Biotin breaks me out...


Are there other hair supplements that would cause less breakouts? Has anyone experienced breakouts while using Nexxus Vitatress biotin line (creme, poo, & leave in con)?
I haven't experienced any breakouts from taking any supplements. I know some members have so I am sure they will chime in about which supplement they experienced this with.
The only time I tried any hair related supplements I stopped 2 days later.
I tried Brewer's Yeast and Sea Kelp together.
I got a few big itchy lumps on my legs and arms... and they might have spread if I carried on taking them! I stopped after 2 days but the lumps didn't go for over a week. And because I couldn't help scratching them, I've got scars which won't go for several months.

Sooo, I don't know which ones you should try, but not these two!
After a quick look on the net I think it is more likely to have been the Brewer's Yeast but I'm not trying either again to find out.
Biotin broke my face out something horrible....:sad: I was taking the tablets three times a day. I just take it once a day currently and have seen a big change.

How often do you put the biotin on your scalp?
the vitatress biotin creme builds up on my scalp. and no, biotin doesnt break me out. you have to drink lots of water and you should start with low dosage. what dosage are you taking right now?
I have been taking 6,000 micrograms of Biotin in my hair vitamin faithfully everyday for the past 4 years and I have had no problems whatsoever. I guess it depends on the individual and what your body can handle. That's why its a good idea to check with your doctor before before popping pills.

Last relaxer touch-up: July 5th, 2005 (attained 1 1/2 in. of ng)
Next relaxer touch-up: September 5th, 2005
Current hair length: 2 inches past bra strap (when blown out straight)
Ultimate hair goal: 5 inches past bra strap by Dec. 2005...might
exceed that goal!!!!!
Hair challenges: MTG challenge starting July 7th, 2005 and running
for 2 months.
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