Best way to condition hair and why?



Question for you. When applying your deep conditioner(s), what is the most effective way to condition your hair with or w/out a plastic cap and why?

I've heard and have seen many stylists apply the conditioner and sit clients under the dryer with and w/out the caps.

I look forward to your responses.

Heat helps the conditioner penetrate the cuticle. Whether or not you baggy depends on the conditioner. USUALLY types with LOTS of protein for SERIOUS restructuring/repairing will dry into the be followed with SERIOUS moisture. Anything else USUALLY will need a baggy. Remember there are exceptions to all (hair) rules ;)

well deep conditioning normally consist of your conditoners saturated on your hair and then put a plastic cap and go under the dryer for 30 to 45mins, or a hot towel etc, I sometimes sleep with condition with my plastic cap on and rinse the next morning, but if I'm doing an aphogee protein treatment I don't use a cap I go under the dryer without the cap and let the products harden and do it's things, those are the instructions, the key thing is to read the instruction thoroughly and follow the directions hth:)
Pixel Lady said:
Heat helps the conditioner penetrate the cuticle. Whether or not you baggy depends on the conditioner. USUALLY types with LOTS of protein for SERIOUS restructuring/repairing will dry into the be followed with SERIOUS moisture. Anything else USUALLY will need a baggy. Remember there are exceptions to all (hair) rules ;)


OT: Pixel Lady, i just love that deep wave in your hair! I dont know what you did to achieve it, or if it just happened accidentally, but ive been meaning to tell you that its way pretty!

Check out this piece I found on the Motions website about how to condition your hair:

Q.My stylist sets me under the dryer when she conditions my hair–is this necessary?
A.A few minutes under a dryer will speed the conditioning, but not increase the benefits.

Q.How long should I sit under the dryer with conditioner on my hair? How hot should the dryer be?
A.Five minutes is time enough. Medium heat is fine. Excessive heat swells relaxed hair and causes very slight damage.

Q.My sister always puts a plastic cap on her head when she puts conditioner in her hair. When I asked her why she wears the cap, she didn’t know, but she said that she saw somebody else doing it. Before I do anything, I want to know why I am doing it. Can you help?
A.A heat cap will speed conditioning, but not increase the level of conditioning.

Even if you dont use the Motions products, these are good all around tips. Also check out the navigations on the left where they have printed some typical problems your hair my have and the tailored solution they suggest. Hope this helps :)
Many thanks ladies to those of that responded. Anymore responses to effective ways to condition the hair?
Divine Inspiration said:
My DCs are most effective when applied to wet hair w/ a cap under the dryer for 30 min to an hour.

Co-signing! I can def tell the difference when I use plastic cap & heat :yep: