
New Member
EWWWWWWW is all I can say about my scalp right now. I've had this problem for as long as I can remember. It comes and it goes. It makes me itch just thinking about the SPREADING yeast overgrowth on my scalp right now. This is what I think it is anyway.

I started to notice AGAIN, hard white crusty flakes on certain spots on my scalp. So what do I do? I scratch and pick and comb and scrap them away. BAD IDEA! That makes it spread.

Now what do I do?

Help please. THanks
I have no idea what it could be or how to fix it but if I were you I would sprint to my Doctor like yesterday or to my dermatologist, and if you don't have a dermatologist make your doctor give you a referral.....

Now that you are finished reading this get on that phone and make that appointment or just be a walk-in patient tomorrow or right now if you can.

Gone Girl!!
FeelinIt said:
EWWWWWWW is all I can say about my scalp right now. I've had this problem for as long as I can remember. It comes and it goes. It makes me itch just thinking about the SPREADING yeast overgrowth on my scalp right now. This is what I think it is anyway.

I started to notice AGAIN, hard white crusty flakes on certain spots on my scalp. So what do I do? I scratch and pick and comb and scrap them away. BAD IDEA! That makes it spread.

Now what do I do?

Help please. THanks

Are you sure it isn't eczema?
I had a similar problem with my scalp. My dermatologist prescribed Derma-Smooth Scalp Oil (Fluocinolone Acetonide) along with Nizoral (Ketaconzole 2%) shampoo for my severely itchy, flaky scalp. I used the Derma-Smooth nightly for 2 weeks, and shampooed once a week with the Nizoral 2% shampoo, which I left on for 5 minutes before rinsing and deep conditioning. I haven't had any flakes or itchiness since. Prior to seeing my dermatologist I had tried all kinds of over-the-counter remedies but found that nothing worked to control the itching and flaking for more than a few days. I never thought of seeing a doctor for my scalp problems until a friend suggested it. Now I'm passing that suggestion on to others. Good luck!
I agree with Sapphire, but since I have been overseas, they (the base) won't give me any of this stuff because they won't stock it!!!

So I have had to improvise with MN (miconizole nitrate) better known as Monistat! It has helped TREMENDOUSLY!!! Plus helps the hair to grow.

There is a thread on this but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to bump it to you.
What were you previously using on your scalp?

I had the same problem. I suggest a garlic shampoo or a dandruff poo like head and shoulders or something extra strength. Sometimes you have to go back to basics and grease your scalp with vaseline or blue magic. I also recommend neosporin ointment.
sapphirevirgo69 said:
I had a similar problem with my scalp. My dermatologist prescribed Derma-Smooth Scalp Oil (Fluocinolone Acetonide) along with Nizoral (Ketaconzole 2%) shampoo for my severely itchy, flaky scalp. I used the Derma-Smooth nightly for 2 weeks, and shampooed once a week with the Nizoral 2% shampoo, which I left on for 5 minutes before rinsing and deep conditioning. I haven't had any flakes or itchiness since. Prior to seeing my dermatologist I had tried all kinds of over-the-counter remedies but found that nothing worked to control the itching and flaking for more than a few days. I never thought of seeing a doctor for my scalp problems until a friend suggested it. Now I'm passing that suggestion on to others. Good luck!

I suffered from the same problem for years. When I started using a medicated shampoo ("Selsun" Blue - once a week, at first) and leaving it on for 10 minues...the problem completely went away.

Before that I had been using a scalp ointment ("Top Brass") which did the job, but was heavy, strong smelling, and needed to be applied about every day.
I had this problem when I was in my teens. I had a complete white cap over my scalp and it had begun to spread to my face before I told my mother about it and she took me to the doctor. He prescribe a poo that I used twice a week and liquid ointment that I used twice daily and I went to the doctor once weekly for 6 weeks to get a shoot in the bootay. He said no relaxers until my scalp healed and to wash at least twice a week. I have not had a problem that severe since but I have had flare ups.

I recommend going to the Demot. because if their anything like mine they look like big cornflakes when scratched.
This happened to me when I had a relaxer. Big white flakes.
This also happened when I went natural. Big white flakes. When I tried Surge. HUGE white flakes and burning.

So now I have a simple regimen and a prescription from my dermatologist for this oil that I put on when I get flare ups. I have three areas of my scalp that get "cradle caps". I use a dandruff shampoo and watch my scalp closely.
If you are using Surge or MN - please stop. MN dries the scalp out really quickly.