Big chop part 2- (semi)Faded! Advice?


New Member
In my previous thread I asked whether or not I should go to the level as my bald patches as they looked really unsightly with my first big chop


Since then I have gone down to a fade and it looks a lot better
I don't blame you. That's what I would have done too. Then I'd probabaly message my scalp everyday with an oil mixture that included varying amounts of peppermint oil, rosemary oil, castor oil (jbco), tea tree oil and maybe evoo or evco. That's what I did for my eyebrows when they thinned out and after 10 years of VERY thin brows they're bushy again after only about 2 months of doing this. Don't know if something like that would work for you.
i loved wearing a fade! get your earrings and your lipstick and do it hunty! a fade was very low maintenance for me. i just cowashed, applied my moisturizer, or my pomade, brushed, and kept it moving. i didn't start deep conditioning until i got 2-3 inches of hair.
Yup, I second rocking the fade. Rock it with pride, girl!

Start looking into whether you wanna do sulfates/cones. Start building your protein-moisture game. Start DCing weekly, even on the short hair. While you're DCing, read some threads to learn about common regimens and common setbacks. You can even start thinking about if you wanna PS and which PSs you want to rock.

When I was 0", I used to study the regimens of the long-haired ladies. They are mostly consistent with what they do. They tend to keep it simple. Once you get your own regi set, you'll fall into the same habit. GL! :)