brittle and snapping that sounds like too much protein. Henna acts like a heavy protein and then you're doing additional protein treatments. You may also need to check your moisturizer for protein. After I hennaed my hair it became VERY protein sensitive. I had breakage for about 2 weeks until I got my moisture levels back up.
You need more moisture.

The same thing happened to me when I moisturize & sealed only at night.
I started moisturizing & sealing twice a day (morning & night) and my breakage reduced significantly.

Thank you for all of your help! I will be attempting to increase my protein tomorrow and will post back with the results. I figure even if I'm wrong on this I can always correct it with moisture. Although my hair hasn't been mushy yet, I know I've been focusing WAY more on moisture than protein lately.

If I were you, I would err on the side of moisture... I always find it easier to correct too much moisture than too much protein. But JMHO... Good luck!