Bigen and Henna


New Member
Is there really alot of difference in using Bigen over Henna. I know that henna will strenghten the hair, make it thicker and shiny, but will Bigen do the same. I have put in henna one time and I loved the way it made my hair look and feel, but I have heard some others say that it will only appear thicker for a period of time. So is it that I have to Henna more often to always get the thicker look to my hair. I see that some people henna once or twice a week.
I haven't tried Henna, but I'm thinking about. Bigen was not good for me. I only used it about the edges where I saw a little gray, then I noticed my edges breaking and getting thin. I stopped using the Bigen and my edges are coming back.

Everyone is different but I'm not a Bigen's fan. I know it works for some of the ladies but it was a big disappointment to me.