Well-Known Member
Someone named Sakai posted this on I thought that this was a great post (I have to break it up into different posts because it's over the character limit for one post here):
Hey Everyone! I Wrote this thread for a hair group that I was in a while back. I wrote it for teens about 13-17 so forgive me if I sound a bit off ^_^
Anyways, I thought maybe i could post it here for all 3FCers who love their hair (or at least trying to lol)
Top ten BEST and WORST things you can do for your hair.
M'kay this is just a list I threw together from all the information I gathered from years of hair care and my other hair forums. This can be used by males and females, long or short hair. If you want supper healthy hair, this list may be for you. But remember, no two people are alike, some of these things may not work for you.
10. Bad Brushing Technique.
Ever grab a brush and rip it though your hair before dashing out the door? *slaps hand* Bad!
The easiest way to stop a lot of hair damage before it starts is changing the way you brush your hair. First thing you should remember is to never start from the top and run the brush down. This only pushes the knots and snags into other knots and creates a big mess that you’ll try and rip though. The best thing to do is part your hair in half, one part over each shoulder and start brushing from the bottom and slowly work your way higher. If you hit a knot or tangle, do not rip though it. Find the knot and then with your fingers, slowly pull it apart. It’s a pain in the butt but it’s worth it to keep your hair healthy.
9. Bad Washing Technique
Okay,….does this sound like what you do? You’re about to shampoo your hair. So you squeeze about a handful of shampoo on your hand and plop it on top of your head and then gather the rest of your hair and pile it on your head and start scrubbing and washing away.
Sound familiar? If so…*slaps hand again* bad! This is doing way more damage than it should, not to mention that it is a big waste of Shampoo. For most people a tablespoon of shampoo is enough, sometimes much less. Lather it in your hand and then apply it to your hair. Do not touch the length of your hair. Only the top part of your head (the crown) and the back of your head needs to be washed. (Unless you just got in a mud fight or work in a coal mine) Shampoo is harsh; it is made to strip off not only dirt, but any oils in your hair. The oils come from your scalp so naturally the hair on your head looks (and is) more greasy than the length of your hair. (Which may feel like dead grass because of it’s lack of oils)
You should let your hair fall naturally down your back in the shower and do not touch it while you are shampooing. I know it’s a habit to reach back and gather the hair to the top of your head, but you must resist! Just wash the hair on your head. Trust me, the shampoo will remove any dirt while you rinse it off.
Also, if you shampoo and you have that classic Mohawk style pile of bubbles on your head, then you are using too much shampoo. Massage the scalp while you are Shampooing, not only does this ensure that the shampoo is getting down to your scalp, it brings blood to the area (like getting any other part of the body massaged.) this is healthy for the hair follicle and hair will actually grow better. (for some, it grows faster, for others healthier…ect)
8. Combing Wet Hair
Is a big no, no! Many of you probably already know that wet hair is a bit longer than when it is dry. This is because it’s stretched out. Stretched out hair means it is much weaker than if it was dry. If you have fine/weak hair, this is where you get a lot of that snapping of hairs when you are brushing/combing wet hair. For people with coarse/super wavy/curly hair, combing while the hair is wet is sometimes the only way they can comb it. If you have this kind of hair, it’s okay to comb your hair while it’s wet...if…(notice the if)… you have lots of slip. What is slip you say? …well, the best time to comb your hair wet, is when you are in the shower. Use a shower comb, they are big and fat, the teeth are about a half inch apart and are also big and fat. They are mostly made of slightly textured plastic. Smooth shiny plastic will not let the hair slip though the comb as well as the other. And the best thing to do is use lots of conditioner when you comb in the shower. This is where you get most slip. Without slip, you will be doing more damage than good.
To brush outside the shower, use a good leave in conditioner with your wide tooth comb.
7. Not Washing Enough
Your scalp is just like any other skin on your body, if you don’t keep it clean bad stuff will happen. Dirt, oils, and other junk will eventually clog of the hair follicle and the hair will start to fall out and prevent new hair from growing back. How often should you wash your hair? Well that’s different for everyone. Which brings me to the next on this list.
6. Over Washing
Yes, you can over wash your hair. Unless you get your hair filthy everyday, there is no reason to wash it everyday. I only wash my hair every 3 days, and I only shampoo my hair once a week. The idea with this is, the less you handle your hair, the less chance you have of damaging it. Also because the key ingredient for soft smooth hair is the natural oils that coats the hair. Too much oil and your hair will look greasy, not enough oil and your hair will be dry and brittle. Dry hair is prone to split ends and feeling like dry grass.
If you shower everyday, put your hair up to keep it from getting wet. On wash days, use only conditioner on your hair (Long or short, all hair needs to be conditioned if it is to be healthy) Conditioner will remove some of the oil and any dirt. It won’t strip your hair like shampoo so the hair will remain soft and moisturized. Many “hair people†have stopped using shampoo completely for this very reason.
If and when you shampoo is different for everyone. If you decided to stop shampooing as much, remember, It takes 4-6 weeks (on average) for the scalp to regulate itself and stop over producing oils that it loses from being striped. So your hair may become greasy while it is getting use to not being shampooed as much.
Hey Everyone! I Wrote this thread for a hair group that I was in a while back. I wrote it for teens about 13-17 so forgive me if I sound a bit off ^_^

Top ten BEST and WORST things you can do for your hair.
M'kay this is just a list I threw together from all the information I gathered from years of hair care and my other hair forums. This can be used by males and females, long or short hair. If you want supper healthy hair, this list may be for you. But remember, no two people are alike, some of these things may not work for you.
10. Bad Brushing Technique.
Ever grab a brush and rip it though your hair before dashing out the door? *slaps hand* Bad!

9. Bad Washing Technique
Okay,….does this sound like what you do? You’re about to shampoo your hair. So you squeeze about a handful of shampoo on your hand and plop it on top of your head and then gather the rest of your hair and pile it on your head and start scrubbing and washing away.
Sound familiar? If so…*slaps hand again* bad! This is doing way more damage than it should, not to mention that it is a big waste of Shampoo. For most people a tablespoon of shampoo is enough, sometimes much less. Lather it in your hand and then apply it to your hair. Do not touch the length of your hair. Only the top part of your head (the crown) and the back of your head needs to be washed. (Unless you just got in a mud fight or work in a coal mine) Shampoo is harsh; it is made to strip off not only dirt, but any oils in your hair. The oils come from your scalp so naturally the hair on your head looks (and is) more greasy than the length of your hair. (Which may feel like dead grass because of it’s lack of oils)
You should let your hair fall naturally down your back in the shower and do not touch it while you are shampooing. I know it’s a habit to reach back and gather the hair to the top of your head, but you must resist! Just wash the hair on your head. Trust me, the shampoo will remove any dirt while you rinse it off.
Also, if you shampoo and you have that classic Mohawk style pile of bubbles on your head, then you are using too much shampoo. Massage the scalp while you are Shampooing, not only does this ensure that the shampoo is getting down to your scalp, it brings blood to the area (like getting any other part of the body massaged.) this is healthy for the hair follicle and hair will actually grow better. (for some, it grows faster, for others healthier…ect)
8. Combing Wet Hair
Is a big no, no! Many of you probably already know that wet hair is a bit longer than when it is dry. This is because it’s stretched out. Stretched out hair means it is much weaker than if it was dry. If you have fine/weak hair, this is where you get a lot of that snapping of hairs when you are brushing/combing wet hair. For people with coarse/super wavy/curly hair, combing while the hair is wet is sometimes the only way they can comb it. If you have this kind of hair, it’s okay to comb your hair while it’s wet...if…(notice the if)… you have lots of slip. What is slip you say? …well, the best time to comb your hair wet, is when you are in the shower. Use a shower comb, they are big and fat, the teeth are about a half inch apart and are also big and fat. They are mostly made of slightly textured plastic. Smooth shiny plastic will not let the hair slip though the comb as well as the other. And the best thing to do is use lots of conditioner when you comb in the shower. This is where you get most slip. Without slip, you will be doing more damage than good.
To brush outside the shower, use a good leave in conditioner with your wide tooth comb.
7. Not Washing Enough
Your scalp is just like any other skin on your body, if you don’t keep it clean bad stuff will happen. Dirt, oils, and other junk will eventually clog of the hair follicle and the hair will start to fall out and prevent new hair from growing back. How often should you wash your hair? Well that’s different for everyone. Which brings me to the next on this list.
6. Over Washing
Yes, you can over wash your hair. Unless you get your hair filthy everyday, there is no reason to wash it everyday. I only wash my hair every 3 days, and I only shampoo my hair once a week. The idea with this is, the less you handle your hair, the less chance you have of damaging it. Also because the key ingredient for soft smooth hair is the natural oils that coats the hair. Too much oil and your hair will look greasy, not enough oil and your hair will be dry and brittle. Dry hair is prone to split ends and feeling like dry grass.
If you shower everyday, put your hair up to keep it from getting wet. On wash days, use only conditioner on your hair (Long or short, all hair needs to be conditioned if it is to be healthy) Conditioner will remove some of the oil and any dirt. It won’t strip your hair like shampoo so the hair will remain soft and moisturized. Many “hair people†have stopped using shampoo completely for this very reason.
If and when you shampoo is different for everyone. If you decided to stop shampooing as much, remember, It takes 4-6 weeks (on average) for the scalp to regulate itself and stop over producing oils that it loses from being striped. So your hair may become greasy while it is getting use to not being shampooed as much.
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