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If you ladies can recall, my daughter’s hair was breaking and very brittle because of the weather. So, I started to boxbraid her hair (myself). After a couple of months of boxbraiding her hair, it began to improve. I braided her hair from November to March. Well, here is the story.

Last week, her father decided that he would take her to get her hair done by a salon. Well, he took her to a salon and requested that they wash and press my daughter’s hair. The stylist took my daughter and wash and press her hair. But this is were the drama starts...

The stylist styled my daughter’s hair and turn her around to look in the mirror and said “How do you like your hair”? My daughter took one look and said “Have you lost your mind? This is awful!! You call yourself a hair stylist? Look at this mess. I know you don’t expect my father to pay for this crap?

Well everyone in the salon mouths dropped – from shock and laughter. Here is a little 7 year old girl telling the stylist off. Her father and the owner of the shop came rushing to her. The owner of the salon said “If you don’t like it I can do it over?” My daughter took one look at the owner and said “YOU – are you crazy?” It looks like the last person’s hair that you styled was MOSES. I don’t want you touching my hair. My daughter looked around the salon and picked out another stylist and said “You over there – you style my hair”. You look like the only one in this place that knows what they are doing. Well, another stylist had to restyle her hair to her satisfaction.

She got up from the chair and told her father “Let’s get out of this dump”. Her father said wait I have to pay the bill. He paid the owner of the salon and this woman had the nerve to ask if he would like to make an appointment for my daughter for next time. My daughter said “Next time, please woman there will be no next time. This is the first and last time you will ever see my face.” Her father said let me give the stylist a tip. My daughter said “Tip? The only tip she needs is that she should get another job. Give me that money. Let’s go Daddy. I am sick of these people.

My husband said that he wanted to laugh so badly and couldn’t even say anything because she said everything for him. When he got outside he laughed his head off. My daughter was highly upset and insulted by her experience. And said I will never come back here again.

But I have learned a lesson from my own child. Here, is a 7 year old girl who spoke up for herself. She didn’t need her father to speak for her. I have been to hair salons and hated my style, cut or color and just paid and even tipped the stylist. NEVER AGAIN, if a 7 year old can do it. So can I. Just wanted to share.
HEE! Go head girlfriend! I'm on the floor right now just laughing tears. I can't believe a 7 year old said everything we adult women have been wanting to say but were too scared/timid. We need to take her to Marvin let her give him a word or two
don't you think your daughter could have been more tactful? I have to be honest here, if my daughter said those words in that manner i would have been embarrased. Good for her she stood up to nonsense hairdressing but there are ways of addressing adults and people you dont know personally. but on the other hand she is only 7

i hope you take this the right way. these are just my thoughts on the matter.
Spoke up for herself? She told those folks off!
Good for her!! She won't be victimized by a hair stylist!
She sounds like me but I'm not nearly as harsh
, as an adult, the stylist would not have that type of talk from me so we have to be more professional when telling someone in the business world we are not satisfied. However, it does sound cute coming from a 7-year-old.

I've not paid salons before and no one should if they don't do a good job. Even if you do decide to pay for something not done right, never ever tip someone you're not happy with, if you needed to sue for some reason, having given them a tip would not look good on your part. They'd use that against you to prove that you were satisfied.

I once paid a salon, got home and saw a very big mistake, went back the next day and got my money back.
Children trully say what's on their mind. As an adult I would not have been that frank. It's amazing what comes out of the mouth of babes?
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LuvableLady said:
However, it does sound cute coming from a 7-year-old.

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i was thinking that a bit but then again i thought wow if this it at 7 years old, how will it be at 14??
she certainly knows how to speak EXACTLY whats on her mind thats for sure...
Well....she got her point across. I think if I could have learn to speak up for myself earlier I woul have a lot more hair on my head.
Speaking up for yourself has it's limit for children. I am not passing judgement on the young lady. Her mother has taught her to stand up for herself which will help her in the long run. I just know some people can not appreciate straigt forward truth from a child. I see it with my son. He expresses himself very well sometimes too well. Some adults think he is too grown. The story just reminds me of how free children are with their thoughts and actions. At some point they will learn to be tactful and conservative with their thoughts and actions. I miss being care free. I now have to be consious of my thougths and actions becasue they have consequences.
Seven years old? I would have gotten punished for talking to anyone like that at that age. Just MY two cents.
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Allandra said:
Seven years old? I would have gotten punished for talking to anyone like that at that age. Just MY two cents.

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my mother would have blown my head away....
As an adult we can be carefree but it is not cute and most likely we will be getting in a lot of fights or disagreements. People just don't take that from adults, they'd have the police lead us out of the place, plus, we'd still have to pay.
No. I don’t think that my daughter is rude. But she is just a child that will definitely defend herself. At the beginning of the school year, she had asked her teacher for a conference. She said “Mrs. Smith, may I have a moment of your time later on this afternoon. There are few things I would like to discuss with you. Well, the teacher was shocked. What could a 7-year old (at the time 6) want to talk to her about. My daughter is a DRAMA QUEEN.
My daughter felt that the teacher did not like her. Because when she would ask her a question the teacher would respond to her in a nasty tone. The teacher said “No, I like you and I am sorry that you feel that way. But if I did answer you in a mean tone, I will not do it again. My daughter thank the teacher and left to go home. Later on that evening my husband received a call from the teacher and she told him what happened. She wanted to alert us about the conversation and apologize for any hard feelings my daughter had towards her and to let us know that our daughter has a high self-esteem and that no one will ever get over on her.
When we spoke to our daughter about why she didn’t come to one of us about the situation. She calmly said “I couldn’t go on one more day thinking that the teacher didn’t like me. And, even if she didn’t like me that’s alright. But I wanted to let her know that I didn’t appreciate her talking to me in a nasty tone and I’ll bet you she will think twice about doing it again. I wasn’t rude or disrespectful. But I had to get it off my chest. Then she looked at us and said “I hope I didn’t do anything wrong”. Her father thinks that’s she is his baby and nothing she does is wrong. And having an older brother (17) and a father that are constantly drumming in her head DO NOT LET NO ONE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU doesn’t help either. They are referring to when she gets older (a man) and she interprets its as the world.
I applaud your daughter for speaking up, but I will have to say that she was a bit harsh. Calling the place a "dump," saying, "You over there, do my hair," is a little much for a 7 year old, IMO. The way you described her talking to her teacher and resolving that issue was perfect. She was calm, collected, not rude, and putting her concerns out in a dignified, very grown-up manner. I wonder why she did not feel she could approach the hairdressers, who, like her teacher, are grown-up professionals, in that same calm, dignified manner?

Please don't misunderstand me - I don't think you're raising a problem child. On the contrary, we might just have a future Supreme Court justice on our hands! But I am hoping that you and her father are instilling the idea that there is a time and place for everything and a certain manner in which conflicts can be resolved.

Now, if the beaiuticians were rude to your little girl, that's a whole other story. Still, there's a lesson to be learned for us - namely, SPEAK UP. Like others here, I have stayed silent when my hair was jacked up, though I have NEVER tipped when that happened.

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OnlyErin said:
, we might just have a future Supreme Court justice on our hands!

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With the type of talk in the first message I can assure you that she's got some lawyer in her so the Supreme Court is not out of her league. Only lawyers and children could get away with this type of behavior. Lawyers because they know how to get around the legal system and children because they are so darn cute.

I think if I had opened my mouth like that to an adult, my mom would have gotten up, walked over quietly to me, taken me by the hand, escorted me outside and said "I will deal with you when we get home."

Punishment indeed!

High self-esteem and tact in a child are two different issues.

Can your daughter give an interservice to the rest of us on how to handle your hairdresser! Lil' Girlfriend don't play
Dag...I was thinking the same thing! Regardless of how her hair turned out, there is no reason to be rude like that. If I had of spoken to an adult like that (jacked up head or not) I would not have this nice rack of teeth today.
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If I had of spoken to an adult like that (jacked up head or not) I would not have this nice rack of teeth today.

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kreeme said:
Dag...I was thinking the same thing! Regardless of how her hair turned out, there is no reason to be rude like that. If I had of spoken to an adult like that (jacked up head or not) I would not have this nice rack of teeth today.

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Yeah, me too!! And in addition to having jacked up hair, I woulda had a jacked up butt later that night too!!!

You better be careful, cuz when she's a teenager, she may be talking to YOU like that!!

Man, if that was my daughter, I don't think I would've told that story...
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Man, if that was my daughter, I don't think I would've told that story...

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The story just reminds me of how free children are with their thoughts and actions. At some point they will learn to be tactful and conservative with their thoughts and actions.

[/ QUOTE ] Exactly! I have no doubt that her mom and dad will cultivate that gift she has to express herself as she grows older. It's all a learning process and we all do it differently and at different times, that's all.
The after thought is very very funny
cute for a 7 y.o., but when I think about it, the CHILD can be taught how to express her feelings in more respectable way.
I totally agree with her expressing herself and many of the comments I've read today about this..but again, it's the way you say things.
I should have spoken up at that age in many tells people that you will NOT be a victim.

I was an abused child, so I know what I'm talking about.
Good for her
I wish I could tell the hairdresser what I was thinking when they asked me how I liked my hair! The thing about being tactful with hairdressers is that they will ignore you or talk you out of what you are thinking. I can see how stronger language would be neccessary. This braider insisted on using a lighter to burn the frizzies, on the top of my head! I knew it was my hair because I could smell it burning. I told her to stop but she wouldn't listen. I should have been more intimidating. Some hairdressers will screw you over if you let them.
Very funny story and I appreciate you sharing it..I'm sure your daughter is really cute and is very opinionated and very intelligent...

However, I think you should have said something to her when she got home...Something like, "You shouldn't speak to adults like that honey. Now matter how bad they styled your hair..." And then you could tell how she handled herself with the teacher is the proper way to go..If you don't put a rein on her now, she will be out of control when she gets older and when it isn't cute.
I agree that the child is allowed an opinion, but she sounds rude. I can just imagine that same child as a teen and it's a scary thought. As long as no permanent damage had been done, it's really wrong and insulting to call the stylists' work "crap". No one needs that from a 7 year-old. And to allow that behavior to go on in the salon for any length of time is emabarrasing and a reflection on the parents.