birth control and hair


New Member
Due to a recent prego oubreak amongst my friends, i mean 5 out of 7. I want to start birth control because my bf and i are moving in together and i am in the middle of nursing school, i do not want to become prego but do not wanna lose hair either

So i am wondering does birth control pills increase hair shedding/ breakage? please help me with this as soon as possible. TIA
Not for me.

Most of the hair on my head at the moment was grown while I was on the pill. lol
Due to a recent prego oubreak amongst my friends, i mean 5 out of 7. I want to start birth control because my bf and i are moving in together and i am in the middle of nursing school, i do not want to become prego but do not wanna lose hair either

So i am wondering does birth control pills increase hair shedding/ breakage? please help me with this as soon as possible. TIA

I'm on the generic version of Ortho Tri-cyclen Lo. If anything, I've noticed that BC makes my new growth softer and more manageable. I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary from taking it.
Dag that is alot of friends! There must be something in the water. LOL

I think there was a thread earlier today about birth control and shedding, there might be some helpful info in that thread for you to look at.
I've been experiencing increasing hair loss at the temples over the past year to half a year. I went to the derm. Not sure what's causing it, it may not even be falling out because the derm said it looked mostly like breakage. Anyway, a potential cause might have been my birth control. I was going on and off over the past year or two. I decided to give it a rest because I've been trying to get off of it for a long time anyway. Like I said, not sure what's causing this, though.
Ortho Tri Cyclen. Hair fell out. Took over a year or so to get it back to normal.

It had to much progestin or estrogen..whatever. I was so worried that the BC would make me gain weight that i wasnt payin' attention to my hair til it was too late.

No one had mentioned that it was a side effect.

Everyone's chemical makeup is different so you never know until it gets in your body.
wow now you got me wondering if this was causing my extreme shedding...I thought this was from Post partum but I wonder if my BC was contrinuting. I stopped taking it cause I missed so many days but when I start back up again I am def gonna keep my eye on this.
I'm taking Loestrin 24Fe. I haven't noticed any change with my hair or anything. I been taking it a little over a year.
Like one poster said, everyone's body responds differently to the many different Pill types. In my opinion though, it's more impt for me to be protected from an unwanted pregnancy then to be concerned about dealing with some extra shedding from the Pill.
Like one poster said, everyone's body responds differently to the many different Pill types. In my opinion though, it's more impt for me to be protected from an unwanted pregnancy then to be concerned about dealing with some extra shedding from the Pill.


I worked for an OB/GYN group for six years and everyone responds differently to all sorts of birth control. I was on Depo-Provera when it first came out and that stuff broke my skin out so bad Retin-A couldn't touch it!! I've met only one other person that happened to.
Like one poster said, everyone's body responds differently to the many different Pill types. In my opinion though, it's more impt for me to be protected from an unwanted pregnancy then to be concerned about dealing with some extra shedding from the Pill.

Agreeing with this.

My hair was just fine on BC- my shedding came after I stopped, ironically. Temples, nape, area behind ears, all thinned. Hair strted growing back about 9 months later.
I was on the cause my hair hair to thin out to me. I'm reluctant to go on any form of birth control