Beware of "tucking" your hair under to make a bun-style...


New Member
For the life of me I couldn't figure out what was wrong with my hair; one side is shorter than the other. I don't sleep on that side so I didn't understand. Add to the fact that my ends are frayed!

I would 'tuck' my hair in a low "bun" and that was my signature style while stretching (to avoid all the combing and manipulation) I would re-do it almost every day. Once when I was taking it down, I saw the ends of my hair hanging! :eek: and I just reached and pulled them off....

SO be careful ladies... I know I for one will most likely pin the hair under now, or abandon the style (which will be hard because ponytails rub up all over my clothing) AND I will have to super careful and put lots and lots of moisture on those ends....:eek:

*ElleB said:
For the life of me I couldn't figure out what was wrong with my hair; one side is shorter than the other. I don't sleep on that side so I didn't understand. Add to the fact that my ends are frayed!

I would 'tuck' my hair in a low "bun" and that was my signature style while stretching (to avoid all the combing and manipulation) I would re-do it almost every day. Once when I was taking it down, I saw the ends of my hair hanging! :eek: and I just reached and pulled them off....

SO be careful ladies... I know I for one will most likely pin the hair under now, or abandon the style (which will be hard because ponytails rub up all over my clothing) AND I will have to super careful and put lots and lots of moisture on those ends....:eek:


I like to twist the hair and clip it up. My ends are still exposed but there is no rubbing and I have had no problems with breakage :)
I wonder if it could be the pins or clips used to secure the ends underneath. Like FlawedBeauty, I always wear my hair flipped up with the ends exposed, but not too exposed. But I noticed that when I stopped using a lot of bobby pins to secure the style, I got much less breakage. I use one of those French barrettes with the stick that you insert to do the upsweep. If I find a picture, I'll post.
I've also had this happen! Now I know the reason why--thanx for the warning.

*ElleB said:
For the life of me I couldn't figure out what was wrong with my hair; one side is shorter than the other. I don't sleep on that side so I didn't understand. Add to the fact that my ends are frayed!

I would 'tuck' my hair in a low "bun" and that was my signature style while stretching (to avoid all the combing and manipulation) I would re-do it almost every day. Once when I was taking it down, I saw the ends of my hair hanging! :eek: and I just reached and pulled them off....

SO be careful ladies... I know I for one will most likely pin the hair under now, or abandon the style (which will be hard because ponytails rub up all over my clothing) AND I will have to super careful and put lots and lots of moisture on those ends....:eek:

I've noticed this happening to me, too! Like other ladies mentioned, now I usually wear my hair in a twist and secured with a clip or barette. I try to tuck my ends in as much as I can. I've also started baggying at night (can't stand doing it during the day, unless I'm wearing a phony pony). I really hope this helps. Raggedy ends ain't cool.:nono:
I noticed that before. I love doing the buns when my hair is curly and I twist them up and have a little curly ends out. However, I have found that leaving my exposed ends out can be drying so I try not to do it every day. I believe that pinning your ends under is a good thing or you can try braiding the end and using a clip to secure that part.
I ususally twist and secure with a clip or ouchless band. I also sometimes leave the ends out with the clip but they are off my shoulders and i make sure to moisturize and seal the ends with grease. Sometimes i do a ponytail and in the final pull i dont pull the ponytail out all the way.
Aw man, I literally always tuck my hair under. While I don't have one side shorter than the other I did have some ragedy ends before my hair cut. Maybe I will experiment with a new method to pin my hair up.

Thanks for the heads up!
Blackoutzangel05 said:
I noticed that before. I love doing the buns when my hair is curly and I twist them up and have a little curly ends out. However, I have found that leaving my exposed ends out can be drying so I try not to do it every day. I believe that pinning your ends under is a good thing or you can try braiding the end and using a clip to secure that part.

Well, another thing that might work is to buy one of those foam donuts. I use one often. The donut is made with polyester I believe, so there's some protection. What I do is oil the ends, then roll the hair around the donut. The bun looks really beautiful, stylish and sophisticated. It's a great way to protect the ends.

The other thing I do is purchase a phony pony, the ones with synthetic hair, matching closest to mine. I'll sometimes mix in my hair with some of the phony hair, or wrap my own hair around the phony pony to make it look bigger and fuller, rolling (not tucking) the ends around the pony. I hope that I'll one day be able to post pics showing the technique.
This happened to me too when i just tucked it under but i started doing the donut bun and that seemed to work for me.
*ElleB said:
For the life of me I couldn't figure out what was wrong with my hair; one side is shorter than the other. I don't sleep on that side so I didn't understand. Add to the fact that my ends are frayed!

I would 'tuck' my hair in a low "bun" and that was my signature style while stretching (to avoid all the combing and manipulation) I would re-do it almost every day. Once when I was taking it down, I saw the ends of my hair hanging! :eek: and I just reached and pulled them off....

SO be careful ladies... I know I for one will most likely pin the hair under now, or abandon the style (which will be hard because ponytails rub up all over my clothing) AND I will have to super careful and put lots and lots of moisture on those ends....:eek:


Yes one of the members on this site talked about how her hair broke off because of wearing buns in the wrong way. So hard lesson learned, she had to cut off about 2-3inches of her hair. I always plait and twist my bun, or use a bun donut and its been a year and I have never had any breakage doing it this way. She explains the correct way to make a bun. Go to members list and look at her photos under leejure. Sorry I tried to post the link but it didn't work!
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My hair is in that syle right now.

I would use my foam donut, but my hair isn't long/thick enough to completely cover the foam. Any suggestions?
That link's not takes me to :confused:

ETA: ahh, I see you've noticed...

fancypants007 said:
Yes one of the members on this site talked about how her hair broke off because of wearing buns in the wrong way. So hard lesson learned, she had to cut off about 2-3inches of her hair. I always plait and twist my bun, or use a bun donut and its been a year and I have never had any breakage doing it this way. She explains the correct way to make a bun. Go to members list and look at her photos under leejure. Sorry I tried to post the link but it didn't work!
fancypants007 said:
Yes one of the members on this site talked about how her hair broke off because of wearing buns in the wrong way. So hard lesson learned, she had to cut off about 2-3inches of her hair. I always plait and twist my bun, or use a bun donut and its been a year and I have never had any breakage doing it this way. She explains the correct way to make a bun. Go to members list and look at her photos under leejure. Sorry I tried to post the link but it didn't work!

who was the member..Im interested in the correct way to make a bun as well. TIA
I noticed my ends weren't looking as good as they used to. I stopped doing my lazy bun of pulling the hair almost through the holder when someone else mentioned problems with this.
Determined22 said:
My hair is in that syle right now.

I would use my foam donut, but my hair isn't long/thick enough to completely cover the foam. Any suggestions?

Someone (I want to say DSD) had suggested in their fotki to pre-wrap the donut with braid hair (that most closely matches your own hair, of course) and that way th efoam will be completely covered.

Kimberly said:
Someone (I want to say DSD) had suggested in their fotki to pre-wrap the donut with braid hair (that most closely matches your own hair, of course) and that way th efoam will be completely covered.


Thank you! I'm going to try that...
Kimberly said:
Someone (I want to say DSD) had suggested in their fotki to pre-wrap the donut with braid hair (that most closely matches your own hair, of course) and that way th efoam will be completely covered.


What I do is purchase a phony pony, the cheap ones made with synthetic hair. These are the ones that work like a scrunchy. You can use it as a scrunchy. You can use this one of two ways:

1. Pull your own hair through a foam donut, then use the phony pony to wrap about the donut, mixing in your hair with it.

2. Use the phony pony itself like you would a scrunchy, mixing in your hair with it. I like to use the curly ponies and just mix in with my own hair to make a curly bun; or, wrap my hair around the scrunchy itself, tucking the ends under, mixing my hair with the scrunchy hair to make it look fuller.

The bun looks a lot fuller and no one can tell that it's not my hair. Just try to choose one as close to your hair texture as possible.

GOD luck!
...and another thing. My hair is uneven on one side because I always wear my purse on the same shouder. It's not a drastic difference, but I notice. My hair was caught under my purse straps, and over time those ends broke off. I couldn't figure it out for the longest time. I thought it was the way I wrapped my hair. It's growing back, but I'm more careful now to switch shoulders or to make sure my hair isn't under my purse straps.
So it's true! I was looking at my hair for the past couple of days wondering why my ends were looking rough. I moisturize, keep the ends of the shoulders and everything. This has been my signature style for stretching AND for the hide your hair challenge. I think I'll have to opt with pinning the ends under becauase it seems that tucking in the hair causes the ends to rub just as much as if they were on my shoulders.
psalfer said:
...and another thing. My hair is uneven on one side because I always wear my purse on the same shouder. It's not a drastic difference, but I notice. My hair was caught under my purse straps, and over time those ends broke off. I couldn't figure it out for the longest time. I thought it was the way I wrapped my hair. It's growing back, but I'm more careful now to switch shoulders or to make sure my hair isn't under my purse straps.

I used to do the same thing. My hair would always get caught on my straps, which caused pulling of my hair and damage. So I just try to make sure my hair doesn't get caught under the straps as well.
So here is the mystery solved! I was wearing my hair the same way and wondering why the nape broke off a cuple inches (completely straight across) as if someone had snipped it that way) and why the right side started lacking! Knowledge is power! All this time, I never would have associated it to this "protective" style. Lol. Thank you! ^_~
I agree, hair should either be secured with a bobby pin, or if that is problematic a good hair day pin to make a bun. I think for most a tuck-under bun would almost always be too tight. Don't forget clipping hair up with an octopus clip, it is easy and cute.
Glad I could be of help to you ladies...Cuz Lord knows I don't want anyone else to suffer like I did from a simple mistake...Today I went into SuperCuts and just got it all cut off....So from near from bra-strap I am just above the shoulders. :eek: But to be honest I kinda like it. Here's to starting over!
*ElleB said:
For the life of me I couldn't figure out what was wrong with my hair; one side is shorter than the other. I don't sleep on that side so I didn't understand. Add to the fact that my ends are frayed!

I would 'tuck' my hair in a low "bun" and that was my signature style while stretching (to avoid all the combing and manipulation) I would re-do it almost every day. Once when I was taking it down, I saw the ends of my hair hanging! :eek: and I just reached and pulled them off....

SO be careful ladies... I know I for one will most likely pin the hair under now, or abandon the style (which will be hard because ponytails rub up all over my clothing) AND I will have to super careful and put lots and lots of moisture on those ends....:eek:

Oh my! This is exactly what is happening to me. I wear the bun everyday and tuck my ends(wet my hair). And when I see my ends hanging I just pull them off.
When I make my low braided bun, I always pin the ends under with a Good Hair Days pin. Those are the safest hair pins I've ever used.:)
song_of_serenity said:
So here is the mystery solved! I was wearing my hair the same way and wondering why the nape broke off a cuple inches (completely straight across) as if someone had snipped it that way) and why the right side started lacking! Knowledge is power! All this time, I never would have associated it to this "protective" style. Lol. Thank you! ^_~

This is what happened to me. I thought it was heat damage but I am on the bootcamp challenge so I am not using heat.

A couple of weeks ago, I noticed my nape was broke off a couple of inches too. Then it dawn on me that it had to be me the ponytails and buns I was doing.
elle b, i noticed this with my style, i used to do this

then i realised

why not just two strand twist the length all the way to the end and THEN CLIP under

i've done this for a year and never looked back....

give it a try

its my daily no comb style. i do it for 7 days n then comb :)