Best website to order wigs/weaves from???


Well-Known Member
So I look for wigs on but I hear soooooooo much bad feedback from people about how bad their service is & I'm afraid to order from them. So I just want to know what's the best website you use to order your wigs/weaves from??? Thanks! :grin:
My Favorite weave/Wig sites (in no particular order)


My Favorite More Expensive lace wigs sites

RPG Show (good quality wigs in my opinion)
Bestlacewigs (good quality fairly inexpensive as far as indian remy lace wigs go)
Royalty Wigs

Also, when you find a wig/weave you like on a wig store site, go to youtube and lookup that particular wig/weave and get reviews first to aide you in your decision to buy or not (just a tip in case you don't already do this).

Hope this helps out.
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I recently tried and I actually love the hair. There is shedding, but nothing near the amount of the other brands, also, if you seal the wefts and take care of the hair like it should be, you won't have issues.

The curls are awesome and pop right back after straightening!

I love this and what's better, I orginally purchased three packs (three differet lenghts), and my sister (my stylist) only used about two. She ordered one pack (she wanted an 18") and she used that for her sew-in, along with my original hair that I had leftover, and we still have some hair left over. The quality is there. I'm going to have my hair redone in a few weeks and I'm sure I'm going to be in love with it even more!
There are tons of reputable sites to order wigs.

I have used (was at the store last month in fact) (got the HairWigHarlem wig here a little cheaper) (they have a lot of sales) (you have to search a bit since the wigs are not categorized well) (they are local so I buy in person)

I do not wear weave anymore, but when I did use weave I purchased from Adorable Hair Do.
I figure this is a good place to ask a wig/weave related question. My stylist has semi talked me into getting a weave (on feb 4) But I've neveeeer had one done before and I don't know anything about 1) what kind of hair to get 2) and how I would even go about caring for my own hair under the weave. 3) I also have this guilty complex about wearing a weave because then I feel like a 'girl black who wears fake hair' and we know how that's perceived in today's world. At least in braids I can go, 'see? if you look here, my real hair is right HERE.'

But my biggest concerns are about caring for my hair and people asking 'is that your real hair' I feel that that's kind of rude. :/

My stylist told me she would braid my hair on my scalp, and then weave the remy hair on? (Lol I don't know anything about weaves so spare me!) But she still says I can condition my hair like normal....Like how!? lol! had cheaper prices when i was buying my last wig....AND i got my wig delivered 3 days later-to England!!!!!!!- and i ordered on christmas eve morning!
im more concerned about the shipping. sites like clairhair and hairsisters take FOREVER to ship your purchases. i have at least 3 friends who ordered wigs from them and it took an average of more than 3 to 4 weeks to be delivered.
im just afraid of that happening to me!!