Best way to retain length?


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies... I wanna know what you found to be the best way to retain length for you. I know last year pre-LHCF my hair was doing semi good... I would flat iron like maybe once a week and usually wear a wig the rest of the days. I also was stretching my relaxers to 9-12 wks. And I was closer to SL than I am now! LOL. What works for YOU to retain length?
I Have to have a great detangler when stretching relaxers, I wound baby my ends, minimal application and moisturize along with alternating DC with moisturizing condition and protein conditioner. Also try baggy method and your wigs. Hope this helps:yawn:
I've only got a little bit of hair, but I do baby my ends anyway.

Extra conditioner, extra moisturizer always. When I get past shoulder, I'll get more into protective styling.
Hey, MsHottieNelson,

-Moisturizing and sealing at night
-Essential oils on scalp
-Shampoo bars or Ayurvedic rinse (no real shampoo)
-Stretching relaxers 10-14 weeks
-Minimal trims
-Babying your hair
-New challenge - cut out use of the flat irons or limit it to like once a month

There are a few things that work together to help me retain length:
-- minimizing combing and handling
-- deep conditioning at least once a week
-- roller sets instead of flat ironing and blow dyring
-- staying out of salons
For me to keep length

Keeping scissor happy beautician away from my tresses(most important)

Cowashing several times cheapie conditioner(Suave,VO5) summer

Stretching Relaxer every 3-4 months(ORS or Namaste)

Prepoo oils or protein conditioners

Weekly deep conditioners(Humecto,Kenra Mc,ORS Replishing)

Hardcore Aphogee every 6 weeks

ORS moisture in jar,Neutrogena Triple Moisturizer

Seal ends and protective styles

Airdrying or rollersets limiting heat
A combo of things, but I have noticed that the ends need to be protected most.
So I moisterize and seal everyday.
Baggying helps too.
Co Wash at least Once a Week
A good DC

Once you start to get little broken off hairs in the sink, are losing length.
To retain length I

-do a lot of protective styling. Have been since SL
-handle my hair gently
-trim very little
-moisturise and seal ends of hair
Because my hair is fine and very fragile (4a/b), braids have helped me the most with retention. I don't add extensions, but plait everything underneath my crown and then put it all in a bun. Basically, the crown and glory method modified. It wasn't until I started doing this, did my hair pass my bra strap and now it is past waist length.

Other things:

1. Washing frequently/conditioning frequently (at least 5 times/week if not everyday)
2. Moisturizing frequently ... love love love Robin's afro detangler
3. Mason Pearson combs ... truly seamless combs and worth every penny imo
4. Staying away from stylists