Biotin DOES grow hair...


Active Member
J Am Acad Dermatol. 1985 Jul;13(1):97-102. Related Articles, Links

Uncombable hair syndrome: observations on response to biotin and occurrence in siblings with ectodermal dysplasia.

Shelley WB, Shelley ED.

Three children are reported with uncombable hair syndrome, consisting of slow-growing, straw-colored scalp hair that could not be combed flat. The hairs appeared normal on light microscopy but on scanning electron microscopy were triangular in cross section, with canal-like longitudinal depressions. Oral biotin, 0.3 mg three times a day, produced significant improvement after 4 months in one patient, with increased growth rate and with strength and combability of the hair, although the triangular shape remained. The other two patients were unique in having associated ectodermal dysplasia. Their hair slowly improved in appearance and combability over 5 years without biotin therapy.
This is good evidence. I am glad I have been consistent with my biotin. It really helped with my eyelashes.
Your eyelashes? I just started taking Biotin and plus I use Biotin Creme. I can see some difference. I have really short eyelashes so I hope this helps.
Last year, I gave mine to my FI *I hate taking pills* and he stopped taking them because it made his facial hair grow too fast and he was mad about the amount of shaving he had to do.
landakaye said:
Your eyelashes? I just started taking Biotin and plus I use Biotin Creme. I can see some difference. I have really short eyelashes so I hope this helps.

When I was younger I had full, lush lashes Top and Bottom. Prior to biotin I still had the Top lashes, but none at the bottom. Once I started taking biotin and my multi-vitamin, my bottom lashes re-appeared. I say it was the biotin because when I was taking the multi without biotin, I didn't have the lashes.
KAddy said:
When I was younger I had full, lush lashes Top and Bottom. Prior to biotin I still had the Top lashes, but none at the bottom. Once I started taking biotin and my multi-vitamin, my bottom lashes re-appeared. I say it was the biotin because when I was taking the multi without biotin, I didn't have the lashes.

Wow :shocked:...I didn't know Biotin could do all that. I'm still waiting for it to help make my nails stronger!
lovelymissyoli said:
Wow :shocked:...I didn't know Biotin could do all that. I'm still waiting for it to help make my nails stronger!

I think it goes where your body needs it. Meaning, my nails have always been strong and long so I don't really see any extra growth there. I did notice it in the eyelash department.
Integrity said:
anyone seen results in the HAIR department?

I can say that my hair is thicker at the roots (the new growth). I am guessing that my hair growth rate increased. THe reason I say guess is because I never really tracked it before, but I know when I got to a point that I got to when I wasn't taking biotin, my new growth seemed to be longer. It could be wishful thinking though. We'll see though. I mean I have been taking it since October; consistently at that. I just recently upped my intake from 800 mcg to 1600 mcg. I think other ladies have posted before of their benefits in the HAIR department. Do a search for biotin.
Since November, I've been faithfully taking GNC's Hair, Skin & Nails Formula which has 2500 mcg in a daily dose, but have not noticed any change in my hair or nails. I think it takes at least three months to begin to see any influence. Although, it does seem like my hair may be growing faster in places where I don't want it, so my esthetician is happy. :lol:
I have noticed a change in hair growth and my nails.....I was a little discouraged at first but this holiday proved that I'm doing something right.....Started taking it in October and by December, my nails and all my hair had grown. When I got a make-over, the lady told me that she loved my eyelashes.....I have never ever ever had any make-up artist tell me that......I also take 8000mcg a day.
I'm back to taking it orally but I still dissolve the pills and mix the paste into my conditioner ( for some reason it makes my hair shed less in the shower). My nails are stronger but I've only been ingesting it again for less than a week, when I did take it faithfully it increased my hair growth rate unfortunately for ALL of my hair (scalp, body, and facial) Oh well what can you do, I just went to the waxing salon more often :grin:
Biotin made my hair grow strong, too strong that it started feeling like straw. I moisturized until I couldn't moisturize anymore. Besides, my face broke out after two months so I had to stop. Everything is back to normal since I stopped taking them.

But I'm glad it's working for you ladies:)
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I am currently taking GNC Ultra Nourishair and I have seen major growth and thickness:eek: .It contains 1200mcg=400% daily value. I started taking them exactly Dec 31th, 2004 and now I have hair everywhere. My hairlines now have more hair and also notice that my babyhairs are growing more down onto my face. The hair on my legs, armpits and hands are getting way out of control. I feel like a damn gorrilla:lachen: . I have to shave soon. But so far so good:) .
luvlonghair said:
Biotin made my hair grow strong, too strong that it started feeling like straw. I moisturized until I couldn't moisturize anymore. Besides, my face broke out after two months so I had to stop. Everything is back to normal since I stopped taking them.

But I'm glad it's working for you ladies

Luvlonghair I've been taking Biotin and my face has been breaking out recently... I may have to take that into consideration.

I have been taking it a little over a month now, and I don't think I have any considerable increase in growth rate. But, I am transitioning and I have not straightened or used any heat in my hair in a little over a month either. Just wash or conditioner rise, and put up. Maybe that's why I can't tell... :ohwell:
I was taking 3000mg of biotin and my face was breaking kinda bad. However, I went down to one tablet which is 1500mg and my breakouts have ceased to exist so now my skin is doing really well. I am thinking I was taking too much so now I am at where I think I should be and not at the expense of my skin! Biotin does work though for it is one of my must have vitamins.
Sognbyrd, sometimes it will take a couple of months to see the effects of the pill, but if it is breaking your face out, stop using it, it's doing more harm than good. If you are taking more than one a day, try what WhippEffectz is doing, only take one a day and see how this pans out for you.

WhippEffectz, if only I were than lucky, I was taking only one pill a day and this is what happened. I'm glad that your having better results and your skin is doing better:)