Best. Sermon. EVER!


Well-Known Member
I've been really getting into listening to sermons and faith-based talks as I do chores around the house or even go on a lengthy drive. I was wondering what were some of the best sermons you've ever heard (whether at church, via podcast/internet, or elsewhere)?

I'd love to for you to share (esp. if you can provide a link if it's online :grin:).

Here are some of the best sermons I've ever heard:

1. A pastor at church who preached about forgiveness and what it really means. He discussed what God tells us through Scripture, in the example of Jesus, and how to actually practically forgive someone without being a pushover or pretending the offense never happened.

2. A deacon once gave a talk about his conversion of heart. He used to be a tough as nails businessman who only cared about material things and had a failing marriage. He was touched by God, and ended up rededicating his life to the Lord and saving his marriage. One of the biggest catalysts for this was the death of his mother. He said toward the end of her life, his mother couldn't remember anyone from the family and had lost her mind, but the moment he walked into the hospital room to see her, she smiled and immediately recognized him, and then passed away. He said her death had a profound affect on him and made him realize that he was paying attention to all the wrong things in life, things that in the end didn't even matter.

3. Believe it or not, the commencement speech given at my Catholic women's college Master's program ceremony. The speech was given by Sister Helen Prejean, the nun on whom the movie Dead Man Walking is based. She has a beautiful, rich Southern accent, and such an amazing sense of humor. She spoke about our purpose in life, and in valuing the dignity and lives of other people.

4. Any speech or sermon ever given by the Venerable Fulton J. Sheen--he was an American bishop during the 50's & 60's (I think he died in the early to mid 80's), and he actually had a TV show called "Life is Worth Living" for which he won an Emmy award (imagine that, a bishop winning an Emmy). Bishop Sheen spoke plainly, but somehow his words were so deep and profound. He was no-nonsense and very common sense :yep:. I swear 90% of his sermons can perfectly apply to our times, though he preached 30-40 years ago.

So what are some of the best sermons you've ever heard? What was the topic?
By far, for me...the sermon was by Bishop Thoroughgood of Virginia, who died after his last sermon last year: "Just because you came to church today doesn't mean death is not out there waiting for you." I remember listening to that sermon... a very powerful reminder to not take God or the things of God for granted.

Here's a link to the sermon -->
By far, for me...the sermon was by Bishop Thoroughgood of Virginia, who died after his last sermon last year: "Just because you came to church today doesn't mean death is not out there waiting for you." I remember listening to that sermon... a very powerful reminder to not take God or the things of God for granted.

Here's a link to the sermon -->

Thanks, Laela! Will add this to my list :yep:
Wow. There have been so many over the years.

I wouldn't necessarily say this is my favorite - but the most memorable:

John Macarthur - A Nation Abandoned by God... unfortunately his words ring even more truthful today.
I read this sermon today online by Jeffrey Smead. I was touched and realized that I needed to be reminded of the purpose, power, and importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit.

Here are the highlights of the sermon: The Holy Spirit – Miracle Within

God’s word tells us that something very exceptional lies within each Christian. When we obey Jesus by repenting of our sins and being buried in Christian Baptism we have the promise that we shall receive the "Gift of the Holy Spirit."

There are those who believe that the Holy Spirit is some kind of inanimate object ...... much like the crib that held that new born baby. They see only the crib and not the miracle that lies within.

These people accept the idea that God’s Holy Spirit can live within us, but they do not think that Spirit does very much. Thus they miss out on the miracle of what the Holy Spirit can mean and give to each one of us.

Christ clearly states the importance of the Holy Spirit to each believer: Hear our Lord’s words to us "It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor (the Holy Spirit) will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin."

Jesus is saying that when He left, He would send His Spirit in His place; His power within us.

The Holy Spirit, The Miracle that lays Within, does many things:
* He helps us to understand the deep things of God’s Word
* helps us in our prayers
* guides us
* teaches us
* and empowers us for ministry with spiritual, supernatural gifts

But perhaps the most intriguing thing the Holy Spirit was sent to do is implied in Acts 1:8. "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

Notice the text says, First that they would receive the Holy Spirit and then they would be his witnesses

Acts 1:8 implies that they would become witnesses after they received the Holy Spirit. Why should they have to wait? Why not just begin witnessing right then and there? Well, they could have started but they would have lacked the power to be an effective witness.

One of the primary responsibilities of God’s Spirit is Convicting people of their sin, of their need for righteousness and the reality of the impending judgment.

In other words Beloved; you and I don’t have to convict people, change their hearts with regard to salvation. That is the Spirit’s job. We are witnesses.

In a court room, there is a judge, a prosecutor, a defense attorney, a defendant, & witnesses. A witness gives testimony in the court room? Do the witnesses prosecute the defendant? Do the witnesses convict the defendant? NO! Witnesses (Pause) Witness... and they do their best to give honest and true testimony.

Why? Because they realize that the verdict may hinge on how well they witness.
But their only job is to witness; to testify.

CONVICTING PEOPLE of their sins and of the need of righteousness and the closeness of judgment is the Holy Spirit’s job. NOT OURS. NOT OURS-----Praise God!

But that does not mean our testimony isn’t important. Without our testimony, without our witness the world will not know the Good News.
As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of them who bring Good News!"

Notice the implication here. Unless someone witnesses, people cannot hear the Gospel. If they do not hear, they cannot believe, and if they do not believe they cannot call; and if they do not call, they will not be saved.

The salvation of the people we care about hinges on our faithfulness in witnessing. Our witness is part of the Good News.

The Holy Spirit can help guide us to people we should meet with and talk with. The Holy Spirit can give us the opportunity to witness by word or by action.
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i can't recall the exact titles at this time, but most any by charles Spurgeon.

favor aint fair by Bishop TD JAkes
Bishop Luther Blackwell Bathsheba was Davids wife all the time.
There's a great sermon by Dr. Earl Johnson that I hope to find a link to.... about getting caught up helping people that God wouldn't/couldn't help and how He can protect us, in spite of ourselves. Johnson said he almost lost his life because he disobeyed the voice of God and gave a ride to some seemingly nice folks, but God protected him the whole time because they were actually killers. There are those who flat our reject God and even He cannot help them, because He knows the intent of every heart. The people Johnson was helping had the heart to kill him, but God knew that and protected him the whole time they were in his car! It was really great to hear that testimony and I'll try to find a link to share.