BioInfusion Smoothing Conditioner WOW


New Member
Originally, I planned to wait until I used a few more times, but just cant get over my hair so ...hey what the heck...I'll rave now!!!

I purchased the BioInfusion Smoothing Conditioner w/Silk Protein from WALGREENS :grin: on sale fro $9.99.

My plan was to use on Tuesdays as my quick deep conditioner w/good benefits.

I did my friday pre poo with CPR because I'm 11 wks post and wanna try and baby- baby my hair until the end of the month.

1/3 con, 1/3 garlic poo and ppmint wash

Then enters the bioinfusion...I added 3/4 cp of the bio, 1/2 tspn grapeseed oil, 1/2 tspn castor oil, 1/2 tspn african shea butter oil, 1/2 tspn of honey and 2 ml of SAA all over the hair and WOWIE :cup:

I'm a believer :clap: in the cheap (sometimes :grin: )

Some may say, 'maybe it's all the oils you added?" Nope, I add the same oils to my deep conditioners every week, and although my hair is improving every week, it felt nothing like it did last night and still this morning.

I can only describe it as a true feeling of silk. When I squeezed the excess water from my strands felt like it had a silky coating over the strands and they felt stronger (maybe they weren't but they did feel that way). This morning, semi dry still felt like silk.

So to sum up my long story :grin: If you're looking for an alternative deep conditioner (on a budget or not) don't pass by the BioInufsion.
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Yup. I was really surprised it did all that, now maybe that touch of SAA kicked it into high gear, but that stuff is really great, cheap and SOOOO much.

It will definitely be my tuesday DC...I like to save the super charged stuff for my weekend - long - drawn - out wash and pamper hair session.:grin:

Is that the product line in the big white jugs with green (or maybe orange??) writing?