Bible Scripture Dream???- What's The meaning


Well-Known Member
I never post here, but I have a question that I feel could be adressed here. I never have dreams like this ever, and I have kept a dream journal for years.

I had a dream that I was with some women talking and I was told that I needed to read Exodus 10. I know the same dream/symbols can be different for every dreamer ... but a bible scripture dream . I woke up in the middle of the night to take out my bible and read it. This was nearly a year ago, but this dream is still on my mind as though it was yesterday. I think I am going to read it again.

If YOU had had this dream, with this specific scripture pointed out to you, what would it have meant to You? I'm just curious. I don't know why I can not get htis dream off of my mind.

Edited to add ... some months after that dream, I had another dream where I was driving on this dark, twisting road. There were some white, husky men that were driving and nearly bumping into the car I was driving. i had abad feeling in the dream. Then all of a sudden, this voice appeared and it was Jesus(which I've never dreamed about before) and told me to get off the dark road as soon as I saw a clear path and some light, before it was too late.
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First, just gotta say, I haven't even read your post due to your avatar!! Girl, I didn't know which end was which!:lachen:You go, girl!

Okay, lemme read your post now.

ETA: I just read Exodus 10 and I have some personal questions for you: how's your relationship w/ God? Do you believe that both dreams were warnings to you to 'get right' with God? Do you believe that you are pharoah in your dream and Jesus was the 'Moses' in the dream about you being on the dark road? Do you believe He's trying to warn you of something?

I would be thinking if these were my dreams that God was trying to warn me of something.

If you want to be a bit more quiet about the above questions (since this forum can be viewed by non-members) you may answer in private to me:yep:. Also, I believe a good member to have insight from on your dreams is Shimmie. I think she's an angel in human form:grin:
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I have scripture dreams also, about a month ago i was told to go to Room Psalms 21. It was very applicable to me.

But because I am some what a reticent person i would suggest to you to pray about it and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the meaning of the dream to you. Also ask the Father to open up your spiritual ears and eyes as well as your understanding then read the scripture again. Something should be rhema to you. And even if you don't get it right away, you will, as the old folks would say catch it in the bye and bye.

Always pray "that you will only have God given dreams' before you go to sleep.
First, just gotta say, I haven't even read your post due to your avatar!! Girl, I didn't know which end was which!:lachen:You go, girl!

Okay, lemme read your post now.

ETA: I just read Exodus 10 and I have some personal questions for you: how's your relationship w/ God? Do you believe that both dreams were warnings to you to 'get right' with God? Do you believe that you are pharoah in your dream and Jesus was the 'Moses' in the dream about you being on the dark road? Do you believe He's trying to warn you of something?

If you want to be a bit more quiet about the above questions (since this forum can be viewed by non-members) you may answer in private to me:yep:. Also, I believe a good member to have insight from on your dreams is Shimmie. I think she's an angel in human form:grin:

TY ... lol.

As for your response, I may PM you. I think it could have been a warning then, as you asked. My relationship with God at the time of the dream was good, in fact renewed in some way. It was just odd though. I dream a lot and usually remember them in vivid detail, but I usually don't have these kind of dreams. I was and still am intrigued by why these are popping in this way. It has my attention!!!!

Yes, there were a couple times I started to send Shimmie a Pm but chickened out. I wanted to ask Nice& Wavy too, but couldn't bring mself to hit the send button :blush: . There are some very insightful posters/memembers that respond on this section of the board.
TY ... lol.

As for your response, I may PM you. I think it could have been a warning then, as you asked. My relationship with God at the time of the dream was good, in fact renewed in some way. It was just odd though. I dream a lot and usually remember them in vivid detail, but I usually don't have these kind of dreams. I was and still am intrigued by why these are popping in this way. It has my attention!!!!

Yes, there were a couple times I started to send Shimmie a Pm but chickened out. I wanted to ask Nice& Wavy too, but couldn't bring mself to hit the send button :blush: . There are some very insightful posters/memembers that respond on this section of the board.

Ballerina, send the PM..they are good people. Suggested already that you read it again and again and ask the Holy Sprit for guidance. May God Bless You.
TY ... lol.

As for your response, I may PM you. I think it could have been a warning then, as you asked. My relationship with God at the time of the dream was good, in fact renewed in some way. It was just odd though. I dream a lot and usually remember them in vivid detail, but I usually don't have these kind of dreams. I was and still am intrigued by why these are popping in this way. It has my attention!!!!

Yes, there were a couple times I started to send Shimmie a Pm but chickened out. I wanted to ask Nice& Wavy too, but couldn't bring mself to hit the send button :blush: . There are some very insightful posters/memembers that respond on this section of the board.

Hi Ballerina_bun and welcome!

Wow...that's some dream huh? I appreciate that you would like to pm me and please do...I would love to talk to you. Shimmie is and encourager to me...I pm her all the!

I agree with gn1g. She is most certainly on point. :yep:

Feel free to contact me....I'll be waiting!

Blessings to you, always!
I had a dream like that when I was in Iraq the first time.

I was in a theater where there was a stage. I was not on the stage, but on the ground leaning against the stage. There was a small table on the stage and I had a stack of books in front of the table with a CD player sitting on top.

I saw my pastor approaching the place where I was with him bible in hand, and I said "Oh, let me get out of your space", thinking he was about to preach. As I was unwrapping the cord of the headphones from around the table leg and gathering my books, I see my pastor sit down on one of the chairs and my father start to approach.

I look at him with a very confused look on my face (since my father was nowhere near being saved) and said "Oh...well let me get out of YOUR space then". I was still gathering my books so that I could move.

There were about 10 or so people sitting out in the "congregation" and my father leaned over to the 2nd row and kissed my mother on the forehead. While he was doing this, my pastor opened his bible and said...

"Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, so that a herald may run with it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.."

Then he slammed the bible shut and I popped up out of my dream. I heard 2 loud bangs at the door and I ran to the door only to see no one there. No one down either end of the hallway.

I am still curious as to what that dream meant..... Later on, my father decided that he wanted to be a deacon at some church...but his lifestyle is a different story.

I would love to get some feedback ladies....
I had a dream like that when I was in Iraq the first time.

I was in a theater where there was a stage. I was not on the stage, but on the ground leaning against the stage. There was a small table on the stage and I had a stack of books in front of the table with a CD player sitting on top.

I saw my pastor approaching the place where I was with him bible in hand, and I said "Oh, let me get out of your space", thinking he was about to preach. As I was unwrapping the cord of the headphones from around the table leg and gathering my books, I see my pastor sit down on one of the chairs and my father start to approach.

I look at him with a very confused look on my face (since my father was nowhere near being saved) and said "Oh...well let me get out of YOUR space then". I was still gathering my books so that I could move.

There were about 10 or so people sitting out in the "congregation" and my father leaned over to the 2nd row and kissed my mother on the forehead. While he was doing this, my pastor opened his bible and said...

"Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, so that a herald may run with it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.."

Then he slammed the bible shut and I popped up out of my dream. I heard 2 loud bangs at the door and I ran to the door only to see no one there. No one down either end of the hallway.

I am still curious as to what that dream meant..... Later on, my father decided that he wanted to be a deacon at some church...but his lifestyle is a different story.

I would love to get some feedback ladies....

Hmmmmm...not sure, sis.
I had a dream like that when I was in Iraq the first time.

I was in a theater where there was a stage. I was not on the stage, but on the ground leaning against the stage. There was a small table on the stage and I had a stack of books in front of the table with a CD player sitting on top.

I saw my pastor approaching the place where I was with him bible in hand, and I said "Oh, let me get out of your space", thinking he was about to preach. As I was unwrapping the cord of the headphones from around the table leg and gathering my books, I see my pastor sit down on one of the chairs and my father start to approach.

I look at him with a very confused look on my face (since my father was nowhere near being saved) and said "Oh...well let me get out of YOUR space then". I was still gathering my books so that I could move.

There were about 10 or so people sitting out in the "congregation" and my father leaned over to the 2nd row and kissed my mother on the forehead. While he was doing this, my pastor opened his bible and said...

"Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, so that a herald may run with it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.."

Then he slammed the bible shut and I popped up out of my dream. I heard 2 loud bangs at the door and I ran to the door only to see no one there. No one down either end of the hallway.

I am still curious as to what that dream meant..... Later on, my father decided that he wanted to be a deacon at some church...but his lifestyle is a different story.

I would love to get some feedback ladies....

The end of your dream with the two loud bangs on the door and no one being there makes me think of this scripture:

Revelations 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

I had a dream several years ago where I thought my roommate was coming home and I could hear her coming up the stairs and I thought she was knocking on my door. I sat up and said, "Come in", but she never did. The second time it happened I *knew* that it was a call from the Lord and this scripture came to my mind.