Birth Control Pills/hair Loss


New Member
Hi Ladies!
I wanted to know if any of you have stopped taking the Pill...and if so, did you see an improvement in your hair? I have been on birth control pills for years to regulate my cycle. My hair has thinned over time in the crown area. I was wondering if I came off the pill, would that help to remedy that situation, at least a little. I hear that coming off the pill may result in more hair loss, but I want to see if any of you have noticed the opposite.
Hi newsgrl,

I am not going to be much help :sad: I was on the patch for 2 yrs, and also noticed my hair thinned a tad bit- nothing noticable to others. I decided to go off- I was fine for about 3 months. Sure enough, at about the 4 month post mark, my hair started thinning (it was alot to me), but along my hairline, all around (front, sides and back). I rode through it, and my hair started thickening up once I had been off the patch for about 9 months.

I know not everyone has the same experience with hair thinning, esp if your hair is thinning alot now, you may have the opposite experience that I had.
Your hair may shed more at first as your body readjusts. You will probably see some thickening over time with good haircare. I use Alter Ego garlic treatment (very good product) when I have seasonal shedding and when my hair shed after stopping BC. B vitamins and silica may also help. HTH
Thank you so much ladies! I've been thinking about coming off the pill for a while now, but I've been so scared to do it. (I don't like pain...ESPECIALLY menstrual pain!) But I'll do anything to stop hair loss!
Which pill are you taking? I was taking Ortho Tri-Cyclen and it was great for my skin but my hair was in the worse shape ever ('00-'01). I came off and went on another type that was milder (Ortho-lo or something like that). I got the Nuva Ring and haven't looked back.
I am now taking Femcon FE...which is supposed to be one of the mildest pills. When I first started taking pills, I was on Ortho Tri-Cyclen. I've been "googling" birth control pills and hair loss, and I found this interesting site that lists some of the strongest pills which may lead to adverse effects. I think I've been on some of them :perplexed. This may have lead to some of my hair loss...
I've been noticed a drastic increase of shedding also but I thought it may have been due to me transitioning. I was on Loestrin 24 FE (which is listed) for a couple months and now I am on the generic brand called Microestin 21. My skin is looking great and the microestin hasn't been causing sexual side effects like vaginal dryness, etc like the Loestrin. I may talk to my gyno though b/c I def. noticed my hair shedding (not breaking) like crazy.
I was on Ortho Tri-Cyclen for almost a year, then stopped in February.

No affect for my hair or skin at all, but it took quite a while for my cycle to regulate...
I've been on Birthcontrol for almost 10 years this year. And my hair has not grown a stitch and stayed over that entire period. It hasn't been healthy at all.
I stopped about 3 months ago and there has been an improvement.
I wonder if part of my recent breakage can be attributed to me being off the pill again? I went off the pill a few years ago for a couple of years and my hair wasn't thinning, but it wasn't reacting to my relaxer the same as it used to. Then I got back on and my hair started reacting to relaxer like it had in the past (basically, off the pill, my hair would revert no matter what I did but on the pill it didn't revert). But now I wonder if me being off the pill this year has added to my breakage.
My hair still grew while on the pill, but when I got off to get preggars my hair shed for about 2 months, similar to post partum shedding. HTH
I am now taking Femcon FE...which is supposed to be one of the mildest pills. When I first started taking pills, I was on Ortho Tri-Cyclen. I've been "googling" birth control pills and hair loss, and I found this interesting site that lists some of the strongest pills which may lead to adverse effects. I think I've been on some of them :perplexed. This may have lead to some of my hair loss...

I just switched on to that from Loestrin...which did make my hair come out...I dunno about it yet so we'll see....good thing it's mild though