Big chopped and beyond sisters...get in here!


I've been reading a lot of threads lately and polls for people that are saying that they wish to be bsl and above by next year..which is awesome!!! I wish all my lhcf sisters the very best and I can't wait until i am where you guys are wishing that all of you achieve your goals.....however...:look: to all my sisters..and I'm sure I'm not alone...that are struggling or have big chopped and are early in our journeys:lachen: like from big chop to maybe neck lenght...let us all start a thread to maybe see if we could set some goals for next all my big chop and neck lenght sistas...what are your goals for next year this time around? I am not even at neck my goal for next year..keeping my fingers crossed is ...hmmmm...maybe shoulder lengh? how about you? I plan on moisturizing 2 times a week and sealing with an oil..and deep conditoning at least 2 times a week and protective styling with a wig in the winter because I can't do it in the summer.too freaking hot:nono:...lets join our hands together and continue our journey to one day join our sisters that are shoulder lenght and more someday...we CAN do it!!!!!:grin:
I'm with ya! i plan on having my hair touch my shoulders by feb. and be full SL by next Aug. APL by Dec. '11... I just BC'd last week, and I'll be 6 months post next week.
I'm in. This is a good idea.

I just recently BC'D after a long transition. My hair is in layers and my longest layers are past collar bone length but not APL. My shortest layers in back are about the nape of my neck and the front layers touch my bottom lip. So this time next year I would like for all my shorter layers to be at or past SL.
I BCd April 2, 2010, my last relaxer was Jan. 2010. I BCd twice. My hair was only one fourth inch, now it's three inches. I am hoping for SL by Jan. 2011. I deep condition twice a week and cowash daily along with sealing. Patience is hard when your hair seems just to be sitting there not growing. But I know that it is.
My goals are as follows:

SL 6/2011
APL 6/2012
BSL 6/2013
MBL 6/2014
WL 6/2015

The last time I measured my hair was July 4th and it was 4 inches long. I BC'ed May 26th at about 8 months post.
i am only one month natural and my last relaxer was 3 months ago. i am hoping to get to shoulder length. my hair length is from .5-3.5 inches.
I'm with ya! i plan on having my hair touch my shoulders by feb. and be full SL by next Aug. APL by Dec. '11... I just BC'd last week, and I'll be 6 months post next week.

i BC 2days before you, and my last perm was just a
few days before yours. & your last perm was on my
birthday :drunk:, lmao. just throwing things out there

you're my unofficial hairrrrr buddddddy ... whether you like it or not

jk lol