birth control pills and hair


Well-Known Member
Did anyone around here have any ill hair effects when stopping birth control pills. If not, say so. If so, give details (how long, how bad, what happened--shedding, breaking) pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese. Thanks in advance.
I didn't have any hair problems
when I stopped taking my pills. That was almost 3 yrs ago.
I haven't heard of anyone having trouble stopping. I have heard of lots of people having trouble because of them. One of my friends was losing hair, and has some bald spots the size of .50 pcs. I told her to stop taking the pills now her hair is growing back.

I haven't heard of anyone having trouble stopping. I have heard of lots of people having trouble because of them. One of my friends was losing hair, and has some bald spots the size of .50 pcs. I told her to stop taking the pills now her hair is growing back.


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Wow! I guess you gave her some good advice. I'm glad her hair is growing back.
I was on Depo Provera which made my hair shed a lot. About 30% of my hair was lost. Depo is a shot that is supposed to last 3 months but many of the effects lasted up to a year for me. My hair never fully grew back to its fullness after this disaster. I was on Ortho Tri-cyclin which also caused hair shedding but stoppped when I stopped taking the pill.
Thank you. I'm glad it is also, because not only did she lose her hair but she lost her self esteem. She is doing great now, she stopped about 3 months ago and started using Biotin cream and taking UltraNourish hair:) Now she has about an inch of hair that the Dr. said would never grow back
Thank you. I'm glad it is also, because not only did she lose her hair but she lost her self esteem. She is doing great now, she stopped about 3 months ago and started using Biotin cream and taking UltraNourish hair:) Now she has about an inch of hair that the Dr. said would never grow back

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I tell you what, that just goes to show that doctors don't know everything. I've picked up a lot of helpful hints in natural health books. Doctors just want to prescribe pills and surgery for everything!!!!!!Okay, those last sentences didn't have to do with BC pills, but I was just making an observation everyone.
well I have been taking ortho tri cylen and I also noticed hair issues, but since I have always had hair issues, I was not sure the pills were the problems. The problem is that I need to be on something. I wonder how that patch is, if anyone has tried it please post about side effects to hair or otherwise.
well I have been taking ortho tri cylen and I also noticed hair issues, but since I have always had hair issues, I was not sure the pills were the problems. The problem is that I need to be on something. I wonder how that patch is, if anyone has tried it please post about side effects to hair or otherwise.

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I've heard of people having hair issues with Ortho Tricyclen. I haven't heard too much about the patch. Anyone else???????????
wellI am going to my doctor tomorrow to find out about the patch. I hope it goes well and after a few weeks I will post any side effects.
One of my friends tried the patch. She has a light complexion, and the patch left a rash on her upper arm (where she applied the patch). The rash is in the shape of the patch, so there was obviously something in it which caused a breakout. I just wanted to give you a heads-up on a possible side effect.
Jeez I can't win! The pill has me down to 2 pimples a month instead of 2 pimples a day but I have hair issues -- well, I always did so I don't know. All I know is I love my clear skin but I need hair on my head to go along with it -- jeez!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been using the patch for 1 week now and have had absolutely no side effects so far.

Why did your friend place the patch on her upper arm? That is not one of the areas in which it should be used. It shoudl be used around the lower torso/upper thigh area.
I was the one with the friend with the patch...

She showed me the brochure, and the areas they said to place the patch were:

upper arm
upper back (shoulder-blade)
butt cheek
the area between your torso and leg

She said she didn't notice the rash until she took the patch off. The rash is actually the shape of the patch (a square). I think it may have been something in the adhesive that made her breakout.
One of my friends tried the patch. She has a light complexion, and the patch left a rash on her upper arm (where she applied the patch). The rash is in the shape of the patch, so there was obviously something in it which caused a breakout. I just wanted to give you a heads-up on a possible side effect.

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i use the patch and i love it. i have experienced no side effects.

No side effects at all??? Have you ever taken the pill?

I just got off the pill and I am looking for a no side effect solution. With the pill I gained too much weight and my hair shedded miserably. How long have you been doing the patch?

I washed my hair yesterday and it was the first time in a long time I had no shedding when I blow dried.
I've got a no side effect solution-- Have your man get the big V. Mine did, and hallelujah, I'm pill free.

I realize this is not an option for alot of you guys, but if you're thinking about it, it's less of a recovery for him than a tubaligation is for you.
well mel, since we are not married yet and don't have any kids, the vasectomy is a definite no-no for us. He would never do it any way and I don't think I'd ever get my tubes tied either, you never know what will happen. Look at my mom, she used to say that I was her first and last child, 16 years later she decided she wanted another baby and had my sister. So you never know if later you'll want something different.

No side effects at all??? Have you ever taken the pill?

I just got off the pill and I am looking for a no side effect solution. With the pill I gained too much weight and my hair shedded miserably. How long have you been doing the patch?

I washed my hair yesterday and it was the first time in a long time I had no shedding when I blow dried.

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None whatsoever! i used to take the pill and i gained weight and would get nauseous. i've been on the patch for about 6 months now.