Suggestion Beyonce Subforum???

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Well-Known Member
Can we get a subforum for the Beyhive? The tone of the ET has changed drastically lately. I think it would good for them to have a dedicated area on the board to discuss what they like. I think her stan-dom has reached the level of MJ or Whitney. :yep:
Can someone point me in the direction of the B social Group...Sounds like a place I need to be...Thanks in advance.
I think a subforum in addition to the social group would be best. That way no one has to see those threads unless they want to.
Honestly I don't see how the subforum will help if the same people who don't care for Beyonce still venture into the subforum as well. I know everyone is free to post where they'd like, but I truly believe that is the issue.
ShyIntellect said:
Honestly I don't see how the subforum will help if the same people who don't care for Beyonce still venture into the subforum as well. I know everyone is free to post where they'd like, but I truly believe that is the issue.

I really don't think that is the issue. And if it is they can go at it without spreading the negativity to the rest of the board. The fanaticism has reached a level that a lot are not comfortable with...
I really don't think that is the issue. And if it is they can go at it without spreading the negativity to the rest of the board. The fanaticism has reached a level that a lot are not comfortable with...

I guess that's the part I'm not understanding, how can someone's fanaticism make you uncomfortable? I just don't get how someone's stanning can affect a person so greatly.

As of late, a lot of the hardcore Bey stans have been trying to stay to a few Beyonce threads, I don't see them randomly bringing Beyonce into every ET thread anymore. Now what I do see are a handful of instigators in every single Beyonce thread. I think any member that posts in a thread simply trying to incite people should have their membership suspended, if it keeps happening then it needs to be revoked. You're not adding anything to the topic of said thread by trying to bait people, it's childish.

If people can stay out of a subforum because they see it's about Beyonce, then those same people should be able to apply that logic to Beyonce threads as well.
I guess that's the part I'm not understanding, how can someone's fanaticism make you uncomfortable? I just don't get how someone's stanning can affect a person so greatly.

As of late, a lot of the hardcore Bey stans have been trying to stay to a few Beyonce threads, I don't see them randomly bringing Beyonce into every ET thread anymore. Now what I do see are a handful of instigators in every single Beyonce thread. I think any member that posts in a thread simply trying to incite people should have their membership suspended, if it keeps happening then it needs to be revoked. You're not adding anything to the topic of said thread by trying to bait people, it's childish.

If people can stay out of a subforum because they see it's about Beyonce, then those same people should be able to apply that logic to Beyonce threads as well.

Personally, I don't get the standom at all. I don't usually follow celebs like that anyway. I liked the Backstreet Boys when I was in middle school and that's about it. My stanning started and ended there. I mostly just thought they were cute. These days I would rather look up to people I admire professionally like top doctors in their fields or lawyers like Michelle Alexander.

I do think there are times when people are not able to voice their candid opinions about some celebs because the stans will jump on them for not offering anything other than praise. Of course there are baiters out there too. My point is if they took all of that energy on both sides and moved it somewhere else, the tone of the ET forum would be a little less confrontational (maybe).

Beyus though? really? I think there's something off about's weird and I don't find the humor in it so yea, it can make others uncomfortable (for lack of a better word).
Personally, I don't get the standom at all. I don't usually follow celebs like that anyway. I liked the Backstreet Boys when I was in middle school and that's about it. My stanning started and ended there. I mostly just thought they were cute. These days I would rather look up to people I admire professionally like top doctors in their fields or lawyers like Michelle Alexander.

I do think there are times when people are not able to voice their candid opinions about some celebs because the stans will jump on them for not offering anything other than praise. Of course there are baiters out there too. My point is if they took all of that energy on both sides and moved it somewhere else, the tone of the ET forum would be a little less confrontational (maybe).

Beyus though? really? I think there's something off about's weird and I don't find the humor in it so yea, it can make others uncomfortable (for lack of a better word).


I think this is more personal for you than you'd care to admit, I would hope that we would be free to call anyone what we want without judgement from you or anyone else, especially since most know that the whole 'Beysus' thing is a joke and a play from a youtube video a comedian made. :yep:

I wish you'd bring up posts where any member of the 'hive' has attacked a member for providing an actual CANDID response recently, or maybe we have different definitions of candid.

Thank you @ShyIntellect. Also thanks @Supergirl for addressing this promptly. Have a wonderful day everyone.
I think this is more personal for you than you'd care to admit, I would hope that we would be free to call anyone what we want without judgement from you or anyone else, especially since most know that the whole 'Beysus' thing is a joke and a play from a youtube video a comedian made. :yep:

I wish you'd bring up posts where any member of the 'hive' has attacked a member for providing an actual CANDID response recently, or maybe we have different definitions of candid.

:lol: I really couldn't care less about the woman- that's my point. I'm just kinda tired of every thread going down the same path. I don't know the whole context of the "beyus" thing because I don't follow her but okay, that makes it a little less weird.

There was a thread just this week that got into a back and forth thing about Bey's letter... Most bey thread are derailed. If you don't think so, that's cool. All I'm saying is perhaps a subforum would prevent that.

Eta: I already have an answer from supergirl so we'll wait and see.
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I won't lie. I have felt censored around the Beyonce threads. I know that is my problem and no one can make me feel that way. But sometimes I feel anything less than glowing then you face having names called at you, wasp chief among them.

I also know that people purposely taunt the Beyonce fans as well. But can we have a truce or a treaty?

On one occasion I did feel an attack coming on when I asked about Beyonce's hair color but what people didn't do was see that I posted about her hair color in other another threads that evening as well (I was dying my hair) so I left it alone to allow myself to have women to come talk to when I engage this forum, in other words not cause the type of drama that has run other people off.

Then, there was a thing going around one night on the forum when a new member said she was cursed at in a Beyonce chat on the forum. I felt bad for her because she was new and had never ventured to the chat feature.

I give Beyonce her props and believe me she is on my Memorial Day mix in heavy rotation.

I won't lie. I have felt censored around the Beyonce threads. I know that is my problem and no one can make me feel that way. But sometimes I feel anything less than glowing then you face having names called at you, wasp chief among them.

I also know that people purposely taunt the Beyonce fans as well. But can we have a truce or a treaty?

On one occasion I did feel an attack coming on when I asked about Beyonce's hair color but what people didn't do was see that I posted about her hair color in other another threads that evening as well (I was dying my hair) so I left it alone to allow myself to have women to come talk to when I engage this forum, in other words not cause the type of drama that has run other people off.

Then, there was a thing going around one night on the forum when a new member said she was cursed at in a Beyonce chat on the forum. I felt bad for her because she was new and had never ventured to the chat feature.

I give Beyonce her props and believe me she is on my Memorial Day mix in heavy rotation.



I saw said members posts in RT and nowhere did she say it was a "beyonce chat" and it was not a chat about beyonce. It was just a regular chat. Tis all.
Poranges said:

I saw said members posts in RT and nowhere did she say it was a "beyonce chat" and it was not a chat about beyonce. It was just a regular chat. Tis all.

You're right. Sorry, I confused my details.
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