Beware of the Sin: STRIFE


Fearfully Wonderfully Made

I found this page on the World Changers website. Here is a link to their site where you can find a lot more excellent teachings:

Strife: A Hindrance to Manifestation

Foundational Scriptures:
Proverbs 15:18; 16:28; 26:20; 28:25 / Romans 13:13 / 1 Corinthians 3:1-3; 13:1-8 / Galatians 5:19,20 / James 3:2,14 / 1 Timothy 6:4-5 / 2 Timothy 2:23

There are three things that will stop manifestation:
1) not tithing
2) strife
3) faithlessness

People are unaware of what strife is, or how dangerous it is. They allow strife to remain in their lives.

What is strife?
It is an expression of enmity, contention, or discord.
Contention is a struggling or opposition.

Be careful not to get into an argument about the Lord. Never debate someone about God; it will lead to strife.

Strife is the right to behave in an ungodly manner.
Strife is ugly; it's sin, and it's the work of the devil.
The number one care of this world system is strife.
Strife completely defuses faith. Manifestation cannot come forth when strife exists.
The most worldly thing is strife, because Satan is the essence of strife.

Be careful not to talk badly about people who are anointed by God.
Wherever strife exists, so does envy. Where strife and envy exists, so does confusion and every evil work. (James 3:15)

What does it mean to be in envy?
The feeling of displeasure produced by witnessing or hearing about the prosperity of another.
It is the opposite of rejoicing with someone about their prosperity.
You have to learn how to deal with envy. If you don't, it will deal with you.
You have to first admit that you are envious of someone.
Strife is a result of envy.

If you allow strife to remain in your life, you allow the devil to use you for evil works.
If the devil can get you to operate in strife, he can get you to do anything, because it builds a bridge between you and God.
Strife and envy will produce division, especially in the family.

Men, learn how to submit to your wives.
The Bible says submit to one another.
Every anointing a man ever needs can be found in his wife.
Strife is the reason for divorce.
Don't allow strife among your children, or in personal relationships.

Strife is the work of the flesh.
" Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like..." (Galatians 5:19).

Anyone who is involved in these things will not inherit the kingdom of God.( Galatians 5:21)

Strife is the motivating force for the sins of the flesh.
Strife is how the devil has been able to get into our lives.
Operating in love won't allow these things to happen in our lives.

Strife is born in the emotions, it's not a spiritual thing.
You can control your emotions; therefore, you can control strife.
"For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body" ( James 3:2).
The whole body includes the spirit, soul, and body.

What causes strife?
"A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends" ( Proverbs 16:28).
A person who turns from good to evil will cause strife.
A person of a proud heart will cause strife. Greed, pride, arrogance and anger will cause strife.

What's my responsibility as a Christian?
Walk honestly. You cannot walk honestly if you are walking in strife.
Esteem others higher than yourself; prefer others over yourself, and rejoice with others.

What is character?
A person with character will do right even when they are not being treated in the right manner.
Forgive others and God will forgive you.

Love your enemies; do good to those who hate you.
Phillipians 2:3-5; 1 Timothy 6:4-6, Mark 11:25, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.
Love stops the spirit of strife.
Love never fails.
It is an honor to stay away from strife.
Where there is no talebearer (gossiper) there is no strife.

I thought it was powerful as well. That's why I decided to post it here. It seems like I have been dealing with strife a lot over the past couple of years. Now I pray that the Lord can move me away from the negativity and strife and into more positivity and peace.
I thought it was powerful as well. That's why I decided to post it here. It seems like I have been dealing with strife a lot over the past couple of years. Now I pray that the Lord can move me away from the negativity and strife and into more positivity and peace.

When your post mentioned annointing, I went searching for a specific answer according to my tradition and came upon a very lovely surprise of something I had not realized, a spiritual gift for the day. Thank you, Poohbear, your post touched upon many things of import!!!
Thank you for this. I always thought "debates" about God and the Bible were silly because it becomes less about glorifying God and more about proving "who is right."
Thanks for sharing this because this is what I'm feeling and dealing with now! You know when you get that feeling but you can't quiet put your finger on it.
Thanks. This is RIGHT ON TIME. I've been recognizing that the devil is trying to throw strife in my life. Because I recognize it, i've been praying specifically against it. This is confirmation. i am NOT crazy and it IS the devil. I thank God for restoring my spiritual sight so I could see this coming and not let it get me in trouble.
Thank you Pooh. As soon as I saw the title I knew this was a message for me. I have been dealing with a lot of potential reasons to fall into strife. In order to not take the bait of offence and let myself get into the tangle, I've been listening for little words from God everyday. It comes in varied forms, poems, songs, and today this post. It's so good to be reminded not to give in to strife even when you "feel" you have a right because it was started by someone else.

Abba, Father, please keep us all from falling into strife. In Jesus name, Amen.