
Celebrity sells, period.

I remember when Brandy was a spokesperson for Cover Girl years back and I was appalled because in my opinion, it should have been Monica, who I felt was much prettier. I even wrote to the marketing department (yes girls, I know I had issues, I've since resolved them, lol). I got an email reply explaining that Brandy was more of a popular artist and they felt like she could reach more people.

These companies hire celebrities that will help sell their brand. I never see a celebrity endorsement for me to believe they actually use what they endorse. In fact, I NEVER believe they use what they endorse. But, I will change my mind on this if I ever catch Star Jones in a pair of Payless shoes.
I know that Beyonce wears a lot of lacefronts and heard a while back that her hair is actually natural. I think a lot of stars endorse products and it's not 100% accurate. Even Sarah Jessica Parker.. she dye's her hair a lot but in photos her hair looks dry and uncared for at times. But in these commercials it looks amazing and damage free. I would come here first and do a poll on a product before I used one just because a celebrity used it. You can't trust that at all.
Just wanted to add that Loreal is ok to use on black ppl. I have never seen or used Feria but I use Loreal Castings Creme Gloss in Ebony black and it is beautiful (it is semi permanent so it washes out) it has nice shine and leaves my hair in better condition, really silky and uniform colour. When I used to wrap my hair I could not get it to stay but after using the colour everything was better the way it wrapped the way it moved when down so yeah. Plus alot of ppl on this site use non 'black' hair products (not marketed towards blacks) so why would you be afraid to use a non black hair colour?
I'm embarrassed to say that I fell for the colorshine enhancing mascara that Rihanna campaigned for with Cover Girl or was it Revlon?? :spinning: Knowing they flashed a flashlight in that girl's already bright hazel/green eyes.
Running to hide in shame.:hide:

:lachen: let me hide with you :hide: I fell for the okeedoke to ! I bought the one for "dark eyes" and didn't see a shimmer, fleck, or sparkle :rolleyes:I should have known better.
It's just silly when people blindly "trust" that a product will work because a celebrity endorces it ;Vanessa Williams is a spokesperson for "proactive" (and as beautiful as she is) she still has TONS of acne that she covers with tons of make-up.. and who in their right mind thinks kirsty Alley is "sticking with" Jenny Craig meal plans?,She was stuck at that same weight for AGES, they kept saying she lost more weight but she looked exactly the same on all those commercials Just different dresses:lachen:...i just think everyone should stop blaming the celebritys for these Im a HUGE beyonce fan but i refuse to blame her for being part of a "less than honest" advertisement, everybody knows beyonce is wearing a weave so THEIR the silly one if they "buy it"
I was watching television yesterday and the Ferria commercial played with Beyonce and her sister Solange. Thinking about all the changes to hair styles and hair textures that I've seen Beyonce wear over the years I wondered if the public ever gets to actually see her real hair. I am not an expert in any kind of way, so I'm not suggesting that I can detect a weave or wig...However, I have read different articles and comments that say she is not wearing her natural hair out....

So my question is this, when it comes to celebrities who use weaves and wigs and whatever else, is it fair for them to be spokespersons for haircare products? If consumers make decisions to buy things that are "endorsed" by celebtrities because they claim to use these products, should we not at least get to see how they actually look? I think Beyonce is a beautiful girl and can sell lots of things, but not hair products. Especially as a person with ethnic/textured hair, I am always so interested in seeing products used by those who may have the same hair type as mine. I like color and would love to use Ferria but I'm afraid to use it on my relaxed hair.

Does anyone else feel this way???

L'Oreal specifically told Beyonce that she has to wear weaves for their ads.
I'm looking at the post counts in this thread and I see a lot of new maybe you all don't know that those pictures yall are posting are AT LEAST 5 years old. There should be 50-11 threads on lhcf showing different angles and what not. Her hair is not as thin as it appears. And if it was, 5 years is a long time.

On topic the commercials don't bother me because every model and celebrity in these photo shoots wear fake hair lashes and whatever else the make up artist puts on them. Everything...even bleach commercials are exaggerated.
What kind of lashes to u use? the whole strip from the drug store, the expensive individuals at the salon or....?

I used to use the whole strip. Now I have graduated to the little clumps of lashes. I buy them at Walgreens, but get the glue for them at Sally's. They last anywhere from 1 - 3 weeks for me. Yeah I gotta watch how I sleep but Im so used to it now its second nature.

They are great because not only do tey look good it keeps desert sand out of my contacts. :grin:
:nono::nono:My Opinion of Beyonce????

Over exposed.................and mainstreamed.

Hopefully - all of that sillyness will fizzle out. Sadly, she is not seen for her talent.... she is an image; A shell....