biotin ?


New Member
if you stop taking biotin would your hair start falling out. i asked this because i heard that once you stop taking pills to make your hair grow you hair begins to fall out. so I'm wondering if this is true
Nah, your hair won't start falling out. Biotin is one of the nutrients that's hard to be deficient of coz it's in so many foods. The only time supplements are really necessary is if you have weak nails and dull hair or have a history of antibiotics or antiseizure meds...which can lead to reduce its production in the intestines hence lead to low levels. Raw egg white does lead to low biotin levels too. And if it makes you feel better, a lot of our members stopped taking biotin because of breakouts and have nice healthy long hair nevertheless.
If you're one of those people whose hair grows faster with biotin, the growth might slow down when you stop taking it. I seriously doubt that it would fall out though.