Best relaxers for volume


New Member
I am thinking about texturizing my hair in the future(still need time to think about this option). The problem is that I have densely packed fine strands of hair(looks thick to the naked eye, but the strands are fine) but everytime that I have relaxed, my hair ends up flatter than I'd like. I've used motions and in my pre-hair forum days, store bought box relaxers. What relaxers would you guys recommend for someone who wants to keep volume?
I was thinking you could just cut down the time you leave the relaxer on you hair. Maybe in the past you relaxed too straight, ya know. Like just leave it one lone enough to loosen the curl (aka texturize)
I understand what you're asking, but your question is subjective. For example you have to take into account hair type, relaxer strength and timing of the relaxer.

If you're looking to leave more of the natural hair pattern in your hair (which will give you more volume), maybe you could decrease the amount of time and the strength of the relaxer you're using. What's your hair type, what relaxer (include the strength) are u using and how long are you currently leaving it on?
Oh I get what you're saying. My hair is currently natural but in the past, my stylist left the motions mild relaxer on for about 13mins. I guess I'll just cut back to 5-7mins then or experiment with strand tests.
You could also try Anakalia's trick and dilute a mild relaxer with conditioner. I would start with about two tablespoons of conditioner to a jar of relaxer and see how much curl pattern that leaves.