Bible Study Week 2: Spiritual Gifts


Well-Known Member
Okay ladies....we are on Week 2 of our LHCF Bible Study. This weeks topic is courtesy of the lovely SuperNova! Thanks, Sis! Week 1 was very beneficial for me and I loved everyone's input. I hoped that it helped some of you as well. Feel free to continue that discussion (if you'd like)

Here are a couple of questons to start us off on discussing our "Spiritual Gifts"

What are Spiritual Gifts?

Who grants us our Spiritual Gift?

Does everyone receive a Spiritual Gift?

Do you carry the same Spiritual Gift throughout your lifetime?

How do you find out what your Spiritual Gift is?

What happens if you don't embrace your Spiritual Gifts?

What are some bible verses that pertain to Spiritual Gifts?

What was Jesus' Spiritual Gift?
What are Spiritual Gifts?
IMHO, these gifts are given from the Lord to those who live and beleive in Him. These gifts are used to help others as well as ourselves.

Who grants us our Spiritual Gift?
The Lord our God. Through the Holy Spirit.

Does everyone receive a Spiritual Gift?

Do you carry the same Spiritual Gift throughout your lifetime?
Yes, if you know that you have this gift and you over your lifetime devolpe it.

How do you find out what your Spiritual Gift is?
Ask God during prayer to reveal it to you. Speak with other Christians, Pastors to also tell you what they think your gifts are. Go into ministries where you feel that God can use you.
For me I love homeless and Prison Ministry.

What happens if you don't embrace your Spiritual Gifts?
It goes unused.

What are some bible verses that pertain to Spiritual Gifts?
The Bible Teaches That Every Christian Is Given at Least One Spiritual Gift -- 1 Corinthians 12:7a,11.

What was Jesus' Spiritual Gift?
He can heal the sick, Feed 5000 people by breaking and blessing bread. Jesus did so much I can go on and on.
Okay ladies....we are on Week 2 of our LHCF Bible Study. This weeks topic is courtesy of the lovely SuperNova! Thanks, Sis! Week 1 was very beneficial for me and I loved everyone's input. I hoped that it helped some of you as well. Feel free to continue that discussion (if you'd like)

Here are a couple of questons to start us off on discussing our "Spiritual Gifts"

What are Spiritual Gifts?
I think these are the primary "tool" that we are to use while working for the Lord in His kingdom.

Who grants us our Spiritual Gift?
God grants our spiritual gifts.

Does everyone receive a Spiritual Gift?
I think so, but not everyone acknowledges or develops their gifts to their full potential.

Do you carry the same Spiritual Gift throughout your lifetime?
Not sure, but I would believe so. I do think that things can be added to a person as the Lord sees fit.

How do you find out what your Spiritual Gift is?
Prayer, fasting and listening to God's instruction.

What happens if you don't embrace your Spiritual Gifts?
I think it grieves the Lord if we don't use our gifts. That means that a part of the "body" of Christ is missing a key element and I don't think that's a good thing.

What are some bible verses that pertain to Spiritual Gifts?

1 Corinthians 12 (whole chapter)

What was Jesus' Spiritual Gift?
I would believe that Jesus had ALL of the Gifts.

Here are some links with study related to discovering/finding your Gift. HTH.

This one is a test and I found it to be VERY accurate.

Some more info.
  1. Every Christian has at least one Spiritual Gift ( 1 Peter 4:10 )
  2. No Christian has all the gifts ( 1 Corinthians 12:28-30 )
  3. We cannot choose our gifts; God does that job ( 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 )
  4. There is no gift that every Christian possesses ( 1 Corinthians 12:29-30 )
  5. Believers will account to the Lord for how they use their gifts ( 1 Peter 4:10 )
  6. Spiritual Gifts indicate God’s call and purpose for a Christian’s life ( Romans 12:2-8 )
  7. Gifts used without love do not accomplish God’s intended purposes ( 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 )
  8. Spiritual Gifts are for the common good to build up the Body ( 1 Corinthians 12:27 )
Okay ladies....we are on Week 2 of our LHCF Bible Study. This weeks topic is courtesy of the lovely SuperNova! Thanks, Sis! Week 1 was very beneficial for me and I loved everyone's input. I hoped that it helped some of you as well. Feel free to continue that discussion (if you'd like)

Here are a couple of questons to start us off on discussing our "Spiritual Gifts"

What are Spiritual Gifts?

Gifts given to us to build up the body of Christ as well as to bring souls into the Body and to help those people whom we come into contact with, whether or not they are in the Body or not.

Who grants us our Spiritual Gift?

The Holy Spirit gives us these gifts and we receive confirmation of the gifts by the people around us who notice these "things" that we do.

Does everyone receive a Spiritual Gift?

Yes, everyone gets at least one. Remember the story from last weeks study about the servants who received the talents--

Do you carry the same Spiritual Gift throughout your lifetime?

Not necessarily. If you keep tabs on your gifts, you may find that they change over time, based upon how much you are using them and whether or not you are using them for the glory of God.

How do you find out what your Spiritual Gift is?

Pay attention to what you enjoy doing and what comes naturally, take a spiritual gifts assessment. I also use the one crlsweetie912 listed.

What happens if you don't embrace your Spiritual Gifts?

You put yourself at risk for losing the gift just like the servant who hid his talent in the ground. Use it or lose it.

What are some bible verses that pertain to Spiritual Gifts?

1 Corinthians Chapter 12. Once you find your own primary gifts, it is a good idea to get out your concordance and start researching the name of the gifts itself. That way you can see other examples of how that word was used and in some cases you will see that the words are used in the descriptions of people in the Bible who shared that same gift with you.

What was Jesus' Spiritual Gift?

I believe Jesus had the gift of sheparding, exhortation, evangelism, prophecy, wisdom, knowledge, giving, mercy, teaching, apostleship, ministry, leadership, miracles, laying of hands, intercession, administration

Here is a resource that I use to learn more about the gifts of the spirit

I took a small break from LHCF because I was really focused on my medical board exam that I had to take.

What happened to the weekly bible study? :look:

I have found some great bible studies that I'd like to do but I have trouble finding a local group to participate with. I need the "interaction" of others (fellowship) to expose me to different interpretations and it helps with the journey.

Can we start a new/weekly bible study thread PLEEAASE?!?!