Bible Study Drop Out?


New Member
It seems like I always have some sort of issue lately! This particular issue is one I've been praying on for a while now and God has been answering my prayers but I'm still not sure of what my final response should be. So, here's the situation...

I am in this small group. I enjoy the people in the small group - all except for one person. This person is overly cocky and boastful and sometimes I just can't tolerate him. When he gives his opinion on something, it takes all that I have to not to put my hands up to my ears to avoid hearing him speak.

It seems that he thinks by using "Christian speak" that that means he's somehow knowledgeable and it drives me crazy. And maybe it is just the WAY he says it.

The worst part is that he considers himself "our leader." I don't know how to be led by someone I do not find genuine or well-versed and is cocky!

If it weren't for the other people in the group, I am sure I would no longer go but I do like a few of the girls who attend. And I do need friends. I just don't know what to do.

Should I continue to go and should I get out? Should I just continue to pray for tolerance?

If I stop going, I might offend people. If I continue to go, instead of enjoying my time, I just feel like I'm fighting off my frustration. :perplexed
That is definitely one to pray very hard about. If he is your leader, then technically, you are under him for a reason and God placed you there. I can't tell you what to do except to pray before study every time and ask God himself to speak to you during the studies(regardless of what the man is saying, God's Word and message will speak to your heart through it)
That is definitely one to pray very hard about. If he is your leader, then technically, you are under him for a reason and God placed you there. I can't tell you what to do except to pray before study every time and ask God himself to speak to you during the studies(regardless of what the man is saying, God's Word and message will speak to your heart through it)

See, that's just it. He decided upon himself that he was the leader...
Hairlove this is a hard one. What did the other members of the group say when he took up upon himself to be the leader? (I just want to know :lol:). SuperNova gave great advice. If I was in the same situation I would pray for God's guidance. From the description that you gave of this guy I am more than sure that I would become aggravated as well by his presence.

See, that's just it. He decided upon himself that he was the leader...
Hairlove this is a hard one. What did the other members of the group say when he took up upon himself to be the leader? (I just want to know :lol:). SuperNova gave great advice. If I was in the same situation I would pray for God's guidance. From the description that you gave of this guy I am more than sure that I would become aggravated as well by his presence.

Honestly, I don't even know how it happened. It just did. It was a new group that started and some of the people he had met at one time or another. So, I guess he figured since he had some connection (not friends but just knew) he should be the leader. So, it just happened.

I am praying on it and searching the Bible for answers!
It seems like I always have some sort of issue lately! This particular issue is one I've been praying on for a while now and God has been answering my prayers but I'm still not sure of what my final response should be. So, here's the situation...

I am in this small group. I enjoy the people in the small group - all except for one person. This person is overly cocky and boastful and sometimes I just can't tolerate him. When he gives his opinion on something, it takes all that I have to not to put my hands up to my ears to avoid hearing him speak.

It seems that he thinks by using "Christian speak" that that means he's somehow knowledgeable and it drives me crazy. And maybe it is just the WAY he says it.

The worst part is that he considers himself "our leader." I don't know how to be led by someone I do not find genuine or well-versed and is cocky!

If it weren't for the other people in the group, I am sure I would no longer go but I do like a few of the girls who attend. And I do need friends. I just don't know what to do.

Should I continue to go and should I get out? Should I just continue to pray for tolerance?

If I stop going, I might offend people. If I continue to go, instead of enjoying my time, I just feel like I'm fighting off my frustration. :perplexed

Are you growing from attending the bible study? Is the message feeding your spirit? If it is, then I would continue attending but focus on the message and not the messenger. If its not , then throw up the peace sign, smile, and say,"Be blessed." LOL!! But seriously, if its not why go back?
Are you growing from attending the bible study? Is the message feeding your spirit? If it is, then I would continue attending but focus on the message and not the messenger. If its not , then throw up the peace sign, smile, and say,"Be blessed." LOL!! But seriously, if its not why go back?

To be honest, I'd have to say that it's not feeding my spirit all that much. I mainly go b/c it is a group of 30 something people. But I'm now realizing there are only 2 or 3 of those people who I'd want to spend time getting to know. I don't know...
Are you growing from attending the bible study? Is the message feeding your spirit? If it is, then I would continue attending but focus on the message and not the messenger. If its not , then throw up the peace sign, smile, and say,"Be blessed." LOL!! But seriously, if its not why go back?
This is a great observation and question, Sometimes if we are not in a place where God would have us to be, he can turn the tables to make us uncomfortable enough to leave the situation and seek him on the matter in which we are trying to find comfort or resolve through interaction with other people.
To be honest, I'd have to say that it's not feeding my spirit all that much. I mainly go b/c it is a group of 30 something people. But I'm now realizing there are only 2 or 3 of those people who I'd want to spend time getting to know. I don't know...

Hairlove, please know that I'm not saying this to be sarcastic. I just don't understand. Whether your reason for going is to socialize/fellowship, get deeper into the word, or both, it just doesn't sound like a good place to do so. I would exchange numbers/email addresses with those that I want to continue to fellowship with and find a bible study that is going to feed my spirit. Be encouraged.

*** Also, do not allow yourself to feel guilty about severing ties with the others ( should you decide to leave), because as human (and spiritual) beings we naturally "gravitate" toward certain people ( and away from others... :grin:SMILE).
Hairlove, please know that I'm not saying this to be sarcastic. I just don't understand. Whether your reason for going is to socialize/fellowship, get deeper into the word, or both, it just doesn't sound like a good place to do so. I would exchange numbers/email addresses with those that I want to continue to fellowship with and find a bible study that is going to feed my spirit. Be encouraged.

*** Also, do not allow yourself to feel guilty about severing ties with the others ( should you decide to leave), because as human (and spiritual) beings we naturally "gravitate" toward certain people ( and away from others... :grin:SMILE).

Oh thanks...I didn't sense any sarcasm. :yawn:

It is mostly for fellowship. Since I moved here, I began going to a new church - a mega-church but unfortunately as large as they are, they don't have a lot of opportunities to meet people. I tried one of their singles groups but it was 40s plus and I didn't fit in. So this group started with only 30+ so I've finally met people there.

How would one leave gracefully? Without offending anyone? I'm going to think and pray on this.

Thanks to all of you for your input.