*beware* this may be an inappropriate GRAPHIC

Yeah....I know ya'll was gonna laugh at me!! But if you really want a laugh, ya'll should have seen the look on my sister's face! She was like - WTF is this mess!:perplexed She's 8 years older than me and she was like "had I known what a mess you were, I'd have stayed home". And me and my dumb self was like - but I didn't know I could cut it. God bless big sisters! Where would we be without them??
An organism goal is to reproduce right? maybe our bodies made that area for optimum protection.

I read a hypothesis written up by some evolutionary biologists. They said that the reason humans have pubic and axillary hair after having lost most of our other body hair is because of pheromones. The hair keeps sweat and odors that would be attractive to potential mates, at least on a subconscious level.

Another reason would be that as we became hairless apes, we still hadn't mastered the art of dressing ourselves. Pubic hair is a good barrier from the elements for when we were sitting our naked bodies on rocks. It also prevents unfriendly organisms from actually getting to our most precious (at least by evolutionary standards) organs, i.e. our reproductive organs.

Since then, we've learned how to make clothes and underwear, but since it doesn't hinder our reproductive capacity, there's no reason to no longer have it. People with pubic hair have been able to reproduce, and that particular characteristic hasn't been bred out of the gene pool.
yea my nether regions are "unmanagable" if that mess was on my head I would be bald!

Im actually getting that junk lasered off! Aint nothing "lush" bout whats going on downtown.
I wonder if anyone has ever tried to flat iron their pubic hair and see what the length is :)

Thigh length? Might be some knee lengthers out there...you never know! And if they have...i hope they used heat protectant!!
I refuse to believe the terminal length of your pubic hair allowed it to grow to your knees. REFUSE! xD
Then again, the record female record is 28 inches...:S
Pubic hair, short and curly in most of us, sometimes grows to quite extraordinary lengths. Havelock Ellis worked as a midwife in his early days, and he notes that only in one case did long pubic hair hamper his efforts. In some remarkable cases recorded by a certain Mr. F. L. John (1778-1852) the pubic hair was longer than the women's ordinary hair. Thus (Paulini): the pubic hair reached the knees.... (Bartholia): the pubic hair was plaited behind the woman's back. Ronald Learsall, who nicely notes these instances, observes with appropriate insight that such cases "are unquestionably freakish."
To answer the op, I think most people have a different texture, usually of a lower number than the hair on their head (example 4a hair, 2a pubes)
I don't think they were anywhere near 28". At that age I was really petite - about 5'-0". But now that I look back on it, it really was outrageous! :blush:

I refuse to believe the terminal length of your pubic hair allowed it to grow to your knees. REFUSE! xD
Then again, the record female record is 28 inches...:S

To answer the op, I think most people have a different texture, usually of a lower number than the hair on their head (example 4a hair, 2a pubes)
I think I've mentioned this before, but I'll mention it again because it's funny.

Years ago, my mother went on vacation with a friend. When they went to the beach my mom noticed that her friend had pubic hair sticking out of the sides of her bikini.

My mother was so embarrassed and asked her friend why she didn't trim her bikini area before hitting the beach in a bikini. Her response:

"My mother told me never to cut my pubic hair, because a woman's pubic hair is her strength!"

I read a hypothesis written up by some evolutionary biologists. They said that the reason humans have pubic and axillary hair after having lost most of our other body hair is because of pheromones. The hair keeps sweat and odors that would be attractive to potential mates, at least on a subconscious level.

Another reason would be that as we became hairless apes, we still hadn't mastered the art of dressing ourselves. Pubic hair is a good barrier from the elements for when we were sitting our naked bodies on rocks. It also prevents unfriendly organisms from actually getting to our most precious (at least by evolutionary standards) organs, i.e. our reproductive organs.

Since then, we've learned how to make clothes and underwear, but since it doesn't hinder our reproductive capacity, there's no reason to no longer have it. People with pubic hair have been able to reproduce, and that particular characteristic hasn't been bred out of the gene pool.

Stop the press... can I have YOUR hair?
I think I've mentioned this before, but I'll mention it again because it's funny.

Years ago, my mother went on vacation with a friend. When they went to the beach my mom noticed that her friend had pubic hair sticking out of the sides of her bikini.

My mother was so embarrassed and asked her friend why she didn't trim her bikini area before hitting the beach in a bikini. Her response:

"My mother told me never to cut my pubic hair, because a woman's pubic hair is her strength!"


Sorry but her mom needs to be slapped silly for that one.:perplexed
my 'p' hair is long and basically straight so yeh, i wish my hair on my head was like that, but actually thinking about it, i dont, i like my hair on my head curly. Everyone is different.
Haaa we had a thread like this on another board a long time ago.

My theory, it's meant to protect your "flower". They didn't have undies way back when and the tissues there are more delicate and need more protection. Your head doesn't need that much (hairy) protection because we have a skull.
Well i like the neat and trim look. I would think it would be more work keeping that area clean and smelling fresh if it was allowed to get even 1/8 of an inch long. But thats my take.
When I was very young (11-13ish) and hadn't yet figured out I could trim down there, it grew for about 3 years unchecked. Ladies, it grew down to my knees and actually the texture was much nicer than the hair on my head. Luckily, my sister caught me coming out of the shower one day and introduced me an electric shear. Haven't seen 'um since.

Yeah....I know ya'll was gonna laugh at me!! But if you really want a laugh, ya'll should have seen the look on my sister's face! She was like - WTF is this mess!:perplexed She's 8 years older than me and she was like "had I known what a mess you were, I'd have stayed home". And me and my dumb self was like - but I didn't know I could cut it. God bless big sisters! Where would we be without them??

I don't think they were anywhere near 28". At that age I was really petite - about 5'-0". But now that I look back on it, it really was outrageous! :blush:
