Birth Control pills help your hair?


Active Member
Do you feel your birth control pills made your hair longer/healthier/stronger? I started taking it to clear up my face for several months because I was highly stressed at school, and yes it worked. Then several months into taking it I go to my hair dresser. She tells me "Wow your scalp is looking good" she told me it was really healthy and my hair looked better and was more healthy, she asked what I was doing and couldn't think. Somehow I mentioned my BC pills and she said that is what it was.

She told me to think about it, if the pills are effeting my skin (which she also said looked good) that it was doing the same for my scalp... which makes sense. I do agree my scalp and hair is a lot healthy. But I don't know if it was this or the weaving or what!!! But it does make sense like I say.

Did birth control pills help your hair?
When I was bc the only thing that grew was my breast but the hormones in birth control might affect hair growth.
Great thread doctor just gave me a prescription for BC because i have very heavy menstrual bleeding every month...i haven't filled it yet....i feel weird taking BC and i'm still a virgin:laugh:....but i might just go ahead and use it.....for the medical reason.

But hey...if it helps my hair out as well...thats great too!:D
I have a hormone imbalance. To much testosterone and not enough estrogen. Birth control pills balance your hormones. If your experience irregular periods or heavy bleeding like i did then the pills will balance everything out.
Hormonal imbalances impact hair growth. One year I only got a mere 3 inches or less.
Some people will experience this worse than others. At one point my hormones were so out of balance I experienced male pattern baldness because I had to much testosterone.
I dont think it grew my hair long but i do think it got me back on track to where my hair should have been growing which was more than 3 inches or less in a year.
I have never heard of bcp helping hair. All I know is that the last time I was on them it broke my entire bang off to about 1/2 an inch or less. Needless to say, I haven't touched them since.
All I know is that for me, Birth control pills hindered my hair growth...and made me gain weight! :nono: I guess it depends on the individual.
All I know is that for me, Birth control pills hindered my hair growth...and made me gain weight! :nono: I guess it depends on the individual.

Agreed. I think it depends on the individual as well. When I took bc it made me go from a 32Aminus to some C cups :grin: but it made my hair fall out, and I'm not talking about shedding I had bald spots. After looking over the side effects of the bc I took hair loss was one of them :nono:
I'm sure what KIND of BC is important. Different ones control different things.

Interesting , though OP.

So what kind have you used?
It depends on the individual and the type of BC.

I have been on the pill and the shot and neither helped nor hurt my hair as far as I can tell. The shot did make the hair on other parts of my body really dark and thick though.
Great thread doctor just gave me a prescription for BC because i have very heavy menstrual bleeding every month...i haven't filled it yet....i feel weird taking BC and i'm still a virgin:laugh:....but i might just go ahead and use it.....for the medical reason.

But hey...if it helps my hair out as well...thats great too!:D

I was also prescribed it for this and it worked for my cramps!!! However, after not having cramps for several months it suddenly came back this month, probably due to stress!
Agreed. I think it depends on the individual as well. When I took bc it made me go from a 32Aminus to some C cups :grin: but it made my hair fall out, and I'm not talking about shedding I had bald spots. After looking over the side effects of the bc I took hair loss was one of them :nono:

Wow I was hoping I would go up a size! Lol, smh, but that didnt happen, wish I could have all the above, all the good effects that is, lol
Yes they do help keep your hair and scalp healthy. I was on loestrin for about 2 months before I switched to the patch. I got an inch in 5 weeks. I never saw a flake of dandruff and my scalp barely ever had an itch. Now I'm on the patch and it seems like I'm getting the same results. If I didn't hate talking a pill everyday I probably would have stuck to loestrin.
I take Yaz not for BC but to help with cramps and pmdd symptoms. When I stopped for 2 months (bc I was broke) my hair started shedding like crazy! Now I'm taking the generic of Yaz and everything has stayed the same, including my boobs. Thank The Lord bc I don't think I could handle anything bigger.
I got on Birth Control because I have a menstrual cycle that lasts a total week, and it's extremely painful, and so heavy that I am anemic. If anything I feel like my growth was greatly slowed by birth control. I stopped taking them about 2 months ago. But I need to go back on because the pain is unbearable. lol. It could be just me imagining it though. But I feel it does worse to my body than better. It actually could be a reason why I suffered from depression my last semester.

I'm on loestrin 24 fee
I got on Birth Control because I have a menstrual cycle that lasts a total week, and it's extremely painful, and so heavy that I am anemic. If anything I feel like my growth was greatly slowed by birth control. I stopped taking them about 2 months ago. But I need to go back on because the pain is unbearable. lol. It could be just me imagining it though. But I feel it does worse to my body than better. It actually could be a reason why I suffered from depression my last semester.

I'm on loestrin 24 fee

Hey Im on Loestrin24 FE. I did research it and they did say one of the side effects was depression. You might want to look into this and see about something else. I am monitering my moods and body to see if I need to adjust anything.
I got on Birth Control because I have a menstrual cycle that lasts a total week, and it's extremely painful, and so heavy that I am anemic. If anything I feel like my growth was greatly slowed by birth control. I stopped taking them about 2 months ago. But I need to go back on because the pain is unbearable. lol. It could be just me imagining it though. But I feel it does worse to my body than better. It actually could be a reason why I suffered from depression my last semester.

I'm on loestrin 24 fee
This is way off topic but if you're having really bad cramps you might need to lay off caffenie for a while; I've had mind numbly horrible cramps over the past year and once i figured out caffeine was the culprit I stopped and my cramps are barely existent any more. (sorry OP for hijacking your thread) but thouht it would good to share this little tidbid it could help someone.
Hmmm, interesting topic since I just got back on bc. When I first went on Yaz, I was wearing my hair in locs, so I have no clue. I was just happy I had stopped bleeding like a slaughtered pig non-stop.

I've only been back on for a week after being off for a few years, so it'll be interesting to see what happens.
I have a hormone imbalance. To much testosterone and not enough estrogen. Birth control pills balance your hormones. If your experience irregular periods or heavy bleeding like i did then the pills will balance everything out.
Hormonal imbalances impact hair growth. One year I only got a mere 3 inches or less.
Some people will experience this worse than others. At one point my hormones were so out of balance I experienced male pattern baldness because I had to much testosterone.
I dont think it grew my hair long but i do think it got me back on track to where my hair should have been growing which was more than 3 inches or less in a year.

Yes, the estrogen in birth control (if you are taking a high estrogen one and not a low one or all progesterone) has estrogenic affects on the body including longer hair growth phase, decreased acne, decreased facial hair. This is because it takes the place of androgen hormones (like testosterone) that causes these things. BUT it still does depend on the individual women because the balancing of hormones are complicated. It works for some, but has minimal affects for others. The good thing is it can't hurt.