Bigup! 2 Sisterlink and Macherie! Give thanks to who helped you thread!


New Member
Hey Guys!

I new this this site just officially joined (payment) last week. I am not sure if you do this from time to time but I wanted to thank the people that I got good info from so far.

First I would not have known about this if I did not buy Macherie dvd. On her website someone asked did she belong to LHCF and I google it. I am now rollersetting my own hair and only go to the beauty parlour for trim (unless really being lazy). There is a huge difference in my hair. Thanks Macherie. I can now only be mad at myself if hair does not look good instead of paying for it:perplexed. If you don't know how to rollerset the dvd is worth the money:yep:

Sisterlink has answered all of my questions last week even when I thought it may have been too much. She has also extended her help in the future. My hair had become dry due to no-lye and she told me about chealting which I see and feel a big difference.

Anyway, I am pretty sure it is someone you would like to thank.
Big thanks to my big hair sister and mentor JAMARAA!! Love you girl!

Also Brickhouse on the health and fitness side!!!